

f;jk fldgiuQ,dY%ooooooooooooooooooooCampbell J.M. 1894. On The Religion of Hemp, Appendix to the IndianHemp Drugs Commission Report of 1894, reprinted in Excerpts from theIndian Hemp Drugs Commission Report with Centennial Thoughts onIndian Hemp and the Dope Fiends of Old England compiled by Tod H.Mikuriya, M.D.Carver J. 1996. How to grow the finest marijuana indoors under lights.Homestead Book Company, Seattle, Washington.Chandrasena J.P.C. 1935. The chemistry and pharmacology of Ceylon andIndian medicinal plants. H & C Press, Colombo, Ceylon.Clarke R.C. 1981. Marijuana Botany. Berkeley, Ronin Press.Clorfene R. & J.S. Margolis. 1969. A child’s book of grass. Contact Books.Cohen S. & R. Stillman. 1975. The therapeutic potential of Marijuana.Plenum, NY.Conrad C. 1992. Hemp: Lifeline of the future. Creative Xpressions, LosAngles, CA.Crowley A. 1912. The psychology of Hashish.Dansak D.A. 1997. Cannabis as an Antiemetic and Appetite Stimulant inCancer Patients. McFarland & Co. Jefferson, NC.Drake B. 1971. The connoisseur's handbook of Marijuana. Straight ArrowBooks.Duke J.A. 1983. Handbook of energy crops. Purdue University, United States.Frank M. & E. Rosenthal. 1979. Marijuana Growers Guide. Level Press, SanFrancisco.Frazier J. 1991. The Great American Hemp Industry. Solar Age Press Box610 Peterstown, WV 24963.George A. & S. Vinkenoog. 1976. The Book of Grass: An Anthology onIndian Hemp. Chandler and Sharp Series in Cross Cultural Themes (N.Y.,Grove Press).Grierson G.A. 1894. On references to the Hemp plant occurring in Sanskritand Hindu literature, Appendix to the Indian Hemp Drugs CommissionReport of 1894, Reprinted in Exerpts from the Indian Hemp DrugsCommission Report with Centennial thoughts on Indian Hemp and theDope Fiends of Old England compiled by Tod H. Mikuriya, M.D.Grinspoon L. & J. Bakalar. 1993. Marijuana; the forbidden medicine.Grinspoon L. 1971. Marijuana reconsidered. Harvard University Press.Grotenhermen F. & E. Russo. 2002. Cannabis and Cannabinoids:Pharmacology, Toxicology and Therapeutic Potential. Haworth Press:Binghamton, NY.Haining P. 1975. The Hashish club.VOL I, London.Harding E.M. 1973. Psychic energy, it's source and its transformation.Princeton/Bollingen.337

jika; fiak je,swx.ff;%f,dalHúchdooooooooooooooooooooHarrington H.D. & Y. Matsumura. 1974. Edible native plants of the RockyMountains. University of New Mexico Press, Mexico.Hedrick U.P. & E.L. Sturtevant. 1972. Sturtevant's edible plants of the world.Dover Publications, New York.Herer J. 1985. The emperor wears no clothes. Van Nuys, CA.Hopkins J.F. 1951. A history of the hemp industry in Kentucky. Lexington:University of Kentucky Press.Hoye D. 1976. Cannabis alchemy: the art of modern hash making. HighTimes/Level Press.Jayasinghe D.M., Kumarasinghe A., Weerasinghe L. & H.A.L. Ramanayake.1979. Ayurveda Pharmacopoeia. Department of Ayurveda, Nawinna,Maharagama.Kaplan J. 1969. Marijuana. Report of the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission,1893–1894. Thomas Jefferson Publishing Co., Silver Spring, MD.Kunkel G. 1984. Plants for human consumption. Lubrecht and Cramer Ltd.New York.La Guardia Report. 1944. The Marijuana Problem in the city of New York.Lamb B. 1996. High Cuisine: The Cannabis Cookbook. Mount Olivet Press,Toronto.Ludlow F.H. 1857. The Hasheesh Eater: being passages from the life of aPythagorean. NY: Harper and Bros.Mechoulam R. 1986. Cannabinoids as Therapeutic Agents. CRC Press Inc.,Boca Raton.Merrill F.T. 1938. Marijuana, The new dangerous drug. Opium ResearchCommittee, Foreign Policy Association, Inc., Washington Office, 1200National Press Building, Washington, D.C.Mikuriya T.H., Gieringer D. & E. Rosenthal. 1997. Marijuana Medical Handbook,A Guide to therapeutic use. Quick American Archives, Oakland, California.Mukerji B.A.C. 1894. On the origin and history of Trinath worship in easternBengal, Appendix to the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission Report of 1894,Reprinted in Exerpts from the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission Report withCentennial thoughts on Indian Hemp and the Dope Fiends of Old Englandcompiled by Tod H. Mikuriya, M.D.Murphy E. 1920. The Black Candle. Thomas Allen.National Academy of Sciences. 1982. Marijuana and health, report of theInstitute of Medicine. National Academy Press.O'Shaugnessy W.B. 1841. The Bengal Dispensatory and Pharmacopoeia.Bishop's College Press.Oursler W. 1968. Marijuana: The facts, the truth. NY: Paul S. Eriksson.Owens J. 1976. Dread, the Rastafarians of Jamaica. Kingston.338

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Campbell J.M. 1894. On The Religion of Hemp, Appendix to the Indian

Hemp Drugs Commission Report of 1894, reprinted in Excerpts from the

Indian Hemp Drugs Commission Report with Centennial Thoughts on

Indian Hemp and the Dope Fiends of Old England compiled by Tod H.

Mikuriya, M.D.

Carver J. 1996. How to grow the finest marijuana indoors under lights.

Homestead Book Company, Seattle, Washington.

Chandrasena J.P.C. 1935. The chemistry and pharmacology of Ceylon and

Indian medicinal plants. H & C Press, Colombo, Ceylon.

Clarke R.C. 1981. Marijuana Botany. Berkeley, Ronin Press.

Clorfene R. & J.S. Margolis. 1969. A child’s book of grass. Contact Books.

Cohen S. & R. Stillman. 1975. The therapeutic potential of Marijuana.

Plenum, NY.

Conrad C. 1992. Hemp: Lifeline of the future. Creative Xpressions, Los

Angles, CA.

Crowley A. 1912. The psychology of Hashish.

Dansak D.A. 1997. Cannabis as an Antiemetic and Appetite Stimulant in

Cancer Patients. McFarland & Co. Jefferson, NC.

Drake B. 1971. The connoisseur's handbook of Marijuana. Straight Arrow


Duke J.A. 1983. Handbook of energy crops. Purdue University, United States.

Frank M. & E. Rosenthal. 1979. Marijuana Growers Guide. Level Press, San


Frazier J. 1991. The Great American Hemp Industry. Solar Age Press Box

610 Peterstown, WV 24963.

George A. & S. Vinkenoog. 1976. The Book of Grass: An Anthology on

Indian Hemp. Chandler and Sharp Series in Cross Cultural Themes (N.Y.,

Grove Press).

Grierson G.A. 1894. On references to the Hemp plant occurring in Sanskrit

and Hindu literature, Appendix to the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission

Report of 1894, Reprinted in Exerpts from the Indian Hemp Drugs

Commission Report with Centennial thoughts on Indian Hemp and the

Dope Fiends of Old England compiled by Tod H. Mikuriya, M.D.

Grinspoon L. & J. Bakalar. 1993. Marijuana; the forbidden medicine.

Grinspoon L. 1971. Marijuana reconsidered. Harvard University Press.

Grotenhermen F. & E. Russo. 2002. Cannabis and Cannabinoids:

Pharmacology, Toxicology and Therapeutic Potential. Haworth Press:

Binghamton, NY.

Haining P. 1975. The Hashish club.VOL I, London.

Harding E.M. 1973. Psychic energy, it's source and its transformation.



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