BHP Motorsports Magazine


12The componant behindmaking it work are thegames themselves whichthere are many of andthe duo plan to use asmany as they see fitto suit the needs oftheir members.To conclude, CSR willseek to have theCaribbean enter thescene of SIM Racing ona professional andmature level as theyplan to develop mostof the tracks and carsfrom the Caribbean.Also, on their list isto reward theirmembers for theirachievements, whethermonetarily or throughprizes and hampers atthe end of leagueseasons orchampionships.It would be remis ofthe duo not to mentiontheir small butgrowing, hard workingteam behind it all whoare Paul Jiwanram,Roger Deodat, AzaadHassan, Luis Kumar,Daniel Williams,Tyreke Wilson andAfraz Allie.John GreeneStefan Gajie

F1 starting with Austria double headerFormula 1 confirmedthe 2020 season willbegin in Austrianext month – andrevealed details onthe first eightraces of a newcalendar. Afterracing was put onhold because of thecoronavirusoutbreak, F1, theteams and the FIAhave been working toput together a planto allow the seasonto begin safely, andtoday F1 chiefexecutive ChaseCarey outlined thefirst part of arevised calendar ofraces. The seasonwill kick off withthe Austrian GrandPrix at the Red BullRing on July 5,followed a weeklater by a secondrace at the sametrack. The HungarianGrand Prix willfollow a week afterthat, before abreak. Then therewill be two back toback races atSilverstone,followed by theSpanish Grand Prixat Barcelona.The Belgian GrandPrix will followthat, with theItalian Grand Prixat Monza a weeklater on September6. All the raceswill be supported byFormula 2 andFormula 3. Due tothe ongoing fluidityof the COVID-19situationinternationally, F1will be finalisingthe details of thewider calendar andhope to publish thatin the coming weekswith an expectationof having a total of


The componant behind

making it work are the

games themselves which

there are many of and

the duo plan to use as

many as they see fit

to suit the needs of

their members.

To conclude, CSR will

seek to have the

Caribbean enter the

scene of SIM Racing on

a professional and

mature level as they

plan to develop most

of the tracks and cars

from the Caribbean.

Also, on their list is

to reward their

members for their

achievements, whether

monetarily or through

prizes and hampers at

the end of league

seasons or


It would be remis of

the duo not to mention

their small but

growing, hard working

team behind it all who

are Paul Jiwanram,

Roger Deodat, Azaad

Hassan, Luis Kumar,

Daniel Williams,

Tyreke Wilson and

Afraz Allie.

John Greene

Stefan Gajie

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