[Pathfinder] beastisrfrt


651056222406422240646510566510562224064paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012Featured Races 2A battle standard may be carried (on foot or mounted)or planted. In the latter case, the standard does not need abearer, but if it is toppled or touched by an enemy, it losesits effectiveness until reclaimed and replanted by allies ofits owner.Despair: Enemies of the bearer of a hobgoblin battlestandard of despair are sickened while within 60 feet of thebanner. Any enemy that sustains a critical hit while sickenedbecause of the standard must succeed at a Will saving throw(DC 15) or become dazed for 1 round.Ferocity: Allies of the bearer of a hobgoblin battle standardof ferocity gain a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, weapondamage rolls, and saving throws against mind-affectingeffects as long as they are within 60 feet of the banner.Iron Resolve: Allies of the bearer of a hobgoblin battlestandard of iron resolve gain 10 temporary hit points and thebenefits of the Diehard feat for as long as they are within30 feet of the banner. The temporary hit points can only begained once per day per creature.weapon special abilities; Cost 2,000 gp (+1), 8,000 gp (+2),18,000 gp (+3), 32,000 gp (+4), 50,000 gp (+5)SHACKLES OF DURANCE VILEAura moderate enchantment; CL 9thSlot wrists; Price 16,200 gp; Weight 2 lbs.DESCRIPTIONThese masterwork iron manacles sap the will of their wearer.When attached to a humanoid creature as their command wordis spoken, they affect their prisoner with a dominate person spell,except that if the prisoner fails its saving throw, the effect lastsfor as long as the shackles are attached. Removing or destroyingthe shackles immediately breaks the enchantment. The shacklescan be so used once per day. Shackles of durance vile can onlybe activated against a helpless, restrained, or willing creature;if attached to a creature still able to resist they function onlyas manacles, albeit superior ones. Shackles of durance vile havehardness 15, 20 hit points, and a superior lock. They have abreak DC of 30 and an Escape Artist DC of 35.CONSTRUCTIONRequirements Craft Wondrous Item, crushing despair(despair), rage (ferocity), aid and bear’s endurance (ironresolve); Cost 25,000 gp (despair), 30,000 gp (ferocity),22,500 gp (iron resolve)HORSESHOES OF CRUSHING BLOWSAura faint evocation; CL 5thSlot feet; Price 4,000 gp (+1), 16,000 gp (+2), 36,000 gp (+3),64,000 gp (+4), 100,000 gp (+5); Weight 4 lbs. (for four)DESCRIPTIONHorseshoes of crushing blows grant an enhancement bonus onattack and damage rolls made with hoof attacks; this bonusvaries based on the item’s price. Alternatively, as described forthe amulet of mighty fists, they can grant melee weapon specialabilities so long as they can be applied to unarmed attacks.Horseshoes of crushing blows cannot have a modified bonus(enhancement bonus plus special ability bonus equivalents)higher than +5. Horseshoes of crushing blows are craftedas sets of four, with each shoe in the set bearing the sameenhancements. All four shoes must be worn by the sameanimal to be effective.Horseshoes of crushing blows may be crafted out of specialmaterials, gaining the usual benefits. For purposes of pricing,they count as a single one-handed weapon weighing 4 pounds(for example, adamantine horseshoes of crushing blows wouldcost an additional 3,000 gp). The materials needed to makecold iron horseshoes of crushing blows add no extra costs in andof themselves, but enhancing cold iron horseshoes of crushingblows increases the price by the usual 2,000 gp.CONSTRUCTIONRequirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft WondrousItem, creator’s caster level must be at least three timesthe amulet’s bonus, plus any requirements of the meleeCONSTRUCTIONRequirements Craft Wondrous Item, dominate person; Cost8,200 gpWOUND PASTEAura faint conjuration; CL 1stSlot none; Price 50 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.DESCRIPTIONPrized by slavers as an affordable way to stop a captivefrom bleeding to death, a dose of wound paste acts as astabilize spell when slathered on a dying creature. Applyingwound paste is a standard action that provokes an attack ofopportunity. A pot of wound paste contains 5 doses.CONSTRUCTIONRequirements Craft Wondrous Item, stabilize; Cost 25 gpHobgoblin SpellsHobgoblins have access to the following spell.AGONIZING REBUKESchool illusion (phantasm) [emotion, mind-affecting]; Levelantipaladin 2, cleric 3, inquisitor 3, witch 3Casting Time 1 standard actionComponent V, SRange close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 level)Target one living creatureDuration 1 round/levelSaving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes.With a word and a gesture, you instill such apprehensionabout attacking you in your target that doing so causes itmental distress and pain. Each time the target makes anattack against you, targets you with a harmful spell, orotherwise takes and action that would harm you, it takes2d6 points of nonlethal damage.125paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012

65105722240652224065paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 20126510576510572224065IfritsHumans whose ancestry includes beings of elementalfire such as efreet, ifrits are a passionate and fickle race.No ifrit is satisfied with a sedentary life; like a wildfire,ifrits must keep moving or burn away into nothingness.Ifrits not only adore f lames, but personify multipleaspects of them as well, embodying both fire’s dynamic,ever-changing energy and its destructive, pitiless nature.Physical Description: Ifrits vary in appearance aswidely as their elemental ancestors do. Most have pointyears, red or mottled horns on the brow, and hair thatf lickers and waves as if it were af lame. Some possessskin the color of polished brass or have charcoal-huedscales covering their arms and legs. Ifrits favor revealingand ostentatious clothing in bright oranges and reds,preferably paired with gaudy jewelry.Society: Ifrits are most often born into humancommunities, and rarely form societies of theirown. Those who grow up in a city are almost alwaysimprisoned or driven off before they reach adulthood;most are simply too hot-headed and independent to fitinto civilized society, and their predilection towardpyromania doesn’t endear them to the local authorities.Those born into nomadic or tribal societies fare muchbetter, since ifrits’ instinctive urge to explore andconquer their surroundings can easily earn them a placeamong their tribe’s leadership.Relations: Even the best-natured ifrits tend to view otherindividuals as tools to use as they see fit, and as such theyget along best with races they can charm or browbeat intosubmission. Half-elves and gnomes often find themselvescaught up in an ifrit’s schemes, while half lings, halforcs,and dwarves usually bridle at ifrits’ controllingnature. Strangely, ifrits sometimes form incredibly closebonds with elves, whose calm, aloof nature seems tocounterbalance an ifrit’s impulsiveness. Most ifrits refuseto associate with sylphs, but are otherwise on peaceableterms with the other elemental-touched races.Alignment and Religion: Ifrits are a dichotomouspeople—on one hand, fiercely independent, and on theother, imperious and demanding. They are often accusedof being morally impoverished, but their troublemakingbehavior is rarely motivated by true malice. Ifrits areusually lawful neutral or chaotic neutral, with a fewfalling into true neutrality. Most ifrits lack the mindsetto follow a god’s teachings, and resent the stricturesplaced on them by organized faith. When ifrits do taketo worship (usually venerating a fire-related deity), theyprove to be zealous and devoted followers.Adventurers: Ifrits adventure for the sheer thrill ofit and for the chance to test their skill against worthyfoes, but most of all they adventure in search of power.Once ifrits dedicate themselves to a task, they pursue itunf linchingly, never stopping to consider the dangersahead of them. When this brashness finally catches upwith them, ifrits often rely on sorcery or bardic magic tocombat their resulting troubles.Male Names: Aja, Denat, Efit, Elum, Jalij, Maqej, Urah.Female Names: Alayi, Etwa, Maqan, Qari, Sami, Zetaya.ALTERNATE RACIAL TRAITSThe following racial traits may be selected instead ofexisting ifrit racial traits. Consult your GM beforeselecting any of these new options.Desert Mirage: Ifrits thrive in the deserts of the world,where their keen instincts and resistance to heat givethem a huge edge over their competitors. Those with thistrait gain a +2 racial bonus on Stealth checks in desertenvironments and on saves to resist starvation and thirst.This racial trait replaces fire affinity.Efreeti Magic: Some ifrits inherit an efreeti ancestor’sability to magically change a creature’s size. They cancast either enlarge person or reduce person (the ifrit chooseswhen using this ability) once per day as a spell-likeability (caster level equals the ifrit’s level). The ifrit canuse this ability to affect other ifrits as though they werehumanoid creatures. This racial trait replaces the spelllikeability racial trait.Fire in the Blood: Ifrits with this racial trait mimic thehealing abilities of the mephits, gaining fast healing 2 for1 round anytime they take fire damage (whether or notthis fire damage gets through their fire resistance). Theifrits can heal up to 2 hit points per level per day with thisability, after which it ceases to function. This racial traitreplaces fire affinity.Fire Insight: Ifrit spellcasters sometimes find thattheir elemental heritage makes creatures of fire morewilling to serve them. Summon monster and summonnature’s ally spells that the ifrit casts last 2 rounds longerthan normal when used to summon creatures with thefire subtype. This racial trait replaces fire affinity.Fire-Starter: Ifrits with this racial trait derive sadisticsatisfaction from watching others burn. Anytime theifrit causes a creature to catch fire, he gains a +1 moralebonus on the next single attack roll, saving throw, skillcheck, or ability check that he makes in the next round.The ifrit only gains this bonus the first time he causesa particular creature to catch fire; subsequent times thecreature catches fire provide no bonus. This racial traitreplaces fire affinity.Forge-Hardened: Not all ifrits are descended fromefreet—some instead descend from azers or evensalamanders. Such ifrits gain a +2 racial bonus on Craft(armor and weapons) checks and saves to resist fatigue126paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012







paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012

Featured Races 2

A battle standard may be carried (on foot or mounted)

or planted. In the latter case, the standard does not need a

bearer, but if it is toppled or touched by an enemy, it loses

its effectiveness until reclaimed and replanted by allies of

its owner.

Despair: Enemies of the bearer of a hobgoblin battle

standard of despair are sickened while within 60 feet of the

banner. Any enemy that sustains a critical hit while sickened

because of the standard must succeed at a Will saving throw

(DC 15) or become dazed for 1 round.

Ferocity: Allies of the bearer of a hobgoblin battle standard

of ferocity gain a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, weapon

damage rolls, and saving throws against mind-affecting

effects as long as they are within 60 feet of the banner.

Iron Resolve: Allies of the bearer of a hobgoblin battle

standard of iron resolve gain 10 temporary hit points and the

benefits of the Diehard feat for as long as they are within

30 feet of the banner. The temporary hit points can only be

gained once per day per creature.

weapon special abilities; Cost 2,000 gp (+1), 8,000 gp (+2),

18,000 gp (+3), 32,000 gp (+4), 50,000 gp (+5)


Aura moderate enchantment; CL 9th

Slot wrists; Price 16,200 gp; Weight 2 lbs.


These masterwork iron manacles sap the will of their wearer.

When attached to a humanoid creature as their command word

is spoken, they affect their prisoner with a dominate person spell,

except that if the prisoner fails its saving throw, the effect lasts

for as long as the shackles are attached. Removing or destroying

the shackles immediately breaks the enchantment. The shackles

can be so used once per day. Shackles of durance vile can only

be activated against a helpless, restrained, or willing creature;

if attached to a creature still able to resist they function only

as manacles, albeit superior ones. Shackles of durance vile have

hardness 15, 20 hit points, and a superior lock. They have a

break DC of 30 and an Escape Artist DC of 35.


Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, crushing despair

(despair), rage (ferocity), aid and bear’s endurance (iron

resolve); Cost 25,000 gp (despair), 30,000 gp (ferocity),

22,500 gp (iron resolve)


Aura faint evocation; CL 5th

Slot feet; Price 4,000 gp (+1), 16,000 gp (+2), 36,000 gp (+3),

64,000 gp (+4), 100,000 gp (+5); Weight 4 lbs. (for four)


Horseshoes of crushing blows grant an enhancement bonus on

attack and damage rolls made with hoof attacks; this bonus

varies based on the item’s price. Alternatively, as described for

the amulet of mighty fists, they can grant melee weapon special

abilities so long as they can be applied to unarmed attacks.

Horseshoes of crushing blows cannot have a modified bonus

(enhancement bonus plus special ability bonus equivalents)

higher than +5. Horseshoes of crushing blows are crafted

as sets of four, with each shoe in the set bearing the same

enhancements. All four shoes must be worn by the same

animal to be effective.

Horseshoes of crushing blows may be crafted out of special

materials, gaining the usual benefits. For purposes of pricing,

they count as a single one-handed weapon weighing 4 pounds

(for example, adamantine horseshoes of crushing blows would

cost an additional 3,000 gp). The materials needed to make

cold iron horseshoes of crushing blows add no extra costs in and

of themselves, but enhancing cold iron horseshoes of crushing

blows increases the price by the usual 2,000 gp.


Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous

Item, creator’s caster level must be at least three times

the amulet’s bonus, plus any requirements of the melee


Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, dominate person; Cost

8,200 gp


Aura faint conjuration; CL 1st

Slot none; Price 50 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.


Prized by slavers as an affordable way to stop a captive

from bleeding to death, a dose of wound paste acts as a

stabilize spell when slathered on a dying creature. Applying

wound paste is a standard action that provokes an attack of

opportunity. A pot of wound paste contains 5 doses.


Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, stabilize; Cost 25 gp

Hobgoblin Spells

Hobgoblins have access to the following spell.


School illusion (phantasm) [emotion, mind-affecting]; Level

antipaladin 2, cleric 3, inquisitor 3, witch 3

Casting Time 1 standard action

Component V, S

Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 level)

Target one living creature

Duration 1 round/level

Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes.

With a word and a gesture, you instill such apprehension

about attacking you in your target that doing so causes it

mental distress and pain. Each time the target makes an

attack against you, targets you with a harmful spell, or

otherwise takes and action that would harm you, it takes

2d6 points of nonlethal damage.


paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012

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