[Pathfinder] beastisrfrt


651046222405422240546510466510462224054paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012Featured Races 2Eat Anything: Raised with little or no proper food,many goblins have learned to survive by eating whateverthey happen across and can digest nearly anythingwithout getting sick. Goblins with this trait gain a +4 onSurvival checks to forage for food and a +4 racial bonus onsaves versus effects that cause the nauseated or sickenedconditions. This racial trait replaces skilled.Hard Head, Big Teeth: Goblins are known for theirballoonlike heads and enormous maws, but some haveeven more exaggeratedly large heads filled with razorsharpteeth. Goblins with this trait gain a bite attack as aprimary natural attack that deals 1d4 points of damage.This racial trait replaces skilled.Over-Sized Ears: While goblins’ ears are never dainty,these goblins have freakishly large ears capable of pickingup even the smallest sounds. Goblins with this racialtrait gain a +4 bonus on Perception checks. This racialtrait replaces skilled.Tree Runner: In trackless rain forests and marshes, it canbe difficult to find dry ground to build on. Goblin tribesliving in such areas have learned to live in the treetops.These goblins gain a +4 racial bonus on Acrobatics andClimb checks. This racial trait replaces skilled.Weapon Familiarity: Goblins’ traditional weapons arethe dogslicer and the horsechopper, weapons designedspecifically to bring down their most hated foes. Goblinswith this trait are proficient with the dogslicer andthe horsechopper, and treat any weapon with the word“goblin” in it as martial weapons. This racial traitreplaces skilled.Alchemist: The alchemist gains fire resistance 1. Eachtime this reward is selected, increase fire resistance by +1.This fire resistance does not stack with fire resistance gainedfrom other sources.Barbarian: Add +1/2 on critical hit confirmation rollsfor attacks made with unarmed strikes or natural weapons(maximum bonus of +4). This bonus does not stack withCritical Focus.Bard: Add +1 to the bard’s total number of bardicperformance rounds per day.Cavalier: Add +1 hit points to the cavalier’s mountcompanion. If the cavalier ever replaces his mount, thenew mount gains these bonus hit points.Druid: Add +1 hit points to the druid’s animal companion.If the druid ever replaces her animal companion, the newanimal companion gains these bonus hit points.Gunslinger: Add +1/3 on critical hit confirmation rollsmade with firearms (maximum bonus of +5). This bonusdoes not stack with Critical Focus.Oracle: Add +1 on concentration checks made whencasting spells with the fire descriptor.Ranger: Gain a +1/2 bonus on damage dealt to dogs (anddoglike creatures) and horses (and horselike creatures).Rogue: Add a +1 bonus on the rogue’s sneak attackdamage rolls during the surprise round or before thetarget has acted in combat.FAVORED CLASS OPTIONSThe following options are available to any goblins that havethe listed favored class, and unless otherwise stated, thebonus applies each time you select the favored class reward.Goblin Racial Traits+4 Dexterity, –2 Strength, –2 Charisma: Goblins are fast, but weakand unpleasant to be around.Goblinoid: Goblins are humanoids with the goblinoid subtype.Small: Goblins are Small creatures and gain a +1 sizebonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1penalty to their CMB and CMD, and a +4 size bonuson Stealth checks.Fast: Goblins are fast for their size, and have a base speedof 30 feet.Darkvision: Goblins can see in the dark up to 60 feet.Skilled: +4 racial bonus on Ride and Stealth checks.Languages: Goblins begin play speaking Goblin. Goblins with high Intelligencescores can choose from the following: Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Gnoll, Gnome,Halfling, and Orc.115paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012

65104722240552224055paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 20126510476510472224055Goblin DiscoveriesThe following discoveries are available to goblin alchemists.Fire Brand (Su): An alchemist with this discovery canexpend one daily bomb use to apply the bomb reagentsto his weapon as a swift action. A weapon treated this waydeals fire damage as if it had the flaming weapon specialability. At 10th level, the weapon is treated as if it had theflaming burst weapon special ability. The bomb reagentscontinue burning for 1 minute or until extinguished bydousing the weapon in water. An alchemist can use thisability with natural weapons, but he takes 1d6 points offire damage per round for each natural weapon treated.Rag Doll Mutagen (Su): When the alchemist imbibes amutagen, his body and bones become rubbery and easy tocontort. The alchemist gains a bonus equal to his class levelon Escape Artist checks, can squeeze through places as if hewere one size category smaller, and can make a Reflex save(DC equal to 15 + 1 for every 10 feet fallen) to take half damagefrom falling. At 10th level, all falling damage is considerednonlethal damage, and the alchemist can squeeze throughplaces as if he were two size categories smaller than his sizewhile under the effects of this mutagen.Rocket Bomb (Su): Alchemists with this discovery canprepare special rockets to deliver their bombs. Rocket bombstravel farther and explode bigger than normal bombs, butcannot target individual creatures. Rocket bombs explodein a 20-foot radius, and all creatures in that area take thealchemist’s normal splash damage. The range increment ona rocket bomb is 50 feet. Rocket bombs cannot be used withthe precise bomb or fast bomb discoveries. An alchemistmust be at least 6th level before selecting this discovery.Scrap Bomb (Su): When the alchemist creates a bomb,he can choose to have it explode into shards of shrapnelthat deal piercing damage. A creature that takes a directhit from a scrap bomb takes 1 point of bleed damage perdie of bomb damage unless it succeeds at a Reflex save.Sorcerer: Add +1 spell known from the sorcerer spelllist. This spell must be at least one level below thehighest spell level the sorcerer can cast, and must havethe fire descriptor.Summoner: Add +1/4 evolution point to the eidolon’sevolution pool. These bonus evolution points must bespent on evolutions that deal fire damage or protect theeidolon from fire (for example, resistance, energy attacks,immunity, breath weapon, and so on).Witch: Add +1 spell from the witch spell list to thewitch’s familiar. This spell must be at least one levelbelow the highest spell level she can cast. If the witchever replaces her familiar, the new familiar knows thesebonus spells.RACIAL ARCHETYPESThe following racial archetypes are available to goblins.Feral Gnasher (Barbarian)Feral gnashers grow up in the wild, either raised byanimals or scraping by on their own, and soon learnto fend for themselves. These barbarians often utilizepieced-together armor and fight with their sharp teethand whatever improvised weapons are within reach. Aferal gnasher has the following class features.Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A feral gnasher losesall martial weapon proficiencies except for greatclub andloses proficiency with medium armor.Savage Bite (Ex): At 1st level, a feral gnasher gains asavage bite attack. This is a primary natural attack thatdeals 1d4 points of damage. If the goblin already has thehard head, big teeth racial trait, the damage increases to1d6. At 10th level, the damage from a feral gnasher’s biteincreases to 1d6 (or 1d8 if the goblin has the hard head,big teeth racial trait) and deals ×3 damage on a criticalhit. This ability replaces fast movement.Impromptu Armament (Ex): At 2nd level, a feralgnasher gains Throw Anything as a bonus feat and canpick up an unattended object that can be wielded in onehand as a free action. Additionally, the feral gnashercan take Catch Off-Guard in place of a rage power. Thisreplaces the rage power gained at second level.Lockjaw (Ex): At 3rd level, a feral gnasher gains thegrab ability with her bite attack. A feral gnasher can usethis ability on a creature up to one size category largerthan she is. This replaces trap sense +1.Improvised Weapon Mastery (Ex): At 5th level, a feralgnasher gains Improvised Weapon Mastery as a bonusfeat. This replaces improved uncanny dodge.Improved Lockjaw (Ex): At 6th level, as long as a feralgnasher is controlling the grapple with her lockjawattack, she does not gain the grappled condition, but isunable to move or use her mouth for anything other thangrappling. This ability replaces trap sense +2.Greater Lockjaw (Ex): At 9th level and again at 15thlevel, the size of a creature a feral gnasher is able to use herlockjaw’s grab ability on increases by one size increment.This ability replaces trap sense +3 and trap sense +5.Wicked Improvisation (Ex): At 12th level, a feral gnasherbecomes more capable with improvised weapons and naturalattacks. The feral gnasher gains a +1 competence bonus ondamage rolls when using natural attacks or improvisedweapons while raging. At 14th level and every two levelsthereafter, the damage bonus increases by +1. This increaseis not precision damage and is thus multiplied on a criticalhit. This ability replaces trap sense +4.Rage Powers: The following rage powers complementthe feral gnasher archetype: increased damage reduction,116paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012




paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012




Goblin Discoveries

The following discoveries are available to goblin alchemists.

Fire Brand (Su): An alchemist with this discovery can

expend one daily bomb use to apply the bomb reagents

to his weapon as a swift action. A weapon treated this way

deals fire damage as if it had the flaming weapon special

ability. At 10th level, the weapon is treated as if it had the

flaming burst weapon special ability. The bomb reagents

continue burning for 1 minute or until extinguished by

dousing the weapon in water. An alchemist can use this

ability with natural weapons, but he takes 1d6 points of

fire damage per round for each natural weapon treated.

Rag Doll Mutagen (Su): When the alchemist imbibes a

mutagen, his body and bones become rubbery and easy to

contort. The alchemist gains a bonus equal to his class level

on Escape Artist checks, can squeeze through places as if he

were one size category smaller, and can make a Reflex save

(DC equal to 15 + 1 for every 10 feet fallen) to take half damage

from falling. At 10th level, all falling damage is considered

nonlethal damage, and the alchemist can squeeze through

places as if he were two size categories smaller than his size

while under the effects of this mutagen.

Rocket Bomb (Su): Alchemists with this discovery can

prepare special rockets to deliver their bombs. Rocket bombs

travel farther and explode bigger than normal bombs, but

cannot target individual creatures. Rocket bombs explode

in a 20-foot radius, and all creatures in that area take the

alchemist’s normal splash damage. The range increment on

a rocket bomb is 50 feet. Rocket bombs cannot be used with

the precise bomb or fast bomb discoveries. An alchemist

must be at least 6th level before selecting this discovery.

Scrap Bomb (Su): When the alchemist creates a bomb,

he can choose to have it explode into shards of shrapnel

that deal piercing damage. A creature that takes a direct

hit from a scrap bomb takes 1 point of bleed damage per

die of bomb damage unless it succeeds at a Reflex save.

Sorcerer: Add +1 spell known from the sorcerer spell

list. This spell must be at least one level below the

highest spell level the sorcerer can cast, and must have

the fire descriptor.

Summoner: Add +1/4 evolution point to the eidolon’s

evolution pool. These bonus evolution points must be

spent on evolutions that deal fire damage or protect the

eidolon from fire (for example, resistance, energy attacks,

immunity, breath weapon, and so on).

Witch: Add +1 spell from the witch spell list to the

witch’s familiar. This spell must be at least one level

below the highest spell level she can cast. If the witch

ever replaces her familiar, the new familiar knows these

bonus spells.


The following racial archetypes are available to goblins.

Feral Gnasher (Barbarian)

Feral gnashers grow up in the wild, either raised by

animals or scraping by on their own, and soon learn

to fend for themselves. These barbarians often utilize

pieced-together armor and fight with their sharp teeth

and whatever improvised weapons are within reach. A

feral gnasher has the following class features.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A feral gnasher loses

all martial weapon proficiencies except for greatclub and

loses proficiency with medium armor.

Savage Bite (Ex): At 1st level, a feral gnasher gains a

savage bite attack. This is a primary natural attack that

deals 1d4 points of damage. If the goblin already has the

hard head, big teeth racial trait, the damage increases to

1d6. At 10th level, the damage from a feral gnasher’s bite

increases to 1d6 (or 1d8 if the goblin has the hard head,

big teeth racial trait) and deals ×3 damage on a critical

hit. This ability replaces fast movement.

Impromptu Armament (Ex): At 2nd level, a feral

gnasher gains Throw Anything as a bonus feat and can

pick up an unattended object that can be wielded in one

hand as a free action. Additionally, the feral gnasher

can take Catch Off-Guard in place of a rage power. This

replaces the rage power gained at second level.

Lockjaw (Ex): At 3rd level, a feral gnasher gains the

grab ability with her bite attack. A feral gnasher can use

this ability on a creature up to one size category larger

than she is. This replaces trap sense +1.

Improvised Weapon Mastery (Ex): At 5th level, a feral

gnasher gains Improvised Weapon Mastery as a bonus

feat. This replaces improved uncanny dodge.

Improved Lockjaw (Ex): At 6th level, as long as a feral

gnasher is controlling the grapple with her lockjaw

attack, she does not gain the grappled condition, but is

unable to move or use her mouth for anything other than

grappling. This ability replaces trap sense +2.

Greater Lockjaw (Ex): At 9th level and again at 15th

level, the size of a creature a feral gnasher is able to use her

lockjaw’s grab ability on increases by one size increment.

This ability replaces trap sense +3 and trap sense +5.

Wicked Improvisation (Ex): At 12th level, a feral gnasher

becomes more capable with improvised weapons and natural

attacks. The feral gnasher gains a +1 competence bonus on

damage rolls when using natural attacks or improvised

weapons while raging. At 14th level and every two levels

thereafter, the damage bonus increases by +1. This increase

is not precision damage and is thus multiplied on a critical

hit. This ability replaces trap sense +4.

Rage Powers: The following rage powers complement

the feral gnasher archetype: increased damage reduction,


paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012

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