In The Garden - issue one

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In The Garden, Issue One 1

I n d e x


E x a m S u c c e s s 2 0 1 9


G r a d u a t e s o f G a r d e n


A l l a b o u t A l u m n i


L e a d e r s


W h y H i s t o r y ?


M e e t t h e T e a c h e r ; M s . W i l s o n


L i f e C h a n g i n g B o o k s

1 0

" N e v e r - e n d i n g D r e a m " b y

P e t e r Y 1 0

1 2

1 4

P u p i l ' s P a s s i o n - L i z z y

W h y B u s i n e s s ?

I n t r o d u c t i o n

1 6

1 7

W h a t c a n I d o w i t h a B u s i n e s s

d e g r e e ?

P u p i l ' s P a s s i o n - M a t t

Hello readers and welcome to Garden's first ever magazine....

.....in the garden!

1 9

2 0

2 1

S e c o n d a r y S p o r t s

A c h i e v e m e n t s

T e r m 1 H o u s e P o i n t t o t a l s

U n d e r r a t e d U n d e r g r a d u a t e

C o u r s e

There are lots of exciting features in this historic issue,

including everything from pupil passions to house points

competitions. Our dedicated team of reporters have also

researched their favourite subjects and interviewed new staff

whilst also sharing books that have changed their lives.

2 2

2 3

I n t e r n a t i o n a l U n i v e r s i t i e s U K

M i n d f u l n e s s w e b s i t e s t o e a s e

y o u r s t r e s s a w a y

We hope you enjoy this special opportunity to celebrate

everything that is great about our school and look forward to

sharing our next edition next term.

Happy reading!

I n t h e g a r d e n t e a m - i s s u e o n e :

In the garden team.

D i r e c t o r :

B r e n d a n C a r d i f f

D e s i g n E d i t o r :

N a r a n V i j a k v i t c h a k o r n

A s s i s t a n t E d i t o r :

Z a h r a E l k h a i r a Z u l k i f l i

R e p o r t e r s :

A n d a m a n G i l q u i n

W a n t a L o h a w a t a n a k u l ( A m y )

I b r a h i m D a m b e l e

J a m e s H e a l y



In The Garden, Issue One 3

Where will your

education take you..?

In The Garden, Issue One 4



Darya Makhotkina (Darya)

Joanne Yong (Joanne)

Kahfi Soobhan Zulkifli (Kahfi)

Kenichi Dangkajitpetch (Ken)

Pranav Dhandhia (Pranav)

Siddharthraj Ramesh (Sid)

Stacey Shelley (Stacey)

Mahidol University

University of Melbourne

Bandung Institute of Technology

Mahidol University

University of Melbourne

Medical University of Warsaw

Nottingham Trent University

In The Garden, Issue One 5












Article by Andaman Gilquin In The Garden, Issue One 6

Why History?

History in AS and A2

Many people find the step up from IGCSE to A

Level relatively challenging. Some aspects of the

course rely on your source skills a lot more and

you need to work to build these skills. Being an

essay subject there will be a lot more writing and

reading involved in it, so if you struggle with those

you may find the subject challenging. You don't

need to actually study History GCSE to be able to

do it at A-level either, as you will build the skills

throughout the course anyway.

Reviewing a collection of stamps with Nick, Jake, James and Anda

Introduction to History

History is a beautiful subject and every student

that took History in IGCSE or AS and A2 could

say the same. You might think that History is just

a subject about the past, but trust me, there’s

more to it than just that. History is evolution.

Understanding the events of the past allows us to

evolve into better versions of ourselves. It’s as

simple as that.

History in IGCSE

Whilst learning each of the topics that I stated

earlier, you guys would be encouraged to assess a

range of primary and secondary source

materials. This empowers you to come to your

own conclusions of each topic based on the

sources provided.

The Neilson Hays Library

Every year, our history department would organize a

trip to the Neilson Hays Library. Housing

approximately 20,000 books, many of which relate to

History, the Neilson Hays Library has one of the largest

collections of books in Bangkok and it is also one of the

oldest, founded in 1869.The IGCSE students were

producing coursework on ‘Life in Nazi Germany’. The

library allowed them to obtain valuable secondary

evidence through a large assortment of books.

The Sixth Form on the other hand, including myself,

were inquiring and further expanding our knowledge

with our own areas of study, the French Revolution and

the American Civil War.

Throughout the History IGCSE, you will cover a

number of important events throughout the

timeline of the twentieth century. This includes

the rise and fall of Nazi Germany, American history

between the wars, the industrial revolution and

finally, the civil rights movement.

Year 11 (Nami, Josie, Tris, Ondra), 12 (Lizzy, Zahra) and 13 (Anda)

In The Garden, Issue One 8

AL: What’s your favourite sport to play and why?

LW: My favourite sport back home is hockey -

field hockey. I’ve played it since I was 6 years old,

so it’s always been my favourite sport. It’s a bit

like ice hockey but with a ball and on the field. I

play goal, so I get padded up and it’s really fun.

Some might say it’s a little crazy playing goal

because they use the stick to hit the ball really

hard at me, but it’s not painful because of the

padding I wear

AL: What inspired you to become a P.E. teacher?

LW: I’ve always liked sports. It’s something I

kinda fell into. I did my GCSEs in P.E., A-Levels in

P.E. then went to university in sports with my

masters in sport psychology. So then I kind of fell

into being a P.E. teacher, it’s something that I

enjoy working with young people and making a

difference as well. It’s not something I

necessarily always wanted to do, but more like

something I fell into.

AL: How are you enjoying Thailand so far?

LW: I love it. I just find it a bit hot and sweaty

teaching outside all day, but apart from that it’s


AL: What is your favourite food here?

LW: I really like ramen, but that’s not really Thai. I

like Pad thai, which is a classic and the fried

chicken that you can get from the streets as well.

In The Garden, Issue One 12


Over the past two years, Elizabeth

Okafor (Lizzy), currently one of the

Head Students and in Year 12, as

well as last year’s House Captain for

Gecko, has been one of the

students that participated in MUN**

Conferences outside of Garden

from 2018.

ZEZ: What career would you want to dive

in when you’re older?

This was taken in front of a flag installation that celebrates

all of the nationalities that have attended Garden

International School Bangkok over the years.

EO: Law. I want to be a government

lawyer, then become a politician, then

later on (hopefully): become a president.

ZEZ: How do you balance time focusing

on your studies while preparing for a


EO: First, I plan what I do in a day. If my

homework is due the next day, I would

do that first. I prioritize school work

before MUN, so I need to balance my

time. Please have enough sleep before

the Conference; don’t overwork

yourself! If you haven’t done much

research, you can always research on

the ride there. (I don’t recommend

that). If you know your country and

topic already, even though the

Conference is months away, having a

head start is better than last minute.

Start early!

ZEZ: What inspires you to join MUNs?

EO: I want to try new challenges and meet

new people. I like to look and argue at

different perspectives and learn from other

people’s point of view to solve world


ZEZ: What career would you want to dive in

when you’re older?

EO: Law. I want to be a government lawyer,

then become a politician, then later on

(hopefully): become a president.

ZEZ: What‘s a lesson that you’ve learnt

from MUN?

EO: Never do it(research) last minute!

Always spend time researching at least

about your country, even if it doesn’t

relate much to the topic.

In The Garden, Issue One 13

ZEZ: What’s your favourite memory during a Conference?

EO: On my second conference, I was the delegate of China; everyone was against

my resolution. Initially, there were 15 delegates against me, and it was really

funny because people kept on attacking me, but I still made up points, and I won

‘Best Delegate’. That felt wonderful to me, as it was one of my biggest

accomplishments, because it shows that I can work under pressure, and that I

did my research to prove my points.

ZEZ: Do you think everyone should go to at

least one MUN conference? Why?

EO: Yes they should in their lifetime. It is an

experience that improves your research and

speaking skills, as well as your confidence.

Also, you make new friends!

ZEZ: One word to describe MUN?

EO: Motivating.

Fun Facts!

Lizzy has been a GISB

student since nursery!

Her favourite movies are

Clueless, and Legally


Sometimes, she models for

brands and fashion


*This interview has been edited and

condensed for clarity.

***Model United Nations [MUN]:

Education Simulation of United Nation


Article by: Zahra Elkhaira Zulkifli

In The Garden, Issue One 14

Why Business?

Introduction to Business

Business A level gives you all the knowledge

needed about the world of Business.

Throughout this two year course you get the

opportunity to study and explore different types of

businesses in different industries. It looks at why

they exist, how they are set up and how they are


If you did not do Business in IGCSE, Worry not as

you will still be able to do A level Business without

worrying about being behind as the core contents

between IGCSE and A level Business are relatively


What will you get from Business AS and A2

Which subjects combine well with


A level Business is a Practical and

highly useful subject. It is the

foundation to a degree and works with

the many aspects of business but can

also support Art, ICT or Graphics

career if you are looking for a practical

way to use your skills in those areas. It

also provides a balance to more

theoretical subjects and this is many

students choice and enjoy it as a third

or fourth option.

You'll learn how to analyse competitive environments and markets. It assesses how ethical,

environmental and technological factors influence decision making, understanding how

decisions made may affect stakeholders and how they will respond. You'll also develop your

critical analysis, decision-making and problem-solving skills.

Introduction to Business IGCSE

The Cambridge IGCSE Business Studies is accepted by universities and employers as

proof of an understanding of business concepts and techniques across a range of

different businesses. Successful Cambridge IGCSE Business Studies Learners will be

able to understand the role of people in business. The Purpose and Nature of Business

Activity syllabus is to gain knowledge and an understanding of needs, wants,

opportunity cost, specialisation & added value.

What will you get from Business IGCSE

The Cambridge IGCSE Business Studies syllabus

will develop your understanding of business

activity in both the ‘public’ and ‘private’ sectors,

and the importance of development and change.

In this you will discover how the major types of

business organisation are set up, financed, run,

and how their activities are conducted. Factors

influencing business decision-making are also

covered and will be brilliant for cooperation and

interdependence. You will not only study

business concepts and techniques but also skills

such as ‘numeracy and enquiry’. The syllabus

provides both a foundation for further study at

Cambridge International A Level and an ideal

preparation for the world of work.

Article by James Healy

In The Garden, Issue One 15

In The Garden, Issue One 16

What can I do with a

business degree?

If you are graduating with a degree

in a business-related area, you will

find a range of careers that are

directly related to your qualification.

Many Business studies courses cover

a number of subjects and Skills, but

there are others, such as marketing,

which have a specific importance and

will also influence your choice of job,

so you have to have somewhat of a

direction to take to make sure that

you are striding for the right job for


Employability skills gained from a

business degree

It’s been estimated that 40% of graduate

vacancies do not ask for specific degree

subjects. Your degree can help you

develop a range of skills that you can

bring to any job even those not related

to Business.

These include:

» Analytical ability

»Communication and Presentation skills

» Goal setting

» Leadership skills

» Numeracy

» Problem solving

» Team work

» Time management

Careers for business graduates

Some areas employing business graduates


» Accountancy

» Advertising

» Banking, investment and financial


» General management

» EntrepreneurshipHR/Personnel

» Management consultancy

» Public relations

» Retail management

» Sales and Marketing

Whatever path you choose to take in life,

Business A levels and or a Business

degree( later on) can be very beneficial and

eventually become a valuable asset in your

future careers and generally in your day to

day activities, whether it be understanding

choices made by real life businesses to

spotting potential investments and

Business opportunities.

Article by James Healy

In The Garden, Issue One 20












( a s o f M o n d a y 2 5 t h N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 9 )




Article by Andaman Gilquin


People don’t associate learning Chinese with a program but what if I tell you that you

can learn Chinese and earn a degree? You can actually do that, believe it or not. It is a

fun program to study, I heard and it is hard for people who never studied Chinese but

not super hard for those who already have or are even semi good at it. Learning

Chinese is also fun as you can also learn about culture, food, etiquette and

others.Learning Chinese also enables you to talk to local Chinese fluently and that

goes a long way in succeeding in China, if you ever go there. Also being able to speak

Chinese helps doing business globally as many countries are relying on Chinese

products and Chinese workers. China also has many business opportunities because it

is a growing economy.


In recent years, China has extended its economic interests past its border, and it seems

China is flourishing while others are struggling. For example, China is now a major

trading partner of Africa and this has seen many Chinese Businesses pop up in Africa. A

strong level of Chinese offers considerable advantages when working and talking to the

ever increasing number of Chinese nationals traveling and moving overseas. Many

Chinese firms and their soon to be prominent brands will need to employ many foreign

citizens to staff their offices abroad. We also cannot undermine the fact that China has

a large consumer market.

In The Garden, Issue One


In The Garden, Issue One 23


Websites to ease

your stress away

h t t p s : / / w w w . m i n d f u l . o r g / m e n t a l - h e a l t h - f o r - a l l /

- W h y m e d i t a t i o n s h o w s p r o m i s e f o r y o u r m e n t a l h e a l t h .

h t t p s : / / w w w . m i n d f u l . o r g / w h y - i s - n a t u r e - s o - g o o d - f o r - y o u r -

m e n t a l - h e a l t h / - W h y I s N a t u r e S o G o o d f o r Y o u r M e n t a l

H e a l t h ?

h t t p s : / / w w w . f o r b e s . c o m / s i t e s / b r y a n r o b i n s o n / 2 0 1 9 / 0 5 / 1 0 / w h a t

- i s - m i n d f u l - w o r k i n g - a n d - h o w - c a n - i t - b o o s t - y o u r - m e n t a l -

h e a l t h - a n d - y o u r - c a r e e r / - W h a t I s M i n d f u l W o r k i n g , A n d H o w

C a n I t B o o s t Y o u r M e n t a l H e a l t h A n d Y o u r C a r e e r ?

h t t p s : / / w w w . a r u m a . c o m . a u / a b o u t - u s / b l o g / 1 0 - b e n e f i t s - o f -

m i n d f u l n e s s - f o r - m e n t a l - h e a l t h / - 1 0 b e n e f i t s o f m i n d f u l n e s s

f o r m e n t a l h e a l t h

h t t p s : / / p o s i t i v e p s y c h o l o g y . c o m / b e n e f i t s - o f - m i n d f u l n e s s / - 2 3

A m a z i n g H e a l t h B e n e f i t s o f M i n d f u l n e s s f o r B o d y a n d B r a i n

h t t p s : / / p s y c h c e n t r a l . c o m / b l o g / 1 0 - s u r p r i s i n g - h e a l t h - b e n e f i t s -

o f - m i n d f u l n e s s - m e d i t a t i o n / - 1 0 S u r p r i s i n g H e a l t h B e n e f i t s o f

M i n d f u l n e s s M e d i t a t i o n

h t t p s : / / w w w . f o r b e s . c o m / s i t e s / j e e n a c h o / 2 0 1 6 / 0 7 / 1 4 / 1 0 -

s c i e n t i f i c a l l y - p r o v e n - b e n e f i t s - o f - m i n d f u l n e s s - a n d -

m e d i t a t i o n / # 2 0 a 0 5 0 4 b 6 3 c e - 6 S c i e n t i f i c a l l y P r o v e n B e n e f i t s

O f M i n d f u l n e s s A n d M e d i t a t i o n

Article by Ibrahim Dambele

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