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jika; fiak je,swx.



o Nahas, G.G. 1981. Marijuana and sex. Medical Aspects Human Sexuality


o Nathan P.J., O'Neill B.V., Napolitano A. & E.T. Bullmore. 2011.

Neuropsychiatric adverse effects of centrally acting antiobesity drugs. CNS

Neuroscience & Therapeutics 17:490–505.

o Nayar S.L. 1955. Vegetable insecticides. Bulletin of National Institute of

Science in India 4:137–145.

o Nicholson A.N., Turner C., Stone B.M. & P.J. Robson. 2004. Effect of

delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol on nocturnal sleep and earlymorning

behavior in young adults. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology


o Ohno-Shosaku T., Tanimura A., Hashimotodani Y. & M. Kano. 2012.

Endocannabinoids and retrograde modulation of synaptic transmission.

Neuroscientist 18:119–132.

o O'Shaughnessy W.B. 1842. On the preparation of the Indian Hemp of

Gunjah (Cannabis indica): the effects on the animal system in health and their

utility in the treatment of tetanus and other convulsive diseases, Transactions

of the Medical and Physical Society of Bombay 8:421- 461.

o O’Shaughnessy W.B. 1843. On the preparations of the Indian hemp, or gunjah

(Cannabis indica). Their effects on the animal system in health, and their utility

in the treatment of tetanus and other convulsive diseases. Provincial Medical

Journal and Retrospectives of Medical Sciences 5:343–398.

o Pacher P. & G. Kunos. 2013. Modulating the endocannabinoid system in

human health and disease - successes and failures. Journal of Federation of

European Biochemical Societies 280:1918–1943.

o Pacher P. & R. Mechoulam. 2011. Is lipid signaling through cannabinoid 2

receptors part of a protective system? Progress in Lipid Research 50:193–


o Park, B., McPartland J.M. & M. Glass. 2004. Cannabis, cannabinoids and

reproduction. Prostaglandins Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids


o Pasquariello N., Oddi S., Malaponti M. & M. Maccarrone. 2009. Regulation of

gene transcription and keratinocyte differentiation by anandamide. Vitamins

and Hormones 81:441–467.

o Pertwee R.G. 2009. Emerging strategies for exploiting cannabinoid receptor

agonists as medicines. British Journal of Pharmacology 156:397–411.

o Pertwee R.G. 2014. Elevating endocannabinoid levels: pharmacological

strategies and potential therapeutic applications. Proceedings of Nutrition

Society 73:96–105.

o Pertwee R.G. 2010. Receptors and channels targeted by synthetic cannabinoid

receptor agonists and antagonists. Current Medicinal Chemistry17:1360–1381.

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