[Pathfinder] beastisrfrt


651114222412222241226511146511142224122paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012Uncommon Races 3Vishkanyas: Strangely beautiful on the outside andpoisonous on the inside, vishkanyas see the world throughslitted serpent eyes. Vishkanyas possess a serpent’s graceand ability to writhe out of their enemies’ grasp with ease.Vishkanyas have a reputation for being both seductive andmanipulative. They can use their saliva or blood to poisontheir weapons.Wayangs: The small wayangs are creatures of the Planeof Shadow. They are so attuned to shadow that it evenshapes their philosophy, believing that upon death theymerely merge back into darkness. The mysteries of theirshadowy existence grant them the ability to gain healingfrom negative energy as well as positive energy.GENERAL DESCRIPTIONEach race’s entry begins with a brief and generaldescription of the race followed by specific entries for therace’s physical description, society, relations with otherraces, alignment and religion, and common motivationfor adventuring members of the race. This descriptionprovides enough information to create a comprehensivebackground and personality for a character of this race.RACIAL TRAITSEach race’s entry features a sidebar listing the race’s standardracial traits. This information includes the race’s type, size,vision, and base speed, as well as a number of other traitscommon to most members of the race. With your GM’spermission, you will also have the option to exchange thesestandard racial traits for a number of alternate racial traits,the rules for which are provided in the section below.ALTERNATE RACIAL TRAITSMembers of each race can swap standard racial traits for thealternate racial traits listed in this section. Each alternateracial trait lists which standard trait it replaces. The full rulesfor swapping traits can be found in Chapter 1: Core Races.FAVORED CLASS OPTIONSEach race can take the listed favored class options insteadof the normal favored class rewards (either +1 hp or +1skill rank). The full rules for favored class options can befound in Chapter 1: Core Races.RACIAL ARCHETYPESThis section presents a single racial archetype for eachof the uncommon races. Typically, only members of thesection’s race can take the listed archetype. An archetypeusually features a thematic link to the race, grantingit class features that complement the abilities and thebackground of the race. Because adventurers are oftensocietal outliers, sometimes these archetypes featurea theme that is the exception to the norm for racialtendencies. At the GM’s discretion, a member of anotherrace can take most of these archetypes either becausethey fit a character concept or because the characterwas raised or trained by a member of the race that cantypically select the archetype. Such exceptions should berare for the archetypes detailed in this chapter, however,since these races are not common in most campaigns.The following is a list of all the archetypes featured inthis chapter, listed by race. The class for each archetypeis listed in parentheses.Changelings: Dreamweaver (witch)Duergar: Gray disciple (monk)Gillmen: Eldritch raider (rogue)Gripplis: Bogborn alchemist (alchemist)Kitsune: Kitsune trickster (rogue)Merfolk: Wave warden (ranger)Nagaji: Naga aspirant (druid)Samsarans: Reincarnated oracle (oracle)Strix: Airborne ambusher (fighter)Sulis: Elemental knight (magus)Svirfneblin: Deep bomber (alchemist)Vanaras: Treetop monk (monk)Vishkanyas: Deadly courtesan (rogue)Wayangs: Shadow puppeteer (bard)NEW RACIAL RULESThe final section of each race entry provides new rulesoptions for the race other than archetypes in any of thefollowing four categories. Not all the races in this chapterinclude entries for each of these sections.Equipment: The equipment section for each raceprovides new rules for standard and alchemicalequipment available to the race. Often such equipment isavailable on the open market and members of other racescan purchase it, but many times, especially in the case ofalchemical equipment, it has no effect, lesser effects, oreven detrimental effects on members of other races.Feats: This section provides a host of new racial featsfor members of this race. These feats often play off aparticular theme of the race and in many cases expand orempower racial traits of that race. All of these feats havethe associated race in their prerequisites, so members ofother races cannot take them.Magic Items: Magic items provided in this section areoften created and used exclusively by members of therace. Some have effects that interact with racial traits, butothers have broader uses, and can be used by members ofother races.Spells: The spells in this section are common tospellcasting members of the race. Sometimes they onlytarget members of the race, but often they are just therace’s well-guarded secrets; members of other races canlearn to cast them with GM permission.183paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012

65111522241232224123paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 20126511156511152224123ChangelingsChangelings are the offspring of hags and their loverstaken through magic or madness. Dropped off ondoorsteps of prospective foster parents, changelingsare raised by strangers. Typically tall, slender, darkhaired, and attractive, changelings otherwise resembletheir fathers’ race. They are always female, and theirmismatched colored eyes and abnormally pale skin hintat their true heritage. At puberty, changelings receive“the call,” a hypnotic spiritual voice that beckons them totravel and discover their true origins. Changelings whoignore this call choose their own destiny; those who heedit discover their “mother” and may come into great powerby transforming into hags themselves.ALTERNATE RACIAL TRAITSThe following racial traits may be selected instead ofexisting changeling racial traits. Consult your GM beforeselecting any of these new options.Mist Child: When the changeling has concealment or totalconcealment, the miss chance of attacks against her increasesby 5%. This racial trait replaces hulking changeling.Object of Desire: The changeling adds +1 to her casterlevel when casting charm person and charm monster. Thisreplaces green widow.Ocean’s Daughter: The changeling gains a +1 trait bonuson Swim checks. She automatically succeeds at Swimchecks made to avoid nonlethal damage from swimming.This racial trait replaces sea lungs.FAVORED CLASS OPTIONSThe following options are available to all changelingswho have the listed favored class, and unless otherwisestated, the bonus applies each time you select the favoredclass reward.Oracle: Add +1/2 to the oracle’s level for the purpose ofdetermining the effects of the oracle’s curse ability.Rogue: The rogue gains 1/6 of a new rogue talent.Witch: Add one spell from the witch spell list to thewitch’s familiar. This spell must be at least one level belowthe highest spell level she can cast. If the witch ever replacesher familiar, the new familiar knows these bonus spells.RACIAL ARCHETYPESThe following racial archetype is available to changelings.Changeling Racial Traits+2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma, –2 Constitution: Changelings are frail, but are clever and comely.Medium: Changelings are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penaltiesdue to their size.Humanoid: Changelings are humanoids with the changeling subtype.Normal Speed: Changelings have a base speed of 30 feet.Hag Racial Trait: The changeling inherits one of the following racialtraits, depending on her mother’s hag type:Hulking Changeling (Annis Hag): The changeling gains a +1racial bonus on melee damage.Green Widow (Green Hag): The changeling gains a +2 racial bonuson Bluff checks against creatures that are sexually attracted to her.Sea Lungs (Sea Hag): The changeling may hold her breathfor a number of rounds equal to three times her Constitutionbefore she risks drowning.Claws: Changelings’ fingernails are hard and sharp, grantingthem two claw attacks (1d4 points of damage each).Natural Armor: Changelings have a +1 natural armor bonus.Darkvision: Changelings can see in the dark up to 60 feet.Languages: Changelings begin play speaking Common and theprimary language of their host society. Changelings with high Intelligencescores can choose from the following: Aklo, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven,Giant, Gnoll, Goblin, and Orc.184paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012







paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012

Uncommon Races 3

Vishkanyas: Strangely beautiful on the outside and

poisonous on the inside, vishkanyas see the world through

slitted serpent eyes. Vishkanyas possess a serpent’s grace

and ability to writhe out of their enemies’ grasp with ease.

Vishkanyas have a reputation for being both seductive and

manipulative. They can use their saliva or blood to poison

their weapons.

Wayangs: The small wayangs are creatures of the Plane

of Shadow. They are so attuned to shadow that it even

shapes their philosophy, believing that upon death they

merely merge back into darkness. The mysteries of their

shadowy existence grant them the ability to gain healing

from negative energy as well as positive energy.


Each race’s entry begins with a brief and general

description of the race followed by specific entries for the

race’s physical description, society, relations with other

races, alignment and religion, and common motivation

for adventuring members of the race. This description

provides enough information to create a comprehensive

background and personality for a character of this race.


Each race’s entry features a sidebar listing the race’s standard

racial traits. This information includes the race’s type, size,

vision, and base speed, as well as a number of other traits

common to most members of the race. With your GM’s

permission, you will also have the option to exchange these

standard racial traits for a number of alternate racial traits,

the rules for which are provided in the section below.


Members of each race can swap standard racial traits for the

alternate racial traits listed in this section. Each alternate

racial trait lists which standard trait it replaces. The full rules

for swapping traits can be found in Chapter 1: Core Races.


Each race can take the listed favored class options instead

of the normal favored class rewards (either +1 hp or +1

skill rank). The full rules for favored class options can be

found in Chapter 1: Core Races.


This section presents a single racial archetype for each

of the uncommon races. Typically, only members of the

section’s race can take the listed archetype. An archetype

usually features a thematic link to the race, granting

it class features that complement the abilities and the

background of the race. Because adventurers are often

societal outliers, sometimes these archetypes feature

a theme that is the exception to the norm for racial

tendencies. At the GM’s discretion, a member of another

race can take most of these archetypes either because

they fit a character concept or because the character

was raised or trained by a member of the race that can

typically select the archetype. Such exceptions should be

rare for the archetypes detailed in this chapter, however,

since these races are not common in most campaigns.

The following is a list of all the archetypes featured in

this chapter, listed by race. The class for each archetype

is listed in parentheses.

Changelings: Dreamweaver (witch)

Duergar: Gray disciple (monk)

Gillmen: Eldritch raider (rogue)

Gripplis: Bogborn alchemist (alchemist)

Kitsune: Kitsune trickster (rogue)

Merfolk: Wave warden (ranger)

Nagaji: Naga aspirant (druid)

Samsarans: Reincarnated oracle (oracle)

Strix: Airborne ambusher (fighter)

Sulis: Elemental knight (magus)

Svirfneblin: Deep bomber (alchemist)

Vanaras: Treetop monk (monk)

Vishkanyas: Deadly courtesan (rogue)

Wayangs: Shadow puppeteer (bard)


The final section of each race entry provides new rules

options for the race other than archetypes in any of the

following four categories. Not all the races in this chapter

include entries for each of these sections.

Equipment: The equipment section for each race

provides new rules for standard and alchemical

equipment available to the race. Often such equipment is

available on the open market and members of other races

can purchase it, but many times, especially in the case of

alchemical equipment, it has no effect, lesser effects, or

even detrimental effects on members of other races.

Feats: This section provides a host of new racial feats

for members of this race. These feats often play off a

particular theme of the race and in many cases expand or

empower racial traits of that race. All of these feats have

the associated race in their prerequisites, so members of

other races cannot take them.

Magic Items: Magic items provided in this section are

often created and used exclusively by members of the

race. Some have effects that interact with racial traits, but

others have broader uses, and can be used by members of

other races.

Spells: The spells in this section are common to

spellcasting members of the race. Sometimes they only

target members of the race, but often they are just the

race’s well-guarded secrets; members of other races can

learn to cast them with GM permission.


paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012

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