

f;jk fldgiuQ,dY%ooooooooooooooooRandall R.C. 1988. Marijuana, Medicine and the law. Galen Press, WashingtonD.C.Randall R.C. 1989. Marijuana, Medicine and the law II. Galen Press,Washington D.C.Randall R.C. 1990. Cancer treatment and Marijuana therapy. Galen Press,Washington D.C.Randall R.C. 1991. Marijuana and Aids: Pot, politics and PWAS in America.Galen Press, Washington D.C.Robinson R. 1996. The Great Book of Hemp. Park Street Press, Rochester,Vermont.Rosenthal F. 1971. The herb: Hashish vs medieval Muslim society. EJB.Rosevear J. 1967. Pot: A handbook of Marijuana. NY., University Books.Roulac J.W. 1997. Hemp Horizens, The comeback of the world's mostpromising plant. Chelsea Green Publishing Company, White River Junction,Vermont.Rubin V. & L.C. Mouton. 1975. Ganja in Jamaica. The Hague, Paris.Rudenko S.I. 1970. Frozen tombs of Siberia. Dent., London.Samant S.S., U. Dhar & L.M.S. Palni. 1998. Medicinal Plants of IndianHimalaya: Diversity distribution potential values. Gyanodaya Prakashan,Nainital, India.Soloman D. 1966. The Marijuana Papers. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill.Storm D. 1987. Marijuana Hydroponics: High-Tech Water Culture. RoninPublishing, Berkeley, California.Sula B. 1975. Cannabis and Culture, ed. V. Rubin, The Hague: Moutan.Weil A. & W. Rosen. 1972. Chocolate to Morphine: Understanding mindactivedrugs. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.White T. 1983. Catch a fire: The life of Bob Marley. H. Holt & Co.bx.%sis niska ,shejqkq m¾fhaIK m;%sldo Adams R. & B.R. Baker. 1940. The structure of Cannabinol VII. A methodof synthesis of a Tetrahydrocannabinol which possesses marijuana activity.Journal of American Chemistry Society 62:2405–2408.o Adams R. 1941–1942. Marihuana. Harvey Lectures 37:168–197.o Allen J.R. & L.J. West. 1968. Flight from violence: Hippies and the GreenRebellion. American Journal of Psychiatry 125:364–370.o Amar B.B. 2006. Cannabinoids in medicine: A review of their therapeuticpotential. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 105:1–25.o Ameri A. 1999. The effects of cannabinoids on the brain. Progress inNeurobiology 58(4):315–348.o Ames F. 1964. A clinical and metabolic study of Cannabis (marijuana) andnarcotics. Bulletin of Narcotics 16:23–28.339

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f;jk fldgi


















Randall R.C. 1988. Marijuana, Medicine and the law. Galen Press, Washington


Randall R.C. 1989. Marijuana, Medicine and the law II. Galen Press,

Washington D.C.

Randall R.C. 1990. Cancer treatment and Marijuana therapy. Galen Press,

Washington D.C.

Randall R.C. 1991. Marijuana and Aids: Pot, politics and PWAS in America.

Galen Press, Washington D.C.

Robinson R. 1996. The Great Book of Hemp. Park Street Press, Rochester,


Rosenthal F. 1971. The herb: Hashish vs medieval Muslim society. EJB.

Rosevear J. 1967. Pot: A handbook of Marijuana. NY., University Books.

Roulac J.W. 1997. Hemp Horizens, The comeback of the world's most

promising plant. Chelsea Green Publishing Company, White River Junction,


Rubin V. & L.C. Mouton. 1975. Ganja in Jamaica. The Hague, Paris.

Rudenko S.I. 1970. Frozen tombs of Siberia. Dent., London.

Samant S.S., U. Dhar & L.M.S. Palni. 1998. Medicinal Plants of Indian

Himalaya: Diversity distribution potential values. Gyanodaya Prakashan,

Nainital, India.

Soloman D. 1966. The Marijuana Papers. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill.

Storm D. 1987. Marijuana Hydroponics: High-Tech Water Culture. Ronin

Publishing, Berkeley, California.

Sula B. 1975. Cannabis and Culture, ed. V. Rubin, The Hague: Moutan.

Weil A. & W. Rosen. 1972. Chocolate to Morphine: Understanding mindactive

drugs. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

White T. 1983. Catch a fire: The life of Bob Marley. H. Holt & Co.

bx.%sis niska ,shejqkq m¾fhaIK m;%sld

o Adams R. & B.R. Baker. 1940. The structure of Cannabinol VII. A method

of synthesis of a Tetrahydrocannabinol which possesses marijuana activity.

Journal of American Chemistry Society 62:2405–2408.

o Adams R. 1941–1942. Marihuana. Harvey Lectures 37:168–197.

o Allen J.R. & L.J. West. 1968. Flight from violence: Hippies and the Green

Rebellion. American Journal of Psychiatry 125:364–370.

o Amar B.B. 2006. Cannabinoids in medicine: A review of their therapeutic

potential. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 105:1–25.

o Ameri A. 1999. The effects of cannabinoids on the brain. Progress in

Neurobiology 58(4):315–348.

o Ames F. 1964. A clinical and metabolic study of Cannabis (marijuana) and

narcotics. Bulletin of Narcotics 16:23–28.


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