

f;jk fldgiuQ,dY%o Dalton W.S., Martz R., Lemberger L., Rodda B.E. & R.B. Forney. 1976.Influence of cannabidiol on delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol effects. ClinicalPharmacology Therapeutics 19(3):300–309.o Davis J.P. & H.H. Ramsey. 1949. Antiepileptic Action of Marijuana-ActiveSubstances. Federal Proceedings 8:284–285.o Dewey W.L. 1986. Cannabinoid pharmacology. Pharmacological Reviews 38:151–178.o Di Marzo V. 2006. A brief history of cannabinoid and endocannabinoidpharmacology as inspired by the work of British scientists. Trends inPharmacological Sciences 27: 134–140.o Diaz J.L. 1977. Ethnopharmacology of sacred psychoactive plants used bythe Indians of Mexico. Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology17:647.o Dwarakanath C. 1965. Use of opium and cannabis in the traditional systemsof medicine in India. Bulletin of Narcotics 17:15–19.o El-Alfy A.T., Ivey K., Robinson K., Ahmed S., Radwan M., Slade D.,Khan I., ElSohly M. & S. Ross. 2010. Antidepressant-like effect of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol and other cannabinoids isolated from Cannabis sativa(L). Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 95(4):434–442.o Elsohly M.A. & D. Slade. 2005. Chemical constituents of marijuana: thecomplex mixture of natural cannabinoids. Life Sciences 78(5):539–548.o Fernandez-Ruiz J. et al. 2007. Cannabinoid CB2 receptor: a new target forcontrolling neural cell survival? Trends in Pharmacological Science 28:39–45.o Fernandez-Ruiz J., Pazos M.R., Garcia-Arencibia M., Sagredo O. & J.A. Ramos.2008. Role of CB2 receptors in neuroprotective effects of cannabinoids.Molecular Cellular and Endocrinology 286:91–96.o Gaoni Y. & R. Mechoulam. 1964. Isolation, structure and partial synthesisof an active constituent of Hashish. Journal of American Chemical Society86:1646–1647.o Gerard C., Mollereau C., Vassart G. & M. Parmentier. 1990. Nucleotide sequenceof a human cannabinoid receptor cDNA. Nucleic Acids Research 18:7142.o Giron L.M., Freire V., Alonzo A. & A. Caceres. 1991. Ethnobotanicalsurvey of the medicinal flora used by the Caribs of Guatemala. Journal ofEthnopharmacology 34(2/3):173–187.o Goutopoulos A. & A. Makriyannis. 2002. From cannabis to cannabinergics:new therapeutic opportunities. Pharmacology & Therapeutics 95:103–117.o Grierson G.A. 1894. The hemp plant in Sanskrit and Hindi literature. IndianAntiquary September 260–262.o Hampson A.J., Grimaldi M., Axelrod J. & D. Wink. 1998. Cannabidiol andDelta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol are neuroprotective antioxidants. Proceedingsof National Academy of Sciences in USA 95(14):8268–8273.341

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f;jk fldgi


o Dalton W.S., Martz R., Lemberger L., Rodda B.E. & R.B. Forney. 1976.

Influence of cannabidiol on delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol effects. Clinical

Pharmacology Therapeutics 19(3):300–309.

o Davis J.P. & H.H. Ramsey. 1949. Antiepileptic Action of Marijuana-Active

Substances. Federal Proceedings 8:284–285.

o Dewey W.L. 1986. Cannabinoid pharmacology. Pharmacological Reviews 38:


o Di Marzo V. 2006. A brief history of cannabinoid and endocannabinoid

pharmacology as inspired by the work of British scientists. Trends in

Pharmacological Sciences 27: 134–140.

o Diaz J.L. 1977. Ethnopharmacology of sacred psychoactive plants used by

the Indians of Mexico. Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology


o Dwarakanath C. 1965. Use of opium and cannabis in the traditional systems

of medicine in India. Bulletin of Narcotics 17:15–19.

o El-Alfy A.T., Ivey K., Robinson K., Ahmed S., Radwan M., Slade D.,

Khan I., ElSohly M. & S. Ross. 2010. Antidepressant-like effect of Δ9-

tetrahydrocannabinol and other cannabinoids isolated from Cannabis sativa

(L). Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 95(4):434–442.

o Elsohly M.A. & D. Slade. 2005. Chemical constituents of marijuana: the

complex mixture of natural cannabinoids. Life Sciences 78(5):539–548.

o Fernandez-Ruiz J. et al. 2007. Cannabinoid CB2 receptor: a new target for

controlling neural cell survival? Trends in Pharmacological Science 28:39–45.

o Fernandez-Ruiz J., Pazos M.R., Garcia-Arencibia M., Sagredo O. & J.A. Ramos.

2008. Role of CB2 receptors in neuroprotective effects of cannabinoids.

Molecular Cellular and Endocrinology 286:91–96.

o Gaoni Y. & R. Mechoulam. 1964. Isolation, structure and partial synthesis

of an active constituent of Hashish. Journal of American Chemical Society


o Gerard C., Mollereau C., Vassart G. & M. Parmentier. 1990. Nucleotide sequence

of a human cannabinoid receptor cDNA. Nucleic Acids Research 18:7142.

o Giron L.M., Freire V., Alonzo A. & A. Caceres. 1991. Ethnobotanical

survey of the medicinal flora used by the Caribs of Guatemala. Journal of

Ethnopharmacology 34(2/3):173–187.

o Goutopoulos A. & A. Makriyannis. 2002. From cannabis to cannabinergics:

new therapeutic opportunities. Pharmacology & Therapeutics 95:103–117.

o Grierson G.A. 1894. The hemp plant in Sanskrit and Hindi literature. Indian

Antiquary September 260–262.

o Hampson A.J., Grimaldi M., Axelrod J. & D. Wink. 1998. Cannabidiol and

Delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol are neuroprotective antioxidants. Proceedings

of National Academy of Sciences in USA 95(14):8268–8273.


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