[Pathfinder] beastisrfrt


651036222404422240446510366510362224044paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012Featured Races 2does not provoke attacks of opportunity. This abilityreplaces channel energy.Drow FeatsDrow have access to the following feats.NEW RACIAL RULESThe following options are available to drow. At the GM’sdiscretion, other appropriate races may make use of someof these new rules.Drow EquipmentDrow have access to the following equipment.Riding Bat: Considered to be the fastest nonmagicaltransport in the Darklands, dire bats (Bestiary 30) aredomesticated in captivity to serve as riding animals.Stables that accommodate these massive creatures are onlycommonly found in drow cities built in larger undergroundcaverns, owing to the greater space required for trainingand exercise, though some drow outriders f ly them almostto the surface. These creatures require exotic saddles to ride.Riding Gecko: Larger than even what is commonlyreferred to as a giant gecko, these mammoth lizards havebeen specifically bred to be used as mounts for the drow.Prized for their ability to run along cave ceilings and sheerwalls, these creatures require exotic saddles to ride. Usethe statistics for a giant gecko with the giant template(Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 186, 291).Spider Sac: Despite their name, spider sacs havenothing to do with spiders but rather are alchemicaldevices with a unique delivery system. Used for climbingas well as combat, these grayish, gourdlike pouches aremade of a specially grown fungus with a tough but rubberyexterior. The fungoid is carefully harvested, pierced atone end, hollowed out, and then injected with a strongalchemical adhesive that hardens to a fibrous materialalmost instantly when exposed to air. When squeezed, aspider sac’s adhesive shoots out to a maximum range of10 feet and sticks to whatever it strikes, whereupon thestrand dries instantly into a durable fibrous rope. For thepurposes of climbing, treat a spider sac as a grapplinghook except that all surfaces are AC 5. A spider sac can alsobe used as a lasso (Advanced Player’s Guide 178) except withAC 10, 4 hit points, and a DC 24 Strength check to burst. Aspider sac is a single-use item.Drow EquipmentItem Cost Weight Craft DCSpider sac 30 gp 1 lb. 20Drow MountsMount Cost WeightBat, dire, riding 300 gp —Bat, dire, riding (combat trained) 450 gp —Gecko, riding 300 gp —Gecko, riding (combat trained) 400 gp —Drow NobilityYour blood courses with power, granting you greaterspell-like abilities.Prerequisites: Able to use drow spell-like abilities, drow.Benefit: You may use detect magic as a spell-like abilityat will, and add feather fall and levitate to the spell-likeabilities that you may use once each per day. Your casterlevel is equal to your character level.Greater Drow NobilityYou have mastered the lesser spell-like abilities of thedrow, demonstrating true nobility.Prerequisites: Cha 13, Drow Nobility, Improved DrowNobility, able to use drow spell-like abilities, drow.Benefit: Your detect magic spell-like ability is nowconstant. You may use your dancing lights, deeper darkness,faerie fire, feather fall, and levitate spell-like abilities at will.Improved Drow NobilityYour magical heritage is more potent than that of yourpeers, as demonstrated by your superior spell-like abilities.Prerequisites: Cha 13, Drow Nobility, able to use drowspell-like abilities, drow.Benefit: You may use your dancing lights, faerie fire,feather fall, and levitate spell-like abilities twice per day.Your darkness spell-like ability instead becomes deeperdarkness, which you may use twice per day.Improved Umbral ScionYou are a master of drow noble magic.Prerequisites: Cha 13, Wis 13, Drow Nobility, GreaterDrow Nobility, Improved Drow Nobility, Umbral Scion,able to use drow spell-like abilities, drow.Benefit: You may use dispel magic, divine favor, andsuggestion once per day as spell-like abilities. Your casterlevel is equal to your character level.Noble Spell ResistanceYour ascension is complete; you have the spell resistanceapproaching that of a demon.Prerequisites: Cha 13, Wis 13, Greater Drow Nobility,character level 13th, drow.Benefit: Your spell resistance is equal to 11 + yourcharacter level.Special: You receive a +1 circumstance bonus onDiplomacy and Intimidate checks made against any drow.Shadow CasterYour command over shadow and darkness create longerlastingspell effects.105paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012

65103722240452224045paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 20126510376510372224045Prerequisites: Caster level 1st, drow.Benefit: When you cast spells of the shadow subschoolor spells with the darkness descriptor, you are consideredtwo levels higher when determining the duration ofthose spells.Spider StepYou tread where only arachnids dare.Prerequisites: Character level 3rd, drow.Benefit: You can cast spider climb once per day asa spell-like ability, using your character level as thecaster level. Furthermore, you gain a +4 bonus on savingthrows against the web special attacks of spiders and theeffects of web and other similar spells (such as the webcloud spell).Spider SummonerYou gain the ability to summon powerful spiders.Prerequisites: Ability to cast summon monster or summonnature’s ally spells, drow.Benefit: When casting either a summon monster spellor a summon nature’s ally spell, your options increase.Depending on the level of the spell, you can summon thespiders listed below.Summon Monster: 1st level—giant crab spider* (Bestiary3 254); 4th level—giant black widow* (Bestiary 2 256);5th level—ogre spider* (Bestiary 3 256); 7th level—gianttarantula* (Bestiary 2 256)Summon Nature’s Ally: 1st level—giant crab spider(Bestiary 3 254); 4th level—giant black widow (Bestiary 2256); 5th level—ogre spider (Bestiary 3 256); 7th level—giant tarantula (Bestiary 2 256)Creatures marked with an asterisk (*) are summonedwith the celestial template if you are good, and thefiendish template if you are evil. If you are neutral, youmay choose which template to apply to the creature.Furthermore, when you summon spiders using summonmonster or summon nature’s ally, the DC of the summonedmonster’s poison and web effects increases by 2.Umbral ScionNew spell-like abilities are unlocked for you as you rise toascendency among the drow people.Prerequisites: Cha 13, Wis 13, Drow Nobility, GreaterDrow Nobility, Improved Drow Nobility, able to use drowspell-like abilities, drow.Benefit: Select one of the following: dispel magic, divinefavor, or suggestion. You may use this spell once per dayas a spell-like ability. Your caster level is equal to yourcharacter level.GLOOM BLADEAura strong evocation; CL 13thSlot none; Price 8,810 gp; Weight 2 lbs.DESCRIPTIONAs black as coal, this short sword grows more potent thefarther it is kept from light. It acts as a +1 short sword whenin dim light. In darkness, it acts as +2 short sword. Whensurrounded by supernatural darkness, such as in an areaof deeper darkness, it acts a +2 short sword and bestows thebenefit of the Blind-Fight feat to its wielder. In daylight orbright illumination, the sword temporarily loses all its magicalenhancement bonuses and acts as a masterwork weapon,though it resumes its magical functions once it is no longer inthe bright light.CONSTRUCTIONRequirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, deeper darkness;Cost 4,560 gpLIVING GARMENTSAura faint transmutation; CL 3rdSlot body; Price 5,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.DESCRIPTIONThese sheer and silky robes, many of which are made ofspider silk, are of the finest quality. On command, a livinggarment can make a number of subtle adjustments to itself,including coloring, fit, and basic design, accommodating andaccentuating whatever mood the wearer wishes to convey.It always remains clean, and automatically repairs damageto itself at a rate of 1 hit point per round (hardness 0, 4 hitpoints). It also grants the wearer a +5 competence bonus onDiplomacy checks.CONSTRUCTIONRequirements Craft Wondrous Item, eagle’s splendor, mending,prestidigitation, creator must be a drow; Cost 2,500 gpROD OF SHADOWSAura moderate abjuration; CL 8thSlot none; Price 64,305 gp; Weight 5 lbs.DESCRIPTIONThis ebon rod is so dark it seems to absorb the light aroundit. The rod functions as a +2 light mace, and allows itswielder to see in darkness as if it had the see in darknessability (Bestiary 2 301). Three times per day, the wielder canuse it to create a deeper darkness effect (caster level 8th).To use this ability, the rod’s wielder must touch the objectaffected, which is a standard action that provokes attacksof opportunity.CONSTRUCTIONRequirements Craft Rod, deeper darkness, true seeing; Cost32,305 gpDrow Magic ItemsDrow have access to the following magic items.Drow SpellsDrow have access to the following spells.106paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012







paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012

Featured Races 2

does not provoke attacks of opportunity. This ability

replaces channel energy.

Drow Feats

Drow have access to the following feats.


The following options are available to drow. At the GM’s

discretion, other appropriate races may make use of some

of these new rules.

Drow Equipment

Drow have access to the following equipment.

Riding Bat: Considered to be the fastest nonmagical

transport in the Darklands, dire bats (Bestiary 30) are

domesticated in captivity to serve as riding animals.

Stables that accommodate these massive creatures are only

commonly found in drow cities built in larger underground

caverns, owing to the greater space required for training

and exercise, though some drow outriders f ly them almost

to the surface. These creatures require exotic saddles to ride.

Riding Gecko: Larger than even what is commonly

referred to as a giant gecko, these mammoth lizards have

been specifically bred to be used as mounts for the drow.

Prized for their ability to run along cave ceilings and sheer

walls, these creatures require exotic saddles to ride. Use

the statistics for a giant gecko with the giant template

(Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 186, 291).

Spider Sac: Despite their name, spider sacs have

nothing to do with spiders but rather are alchemical

devices with a unique delivery system. Used for climbing

as well as combat, these grayish, gourdlike pouches are

made of a specially grown fungus with a tough but rubbery

exterior. The fungoid is carefully harvested, pierced at

one end, hollowed out, and then injected with a strong

alchemical adhesive that hardens to a fibrous material

almost instantly when exposed to air. When squeezed, a

spider sac’s adhesive shoots out to a maximum range of

10 feet and sticks to whatever it strikes, whereupon the

strand dries instantly into a durable fibrous rope. For the

purposes of climbing, treat a spider sac as a grappling

hook except that all surfaces are AC 5. A spider sac can also

be used as a lasso (Advanced Player’s Guide 178) except with

AC 10, 4 hit points, and a DC 24 Strength check to burst. A

spider sac is a single-use item.

Drow Equipment

Item Cost Weight Craft DC

Spider sac 30 gp 1 lb. 20

Drow Mounts

Mount Cost Weight

Bat, dire, riding 300 gp —

Bat, dire, riding (combat trained) 450 gp —

Gecko, riding 300 gp —

Gecko, riding (combat trained) 400 gp —

Drow Nobility

Your blood courses with power, granting you greater

spell-like abilities.

Prerequisites: Able to use drow spell-like abilities, drow.

Benefit: You may use detect magic as a spell-like ability

at will, and add feather fall and levitate to the spell-like

abilities that you may use once each per day. Your caster

level is equal to your character level.

Greater Drow Nobility

You have mastered the lesser spell-like abilities of the

drow, demonstrating true nobility.

Prerequisites: Cha 13, Drow Nobility, Improved Drow

Nobility, able to use drow spell-like abilities, drow.

Benefit: Your detect magic spell-like ability is now

constant. You may use your dancing lights, deeper darkness,

faerie fire, feather fall, and levitate spell-like abilities at will.

Improved Drow Nobility

Your magical heritage is more potent than that of your

peers, as demonstrated by your superior spell-like abilities.

Prerequisites: Cha 13, Drow Nobility, able to use drow

spell-like abilities, drow.

Benefit: You may use your dancing lights, faerie fire,

feather fall, and levitate spell-like abilities twice per day.

Your darkness spell-like ability instead becomes deeper

darkness, which you may use twice per day.

Improved Umbral Scion

You are a master of drow noble magic.

Prerequisites: Cha 13, Wis 13, Drow Nobility, Greater

Drow Nobility, Improved Drow Nobility, Umbral Scion,

able to use drow spell-like abilities, drow.

Benefit: You may use dispel magic, divine favor, and

suggestion once per day as spell-like abilities. Your caster

level is equal to your character level.

Noble Spell Resistance

Your ascension is complete; you have the spell resistance

approaching that of a demon.

Prerequisites: Cha 13, Wis 13, Greater Drow Nobility,

character level 13th, drow.

Benefit: Your spell resistance is equal to 11 + your

character level.

Special: You receive a +1 circumstance bonus on

Diplomacy and Intimidate checks made against any drow.

Shadow Caster

Your command over shadow and darkness create longerlasting

spell effects.


paizo.com #2112918, David McBride <darklycario@gmail.com>, Jun 23, 2012

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