*Abril/2020 Referência Florestal 217

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As pesquisas precisam de<br />

um incentivo crescente para<br />

atender às demandas de um<br />

setor em crescimento<br />

>> Nos últimos anos, foi desenvolvido pelo governo federal o<br />

Pndfp (Plano Nacional de Desenvolvimento de Florestas Plantadas),<br />

com o objetivo de aumentar em 2 milhões de hectares a<br />

área de cultivos comerciais. Como isso impacta o setor florestal<br />

no país?<br />

Com a atividade florestal ocupando aproximadamente 1% do<br />

território nacional, o Brasil lidera o ranking mundial de produtividade<br />

florestal, possuindo 7,83 milhões de hectares plantados e<br />

sendo responsável por cerca de 6,9% do PIB Industrial nacional.<br />

O Pndfp incentiva que a atividade florestal de ponta, desenvolvida<br />

em nosso país, possa avançar e conquistar lugares de ainda<br />

mais destaque no cenário nacional e internacional, já que o setor<br />

é responsável por aproximadamente 10% da exportação relacionada<br />

ao agronegócio brasileiro.<br />

>> Como a sustentabilidade pode ser fortalecida a partir deste<br />

Plano Nacional?<br />

Em sua grande maioria, o setor florestal brasileiro está atendendo<br />

todas as diretrizes legais ambientalmente impostas, inclusive<br />

passando por processos de certificação internacional, obrigando<br />

o setor a se enquadrar entre os que mais protegem áreas naturais,<br />

representando em torno de 6 milhões de hectares destinados<br />

à conservação. O crescimento do setor deve estar atrelado<br />

também à capacidade de utilização da oferta de florestas no<br />

mercado, sendo que o Pndfp prevê incentivo ao beneficiamento<br />

desta madeira, promovendo a utilização do potencial produtivo<br />

de bens e serviços econômicos das florestas plantadas, como<br />

parte integrante da política de desenvolvimento. Verifica-se que<br />

o setor já está atento para este crescimento, realizando investimentos<br />

de médio e longo prazo para utilizar o potencial florestal<br />

das regiões de forma cada vez mais eficiente.<br />

>> Na sua visão, ainda falta incentivo governamental para a<br />

área de pesquisas florestais?<br />

O Brasil desenvolve tecnologia de ponta no setor florestal, sendo<br />

que as universidades e a Embrapa desempenham um papel fundamental<br />

no crescimento do setor de pesquisas. Entretanto, verifica-se<br />

que as pesquisas precisam de um incentivo crescente para<br />

atender às demandas de um setor em crescimento. Algumas<br />

necessidades, como a pesquisa que prevê o controle dos danos<br />

realizados pelos macacos-prego nos plantios de pinus é apenas<br />

uma das inúmeras pesquisas que precisam de mais incentivos<br />

Over the last few years, the National Plan for the Development<br />

of Planted Forests (Pndfp) has been elaborated by the<br />

Federal government, with the aim of increasing<br />

The Country leads the world ranking in forest productivity,<br />

with the forest activity occupying approximately 1% of<br />

Brazilian territory, having 7.83 million hectares planted, and<br />

accounting for about 6.9% of GDP the area of commercial<br />

crops by 2 million hectares. How does this impact the Forestry<br />

Sector in Brazil?. The Pndfp provides incentives so that the<br />

cutting-edge forest activity developed in our Country can advance<br />

and conquer even more prominence in the national and<br />

international scenario, since the Sector is responsible for approximately<br />

10% of exports related to Brazilian agribusiness.<br />

How is sustainability strengthened from this National Plan?<br />

The vast majority of the Brazilian Forestry Sector meets all<br />

environmentally imposed legal guidelines, as well as those<br />

included in the international certification processes, leading<br />

the Sector to be among those that most protect natural areas,<br />

representing around 6 million hectares destined for conservation.<br />

The growth of the Sector is also linked to the capacity to<br />

use the timber supply in the market, and as an integral part<br />

of development policy, the Pndfp provides incentives to the<br />

processing of this timber, promoting the use of the productive<br />

potential of the economic goods and services from planted<br />

forests. It can be seen that the Sector is attentive to this<br />

growth, making medium and long-term investments to use<br />

the forest potential of all regions in an increasingly efficient<br />

way.<br />

In your view, is there still a lack of government incentives for<br />

research in the forest area?<br />

Brazil has developed a state-of-the-art technology in the Forestry<br />

Sector, and universities and Embrapa have played a vital<br />

role in the growth of the research sector. However, research is<br />

needed to provide more incentives to meet the demands of a<br />

growing sector. Some needs, such as research that provides<br />

for the control of the damage done by capuchin monkeys in<br />

pine plantations, is just one of numerous studies that need<br />

more incentives to achieve results that can adapt to the environmental<br />

issues and reduce the economic damage caused to<br />

planted forests.<br />

Over the last few decades, Forestry has surpassed Extractivism<br />

in the participation of primary forest production in Brazil.<br />

In your opinion, what are the reasons for this movement?<br />

Currently, in Brazil, planted trees account for about 91% of all<br />

timber produced for industrial purposes in the Country, and<br />

the remaining 9% comes from legally managed natural forests.<br />

The use of native species ends up being very expensive,<br />

since one does not have control of the forest, as in a planted<br />

forest. Tree alignment, planting of homogeneous species,<br />

and at the same time, among other characteristics, which<br />

allow for a predictable production and planting management<br />

operations, lead to Forestry being much more commercially<br />

attractive, not to mention that the increased environmental<br />

bureaucracy created to prevent illegal deforestation ends<br />

Abril <strong>2020</strong><br />


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