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paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012





Descended from humans trapped on the Shadow Plane,

fetchlings are creatures of darkness and light intertwined.

Generations of contact with that strange plane and its

denizens have made fetchlings a race apart from humanity.

While fetchlings acknowledge their origins, they exhibit

little physical or cultural resemblance to their ancestors on

the Material Plane, and are often insulted when compared

to humans. Some members of the race also take offense

at the name fetchling, as it was given to them by humans

who saw them as little more than fetchers of rare materials

from the Shadow Plane. Most fetchlings instead prefer to

be called kayal, a word borrowed from Aklo that roughly

translates to “shadow people” or “dusk dwellers.”

Infused with the essence of the Shadow Plane and

possessing human blood commingled with that of the

Shadow Plane’s natives, fetchlings have developed traits

and abilities that complement their native plane’s bleak

and colorless terrain. Though most fetchlings treat the

Shadow Plane as home, they often trade and deal with

creatures of the Material Plane. Some fetchlings go so

far as to create enclaves on the Material Plane in order

to establish alliances and trade routes in areas where the

boundary between the two planes is less distinct. These

fetchlings often serve as merchants, middlemen, and

guides for races on both sides of the planar boundary.

Physical Description: Superficially, fetchlings resemble

unnaturally lithe—bordering on fragile—humans. Their

adopted home has drained their skin and hair of bright

colors. Their complexion ranges from stark white to

deep black, and includes all the various shades of gray

between those two extremes. Their eyes are pupilless and

pronounced, and they typically glow a luminescent shade

of yellow or greenish yellow, though rare individuals

possess blue-green eyes. While their hair tends to be stark

white or pale gray, many fetchlings dye their hair black.

Some members of higher station or those who dwell on the

Material Plane dye their hair with more striking colors,

often favoring deep shades of violet, blue, and crimson.

Society: Fetchling are adaptable creatures, and as such

display no singular preference for moral philosophy

or the rule of law. Most mimic the cultural norms and

governmental structures of those they live near or the

creatures they serve. While fetchlings are arguably the

most populous race on the Shadow Plane, they rarely rule

over their own kind; most serve as vassals or subjects

to the great umbral dragons of their homeland, or the

bizarre nihiloi who dwell in the deeper darkness. Above

all, fetchlings are survivors. Their tenacity, versatility, and

devious pragmatism have helped them survive the harsh

environs of the Shadow Plane and plots of the powerful

creatures dwelling within it. On the Material Plane,

especially if unable to return to their home plane at will,

fetchlings tend to cluster in small, insular communities

of their own kind, mimicking the cultural norms and

political structures of those they trade with.

Relations: Because of their shared ancestry, fetchlings

interact most easily with humans, though they also find

kinship with gnomes and other races that were cut off

from their home planes or are not native to the Material

Plane. Their pragmatism and adaptable nature put them

at odds with warlike or destructive races, and when they

do have to deal with orcs, goblinoids, or other savage

cultures, fetchlings will often play the part of the fawning

sycophant, a tactic learned from serving umbral dragons

and one they see as key to their race’s survival. Strangely,

their relationship with dwarves and elves are rather

strained. Dwarves find fetchlings duplicitous and creepy,

while the tension with elves is so subtle and inexplicable

that both races find it difficult to explain.

Alignment and Religion: Fetchlings—especially those

living outside the Shadow Plane—worship a wide variety

of gods. On the Shadow Plane, fetchlings primarily

worship Desna and Zon-Kuthon, though while the former

is venerated, the latter is more placated than worshiped. A

smaller number of evil fetchlings worship demon lords of

darkness and lust.

Adventurers: The Shadow Plane’s ever-present hazards

pose great danger to fetchling adventurers, but also great

opportunity. Because of their servile status on their home

plane, however, most fetchlings prefer to adventure on the

Material Plane, which often offers more freedom and trading

opportunities between the two planes. Fetchlings make

excellent ninjas, oracles, rangers, rogues, and summoners.

Male Names: Arim, Drosil, Jegan, Somar, Yetar, Zoka.

Female Names: Acera, Amelisce, Inva, Renza, Zaitherin.


The following racial traits may be selected instead of

existing fetchling racial traits. Consult your GM before

selecting any of these new options.

Emissary: Rare fetchlings excel in the role of emissary

between the Shadow Plane and the Material Plane. Once

per day, such a fetchling can roll twice when making a

Bluff or Diplomacy check and take the better roll. This

racial trait replaces shadow blending.

Gloom Shimmer: Some fetchlings can manipulate

shadowy energy in order to displace their location instead

of transporting between shadows. Upon reaching 9th level,

instead of gaining shadow walk as a spell-like ability, these

fetchlings gain displacement as a spell-like ability usable

twice per day. For this ability, a fetchling’s caster level is

equal to his total Hit Dice. This racial trait modifies the

spell-like ability racial trait.


paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012

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