[Pathfinder] beastisrfrt


651072222408022240806510726510722224080paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012Featured Races 2Scarshield (Su): At 1st level, a scarred witch doctorlearns how to harden her mutilated skin, gaining anenhancement bonus to her natural armor bonus equal to1/2 her class level (minimum +1). She can use this abilityfor a number of minutes per day equal to her class level.These minutes do not need to be consecutive but shemust spend them in 1-minute increments. This abilityreplaces the witch’s 1st-level hex.Hexes: The following hexes complement the scarredwitch doctor archetype: evil eye, misfortune (AdvancedPlayer’s Guide); scar, unnerve beasts (Ultimate Magic).Major Hexes: The following major hexes complementthe scarred witch doctor archetype: agony, nightmare(Advanced Player’s Guide); cook people, infected wounds(Ultimate Magic).Grand Hexes: The following grand hexes complementthe scarred witch doctor archetype: death curse,natural disaster (Advanced Player’s Guide); dire prophecy(Ultimate Magic).Orc EquipmentItem Cost Weight Craft DCBattle mask 50 gp 2 lbs. —Tribal standard 50 gp 20 lbs. —War spirit pouch 50 gp — 20Orc FeatsOrcs have access to the following feats.Born AloneYou are so tough and vicious that you killed and ate therest of your litter while still in the womb.Prerequisite: Orc.Benefit: Whenever you kill or knock unconscious anopponent with a melee attack, you gain temporary hitpoints equal to your Constitution bonus (minimum 1) untilyour next turn. These temporary hit points do not stack.You do not gain this bonus if the opponent is helpless orhas less than half your Hit Dice.NEW RACIAL RULESThe following options are available to orcs. At the GM’sdiscretion, other appropriate races may make use of someof these new rules.Orc EquipmentOrcs have access to the following equipment.Battle Mask: Made from wood, bone, or similarmaterials, this mask covers its wearer’s actual appearanceand identity by depicting a hateful, leering face instead.Because of a battle mask’s excellent craftsmanshipand exquisite details, the wearer gains a +1 bonus onIntimidate checks made to demoralize an opponent.Tribal Standard: Mounted on a sturdy 15-foot pole, thisf lag inspires all orcs belonging to the tribe it represents.As long as they are within 60 feet and can see the standard,they gain a +1 morale bonus on saving throws againstfear effects. The standard must be carried in one handby a member of the tribe to have any effect (it providesno bonus if hung on a wall, draped over a throne, and soon). If the standard is brought low (such as by its bearerdropping it in the mud), defiled, destroyed, or captured,the tribe’s members take a –1 penalty on attack rolls andsaving throws versus fear effects for the next hour. If theorcs reclaim a captured standard, the penalties end andthe bonus is restored.War Spirit Pouch: This tiny bundle of sacred herbs andbones supposedly attracts the attention of helpful battlespirits.By crushing the pouch as a standard action, an orc(or a creature from a suitably warlike culture) gains 1d4+1temporary hit points. These temporary hit points go awayafter 10 minutes. A creature can only benefit from 1 spiritpouch at a time. Once used, the spirit pouch is destroyed.Bullying Blow (Combat)With a simple hit, you more easily intimidate an opponent.Prerequisites: Intimidate 1 rank, orc.Benefit: As a standard action, you may make a meleeattack with a –2 penalty on the attack roll. If the attackdamages your opponent, you may make an Intimidatecheck to demoralize that opponent as a free action.Normal: Intimidating an opponent is a standard action.Ferocious ActionYou ferocity is quick but shorter lived.Prerequisites: Ferocity racial trait, orc.Benefit: When you fall to 0 hit points or fewer, youlose 2 hit points each round, but you are not staggered.If you are in a rage (such as that caused by the barbarianrage class feature), you instead only lose 1 hit pointper round.Foment the BloodYou can unleash a wave of energy that drives orcs intoa frenzy.Prerequisites: Channel energy class feature, orc.Benefit: When you channel energy, instead of creatingits normal effect, you can give orcs a bonus on weapondamage and critical hit confirmation rolls until yournext turn. This bonus is equal to the number of diceyour channeled energy normally heals or harms. Yourchannel has its normal effect on other creatures inthe area.Grudge Fighter (Combat)You feel great anger at anyone who dares to attack you,and this fury makes your own attacks that much stronger.141paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012

65107322240812224081paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 20126510736510732224081Prerequisite: Orc.Benefit: You gain a +1 morale bonus on attack anddamage rolls made against any creature that attacked youin the current combat.Orc Weapon Expertise (Combat)You can do more with the weapons orcs favor the most.Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1, orc.Benefit: When you take this feat, choose one of thebenefits below. Whenever you wield a weapon that has“orc” in its name, you gain the benefit you chose so longas you are actually proficient with that weapon.Bully: Gain a +1 bonus on damage rolls against creaturesat least one size smaller than you.Defender: Gain a +1 shield bonus to your AC (or +2 ifwielding a two-handed weapon).Disrupter: Add +3 to opponents’ concentration checks tocast a spell within your threatened area. This only appliesif you are aware of the enemy’s location and are capable oftaking an attack of opportunity. If you have already usedall of your available attacks of opportunity for the round,this increase does not apply.Killer: Gain a +2 competence bonus on attack rollsmade to confirm critical hits.Thug: Deal +1 point of nonlethal damage with theweapon.Trickster: Gain a +2 bonus on a single type of combatmaneuver check that you can perform with that weapon.This feat has no effect if you are not proficient with theweapon you’re using.Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Eachtime you take this feat, you must choose a differentbenefit. You may only apply one of these benefits perround (chosen as a free action at the start of your turn).action with a single melee attack, gaining a +2 bonus onyour attack roll.Trap WreckerYou can smash traps instead of disarming them.Prerequisites: Power Attack, Disable Device 1 rank, orc.Benefit: You can attempt to disarm a trap by strikingit with a melee weapon instead of making a DisableDevice check. As a full-round action, make a melee attackagainst an Armor Class equal to the trap’s Disable DeviceDC. If you miss, the trap activates. If you hit, roll damage.If this damage is at least half the trap’s Disable DeviceDC, you disable the trap. If this damage is less than halfthe trap’s Disable Device DC, the trap activates. You canonly attempt this on nonmagical traps. You must be ableto reach some part of the trap with your attack in order touse this feat. At the GM’s discretion, some traps may notbe susceptible to this feat.Orc Magic ItemsOrcs have access to the following weapon special abilityand magic item.Fury-Born (weapon special ability): A fury-born weapondraws power from the anger and frustration the wielderfeels when battling foes that refuse to die. Each timethe wielder damages an opponent with the weapon, itsenhancement bonus increases by +1 when making attacksagainst that opponent (maximum total enhancementbonus of +5). This extra enhancement bonus goes away ifthe opponent dies, the wielder uses the weapon to attack adifferent creature, or 1 hour passes. Only melee weaponscan have the fury-born ability.Faint enchantment; CL 7th; Craft Magic Arms andArmor, rage; Price +2 bonus.Resolute RagerFear passes quickly while you are raging.Prerequisites: Orc, rage class feature.Benefit: While raging, when under the effect of a feareffect that allows a saving throw, you can make a newsaving throw against that fear effect at the start of eachof your turns before acting. If you make the new save, thefear effect ends.Reverse-Feint (Combat)You can goad an opponent into attacking you in order tomake your counter attack all the more powerful.Prerequisites: Toughness, base attack bonus +1, orc.Benefit: As a move action, you can leave a gap inyour defenses for one adjacent opponent to use. If theopponent attacks you on its next turn, it gains a +4bonus on its attack roll. Whether or not the opponentsuccessfully hits, you may attack it as an immediateBONEBREAKER GAUNTLETSAura faint necromancy; CL 5thSlot hands; Price 6,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.DESCRIPTIONThese thick brass and leather gauntlets allow the wearer totear through bone and muscle like paper. Once per day, aspart of a melee attack, the wearer can activate the gauntletsto inflict a horrific injury on an opponent. If the attack hits,the target must make a DC 14 Will save. If the save fails,the gauntlets reduce the target’s Strength, Dexterity, orConstitution (wearer’s choice) by –6. This penalty cannotreduce the target’s ability score below 1. The injury heals overtime, reducing the penalty by 1 for each day that passes sincethe time of the injury, and is immediately removed by heal,regenerate, restoration, or any magic that can break a curse.CONSTRUCTIONRequirements Craft Wondrous Item, bestow curse; Cost3,000 gp142paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012




paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012




Prerequisite: Orc.

Benefit: You gain a +1 morale bonus on attack and

damage rolls made against any creature that attacked you

in the current combat.

Orc Weapon Expertise (Combat)

You can do more with the weapons orcs favor the most.

Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1, orc.

Benefit: When you take this feat, choose one of the

benefits below. Whenever you wield a weapon that has

“orc” in its name, you gain the benefit you chose so long

as you are actually proficient with that weapon.

Bully: Gain a +1 bonus on damage rolls against creatures

at least one size smaller than you.

Defender: Gain a +1 shield bonus to your AC (or +2 if

wielding a two-handed weapon).

Disrupter: Add +3 to opponents’ concentration checks to

cast a spell within your threatened area. This only applies

if you are aware of the enemy’s location and are capable of

taking an attack of opportunity. If you have already used

all of your available attacks of opportunity for the round,

this increase does not apply.

Killer: Gain a +2 competence bonus on attack rolls

made to confirm critical hits.

Thug: Deal +1 point of nonlethal damage with the


Trickster: Gain a +2 bonus on a single type of combat

maneuver check that you can perform with that weapon.

This feat has no effect if you are not proficient with the

weapon you’re using.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each

time you take this feat, you must choose a different

benefit. You may only apply one of these benefits per

round (chosen as a free action at the start of your turn).

action with a single melee attack, gaining a +2 bonus on

your attack roll.

Trap Wrecker

You can smash traps instead of disarming them.

Prerequisites: Power Attack, Disable Device 1 rank, orc.

Benefit: You can attempt to disarm a trap by striking

it with a melee weapon instead of making a Disable

Device check. As a full-round action, make a melee attack

against an Armor Class equal to the trap’s Disable Device

DC. If you miss, the trap activates. If you hit, roll damage.

If this damage is at least half the trap’s Disable Device

DC, you disable the trap. If this damage is less than half

the trap’s Disable Device DC, the trap activates. You can

only attempt this on nonmagical traps. You must be able

to reach some part of the trap with your attack in order to

use this feat. At the GM’s discretion, some traps may not

be susceptible to this feat.

Orc Magic Items

Orcs have access to the following weapon special ability

and magic item.

Fury-Born (weapon special ability): A fury-born weapon

draws power from the anger and frustration the wielder

feels when battling foes that refuse to die. Each time

the wielder damages an opponent with the weapon, its

enhancement bonus increases by +1 when making attacks

against that opponent (maximum total enhancement

bonus of +5). This extra enhancement bonus goes away if

the opponent dies, the wielder uses the weapon to attack a

different creature, or 1 hour passes. Only melee weapons

can have the fury-born ability.

Faint enchantment; CL 7th; Craft Magic Arms and

Armor, rage; Price +2 bonus.

Resolute Rager

Fear passes quickly while you are raging.

Prerequisites: Orc, rage class feature.

Benefit: While raging, when under the effect of a fear

effect that allows a saving throw, you can make a new

saving throw against that fear effect at the start of each

of your turns before acting. If you make the new save, the

fear effect ends.

Reverse-Feint (Combat)

You can goad an opponent into attacking you in order to

make your counter attack all the more powerful.

Prerequisites: Toughness, base attack bonus +1, orc.

Benefit: As a move action, you can leave a gap in

your defenses for one adjacent opponent to use. If the

opponent attacks you on its next turn, it gains a +4

bonus on its attack roll. Whether or not the opponent

successfully hits, you may attack it as an immediate


Aura faint necromancy; CL 5th

Slot hands; Price 6,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.


These thick brass and leather gauntlets allow the wearer to

tear through bone and muscle like paper. Once per day, as

part of a melee attack, the wearer can activate the gauntlets

to inflict a horrific injury on an opponent. If the attack hits,

the target must make a DC 14 Will save. If the save fails,

the gauntlets reduce the target’s Strength, Dexterity, or

Constitution (wearer’s choice) by –6. This penalty cannot

reduce the target’s ability score below 1. The injury heals over

time, reducing the penalty by 1 for each day that passes since

the time of the injury, and is immediately removed by heal,

regenerate, restoration, or any magic that can break a curse.


Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, bestow curse; Cost

3,000 gp


paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012

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