BHP Motorsports Magazine


24“This was my goal hereto be at this speed atleast. I didn’t knowif I could be allweekend but I was noton the limit all thetime so that’s reallypositive.” Rovanpera’spodium, 19 years afterfather Harri scoredhis only WRC win inSweden, promptedinevitable questionsabout whether he canbreak Jari-MattiLatvala’s record asthe youngest winner ofa WRC round at 22years and 313 days.Kalle wasn’t ready todeliver a headlinegrabbingcomment. “Itdepends how we will beat the rallies and howit feels but, ofcourse, I improve allthe time and I try todo better but we stillhave many things tolearn,” he added.Kalle Rovanperä

POWER STAGE CLASSIC: FINLAND 2014Next to winning their first WRCrally, winning at home rates justas highly for most WRC drivers.This week’s classic Power Stagetakes us to Finland in 2014, whenJari-Matti Latvala was trying todo just that. Having to settlefor a 2nd, 3rd and 17th in thepreceding years, Looking backto the summer of 2014. Goinginto Sunday morning, Latvala andhis Volkswagen team-mateSébastien Ogier were locked intheir own battle, with thirdplacedKris Meeke more than 30seconds behind in his Citroën DS3. Winning the opening test ofthe morning, Latvala opened thegap to Ogier to 5 seconds, butthis would be as big a lead asOgier would allow his team-mate…setting up the perfect finish.(WRC.COM)


“This was my goal here

to be at this speed at

least. I didn’t know

if I could be all

weekend but I was not

on the limit all the

time so that’s really

positive.” Rovanpera’s

podium, 19 years after

father Harri scored

his only WRC win in

Sweden, prompted

inevitable questions

about whether he can

break Jari-Matti

Latvala’s record as

the youngest winner of

a WRC round at 22

years and 313 days.

Kalle wasn’t ready to

deliver a headlinegrabbing

comment. “It

depends how we will be

at the rallies and how

it feels but, of

course, I improve all

the time and I try to

do better but we still

have many things to

learn,” he added.

Kalle Rovanperä

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