BHP Motorsports Magazine


should see theseries adopt hybridpower. Codemasterspreviously held theWRC license back iin2002, with what wasthen Colin McRaeRally 3. After therights to WRC passedon to EvolutionStudios, Codemastersdeveloped the ColinMcRae Rally seriesinto DIRT, a serieswhich it stilldevelops today.Indeed the studiorevealed DIRT 5,coming this October,just last month.The studio willcontinue to developthe DIRT series, andis reportedly alreadyworking on a titlethat will post-datethe new licensingagreement. However,Codemasters now hasaccess to the carsand events of theofficial World RallyChampionship —including WRC-2, WRC-3, and junior WRCcategories— for thenew series. The newdeal will also allowthe studio to runofficial WRCesports tournaments,as it already doeswith Formula 1. Alongwith WRC, DIRT, andF1, Codemasters alsoowns the GRID andProject CARSfranchises, giving theUK-based developer animpressive motorsportsgame portfolio. Thefirst game in the newWRC series is due sometime in 2023, for the50th anniversary ofthe championshipitself.(gtplanet.)

Group B - Too fast raceThe Group B set ofregulations wereintroduced in 1982 forcompetition vehiclesin sportscar racing andrallying regulated bythe FIA. The Group Bregulations fostered someof the fastest, mostpowerful, and mostsophisticated rally carsever built and iscommonly referred to asthe golden era ofrallying. However, aseries of majoraccidents, some of themfatal, were blamed ontheir outright speed andlack of crowd-control atevents. After the deathof Henri Toivonen and hisco-driver Sergio Crestoin the 1986 Tour deCorse, the FIAdisestablished the class,dropped its previousplans to replace itby Group S, and insteadreplaced it as the toplineformula by Group A.The short-lived Group Bera has acquiredlegendary status amongrally fans and automobileenthusiasts in general.Peugeot 205 T16

should see the

series adopt hybrid

power. Codemasters

previously held the

WRC license back iin

2002, with what was

then Colin McRae

Rally 3. After the

rights to WRC passed

on to Evolution

Studios, Codemasters

developed the Colin

McRae Rally series

into DIRT, a series

which it still

develops today.

Indeed the studio

revealed DIRT 5,

coming this October,

just last month.

The studio will

continue to develop

the DIRT series, and

is reportedly already

working on a title

that will post-date

the new licensing

agreement. However,

Codemasters now has

access to the cars

and events of the

official World Rally

Championship —

including WRC-2, WRC-

3, and junior WRC

categories— for the

new series. The new

deal will also allow

the studio to run

official WRC

esports tournaments,

as it already does

with Formula 1. Along

with WRC, DIRT, and

F1, Codemasters also

owns the GRID and

Project CARS

franchises, giving the

UK-based developer an

impressive motorsports

game portfolio. The

first game in the new

WRC series is due some

time in 2023, for the

50th anniversary of

the championship



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