

f;jk fldgiuQ,dY%o Thorburn M.J. 1975. Jamaican bushes and human chromosomes. JamaicaJournal 8(4):18.o Turner C.E., M.A. Elsohly & E.G. Boeren. 1980. Constituents of Cannabissativa L. XVII. A review of the natural constituents. Journal of NaturalProducts 43(2):169-234.o Van Gaal L.F., Rissanen A.M., Scheen A.J., Ziegler O. & S. Rossner. 2005.Effects of the cannabinoid-1 receptor blocker rimonabant on weightreduction and cardiovascular risk factors in overweight patients: 1-yearexperience from the RIO-Europe study. Lancet 365: 1389–1397.o Vidal C., R. Fuente, Iglesias A. & A. Saez. 1991. Bronchial asthma due toCannabis sativa seed. Allergy 46(8):647–650.o Waddell T.G., H. Jones & A.L. Keith. 1980. Legendary chemical aphrodisiacs.Journal of Chemical Education 57:341-342.o Wilson R.I. & R.A. Nicoll. 2011. Endogenous cannabinoids mediateretrograde signalling at hippocampal synapses. Nature 410:588–592.o Wood T.B., Spivey W.T.N. & T.H. Easterfield. 1896. Charas: The Resin ofIndian Hemp. Journal of Chemical Society 69:539-546.o Wood T.B., Spivey W.T.N. & T.H. Easterfield. 1899. Cannabinol. Part I.Journal of Chemical Society 75:20–36.o Wright K.L., Duncan M. & K.A. Sharkey. 2008. Cannabinoid CB2 receptorsin the gastrointestinal tract: a regulatory system in states of inflammation.British Journal of Pharmacology 153:263–270.o Zinberg N.E. & A.T. Weil. 1970. A comparison of Marijuana users and nonusers,Nature 26:119-123.o Zuardi A.W. 2006. History of cannabis as a medicine: A review. RevistaBrasileira de Psiquiatria 28(2):153-157.jd¾:d Ñ;%mgooooooooooooAdam Rutherford. 2010. The Cell.Alice Roberts. 2009. The Incredible Human Journey.Australian Broadcasting cooperation . 2004. Stories from the Stone Age.BBC. 2010. The Secret of Our Lives: the Human Genome.Chad Cohen & Arthur Binkowski. 2007. Incredible Human Machine.David Eagleman. 2015. The Brain.Dorian Harewood. 2001. A History of God.Douglas Cohen. 2011. History of the World in 2 hours.Isha Foundation. 2012. Yugas: the Tides of time.Jim al-Kalli. 2010. Chemistry: A Volatile History.Jim al-Kalli. 2011. Shock and Awe: the Story of Electricity.Luke Ellis. 2007. Beyond the Big bang.347

jika; fiak je,swx.ff;%f,dalHúchdoooooooMuffie Meyer & Stephen Lyons.2015. The Mystry of Matter: search forelements.National Geography. 2011. Inside the Human Body.Niel Degrasse Tyson. 2004. Origins 1: Earth is BornNiel Degrasse Tyson. 2004. Origins: How Life Began.Niobe Thompson. 2015. The Great Human Odyssey.Spencer Wells. 2010. The journey of man : A Genetic OdysseThe Editors of Hinduism Today Magazine. 2014. The History of HinduIndia.348

f;jk fldgi


o Thorburn M.J. 1975. Jamaican bushes and human chromosomes. Jamaica

Journal 8(4):18.

o Turner C.E., M.A. Elsohly & E.G. Boeren. 1980. Constituents of Cannabis

sativa L. XVII. A review of the natural constituents. Journal of Natural

Products 43(2):169-234.

o Van Gaal L.F., Rissanen A.M., Scheen A.J., Ziegler O. & S. Rossner. 2005.

Effects of the cannabinoid-1 receptor blocker rimonabant on weight

reduction and cardiovascular risk factors in overweight patients: 1-year

experience from the RIO-Europe study. Lancet 365: 1389–1397.

o Vidal C., R. Fuente, Iglesias A. & A. Saez. 1991. Bronchial asthma due to

Cannabis sativa seed. Allergy 46(8):647–650.

o Waddell T.G., H. Jones & A.L. Keith. 1980. Legendary chemical aphrodisiacs.

Journal of Chemical Education 57:341-342.

o Wilson R.I. & R.A. Nicoll. 2011. Endogenous cannabinoids mediate

retrograde signalling at hippocampal synapses. Nature 410:588–592.

o Wood T.B., Spivey W.T.N. & T.H. Easterfield. 1896. Charas: The Resin of

Indian Hemp. Journal of Chemical Society 69:539-546.

o Wood T.B., Spivey W.T.N. & T.H. Easterfield. 1899. Cannabinol. Part I.

Journal of Chemical Society 75:20–36.

o Wright K.L., Duncan M. & K.A. Sharkey. 2008. Cannabinoid CB2 receptors

in the gastrointestinal tract: a regulatory system in states of inflammation.

British Journal of Pharmacology 153:263–270.

o Zinberg N.E. & A.T. Weil. 1970. A comparison of Marijuana users and nonusers,

Nature 26:119-123.

o Zuardi A.W. 2006. History of cannabis as a medicine: A review. Revista

Brasileira de Psiquiatria 28(2):153-157.

jd¾:d Ñ;%mg













Adam Rutherford. 2010. The Cell.

Alice Roberts. 2009. The Incredible Human Journey.

Australian Broadcasting cooperation . 2004. Stories from the Stone Age.

BBC. 2010. The Secret of Our Lives: the Human Genome.

Chad Cohen & Arthur Binkowski. 2007. Incredible Human Machine.

David Eagleman. 2015. The Brain.

Dorian Harewood. 2001. A History of God.

Douglas Cohen. 2011. History of the World in 2 hours.

Isha Foundation. 2012. Yugas: the Tides of time.

Jim al-Kalli. 2010. Chemistry: A Volatile History.

Jim al-Kalli. 2011. Shock and Awe: the Story of Electricity.

Luke Ellis. 2007. Beyond the Big bang.


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