O Hipnotismo - Psicologia, Técnica e Aplicação

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174 K A R L W E I S S M A N N — O H I P N O T I S M O ERICKSON, M. H., Experimental Demonstration of the Psychopathology of Everyday Life, Psychoanal. Qaurt., 1939. 888-853. ESTBROOK, G. H., Hipnotism, New York, Dutton, 1943. ESDAILE, J., Natural and Mesmeric Clairvoyance, Hypolyte Baillière, London, 152. FERENCZI, S., Theorie und Uebertragung, Jb. Psychoanal. psychopath. Forsch, 1909. FOREL, A., Hypnotism and Psychotherapy, Allied Books, 1907. FREUD, S., Ein Fall von Hypnotischer Heilung, Gesammelte Werke. Imago Publishing CO. Ltd. London 1946. FREUD, S., Selbstdarstellung, Imago Publishing CO. Ltd. London 1946. FREUD, S., Die Traumdeutung, Gesammelte Werke, 23-B. FREUD, S., Traum und Okkultismus, Gesammelte Werke, 15-B. FREUD, S., Traum und Telepathie, Gesammelte Werke, 17-B. FREUD, S., Das Unheimliche, Gesammelte Werke, 12-B. FREUD, S., Massenpsychologie und Ich-Analyse, 13-B. FREUD, S., Studien ueber Hysterie, Ges. Werke, 1.º B. GINDES, C. B., New Concepts of Hypnosis: as an Adjunkt to Psychotherapy and Medicine, George Allen and Unwin Ltd. London, 1951. GONÇALVES, A., Hipnose em Odontologia, R. B. O., N.º 80, Rio, 1957. GURNEY, Ed., The Stages of Hypnotism, Proceedings for Physical Research. Vol. II, part. V. GURNEY, Ed., The Problems of Hypnotism, Proceedings for Physical Research. Vol. II, part. VII. HEIDENHAIN, R., Hypnotism or Animal Magnetism, Trubner, London, 1906. HULL, C. L., Hypnosis and Suggestibility — An Experimental Approach. New York,: D. Aplleton — Century, 1933. JANET, P., La Medicine Psychologique, Paris, 1924. JANET, P., Major Symptons of Hysteria. New York, 1920. JONES, E., Papers on Psychoanalysis, Chapter VII, London, Baillière, Tindall and Cox, 1918. JUNG, C. G., Gestaltungen des Unbewussten. Rascher Verlag, Zuerich, 1933. JUNG, C. G., Psychologische Typen, Rascher Verlag, Zuerich, 1936. KANZER, M., The Metapsychology of the Hypnotic Dream, Int. J. Psychoanal., 1953 Vol. XXXIV. Part III. KIRKNER, J. K., Control of Sensory and Perceptive Function by Hypnosis, Ed. By Roy M. Dorcus. MacGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1956.

K A R L W E I S S M A N N — O H I P N O T I S M O 175 KLEIN, M. V., Sympton Control by Direct Suggestion, including the Control of Pain, Ed. B. Roy M. Dorcus. MacGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1956. KUEHNER, G. F., Hypnosis in Dentistry, MacGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1956. LAFORGUE, R., Psychopathologie de L’Echec. Payot, Paris, 1950. LEITNER, K., Hypnotism for Proffessionals, Stravon Publisher. New York, 1953. LECRON, L. M., and Bordeaux J., Hypnotism Today, New York, Grune and Stratton, 1947. LINDNER. R. M., Rebel Without a Cause — The Hypnoana lysis of Criminal Psychopath, New York, Grune & Stratton, 1947. LINDNER. R. M., Hypnoanalysis as a Psychotherapy, Diseases of Nervous System 6: 371-374 (1945). LINDNER. R. M., Hypnoanalysis in a Case of Hysterical Sonambulism, Psychoanal. Rev. 32: 325 (1945). LINDNER. R. M., Hypnoanalysis, Methods and Techniques, The Blackiston Division, MacGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1956. MEDEIROS e ALBUQUERQUE, O Hipnotismo Rio de Janeiro, 1956. MESMER, A., System der Wechseelwirkngen Theorie und Anwendung des Thierischen Magnetismus als die allgemeine Heilkund zur Erhaltung des Menschen, herausgegeben von Wolfart, Berlin, 1914. MIRA Y LOPES, E., Manual de Psicoterapia, El Ateneo, B. Aires, 1950. MOLL, A., Hypnotism, London, Scott, 1910. MOSS, A. A., The Confidente Dentist Can Eliminate Gagging, The Brittish Journal of Medical Hypnotism, Vol. 6 N.º 3, 1955. NORRY, T. J., Terapêutica por El Sueño Prolongado, Editorial alfa, B. Aires, 1953. PATTIE,F., The Production of Blisters by Hypnotic Suggestion, J. Abnorm. Psychol. 1941. PATTIE, F., The Genuiness of some Hypnotic Phenomena — Hypnosis and Its Therapeutic Application, edit.,byR. M. Dorcus, MacGraw-Hill Book Comp. New York, 1956. PAVLOV, I. P., Conditioned Reflexes, New York, Osford Univ. Press, 1934. PAVLOV, I. P., The Identity of inhibition with Sleep and Hypnosis, Scientific Monthly, 17, 603-608, 1923. POWERS, M., Self-Hypnosis, Thorsons Publishers Limited, London, 1956. RUSSELL, B., Power, a New Social Analysis, George Allan and Unwin, London, 1952. SARBIN, T. R., Contribuition to Roll-Taking Theory in Hypnotic Behavour, Psychol. Rev. 57 — 255, 1950. S-EYER, N., The Psychoanalytical Factor in Hypnosis. Brit. J. Med. Psychol. 17: 217 —

K A R L W E I S S M A N N — O H I P N O T I S M O<br />

175<br />

KLEIN, M. V., Sympton Control by Direct Suggestion, including the Control of Pain, Ed. B.<br />

Roy M. Dorcus. MacGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1956.<br />

KUEHNER, G. F., Hypnosis in Dentistry, MacGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1956.<br />

LAFORGUE, R., Psychopathologie de L’Echec. Payot, Paris, 1950.<br />

LEITNER, K., Hypnotism for Proffessionals, Stravon Publisher. New York, 1953.<br />

LECRON, L. M., and Bordeaux J., Hypnotism Today, New York, Grune and Stratton, 1947.<br />

LINDNER. R. M., Rebel Without a Cause — The Hypnoana lysis of Criminal Psychopath,<br />

New York, Grune & Stratton, 1947.<br />

LINDNER. R. M., Hypnoanalysis as a Psychotherapy, Diseases of Nervous System 6:<br />

371-374 (1945).<br />

LINDNER. R. M., Hypnoanalysis in a Case of Hysterical Sonambulism, Psychoanal. Rev. 32:<br />

325 (1945).<br />

LINDNER. R. M., Hypnoanalysis, Methods and Techniques, The Blackiston Division,<br />

MacGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1956.<br />

MEDEIROS e ALBUQUERQUE, O <strong>Hipnotismo</strong> Rio de Janeiro, 1956.<br />

MESMER, A., System der Wechseelwirkngen Theorie und Anwendung des Thierischen<br />

Magnetismus als die allgemeine Heilkund zur Erhaltung des Menschen, herausgegeben von<br />

Wolfart, Berlin, 1914.<br />

MIRA Y LOPES, E., Manual de Psicoterapia, El Ateneo, B. Aires, 1950.<br />

MOLL, A., Hypnotism, London, Scott, 1910.<br />

MOSS, A. A., The Confidente Dentist Can Eliminate Gagging, The Brittish Journal of<br />

Medical Hypnotism, Vol. 6 N.º 3, 1955.<br />

NORRY, T. J., Terapêutica por El Sueño Prolongado, Editorial alfa, B. Aires, 1953.<br />

PATTIE,F., The Production of Blisters by Hypnotic Suggestion, J. Abnorm. Psychol. 1941.<br />

PATTIE, F., The Genuiness of some Hypnotic Phenomena — Hypnosis and Its Therapeutic<br />

Application, edit.,byR. M. Dorcus, MacGraw-Hill Book Comp. New York, 1956.<br />

PAVLOV, I. P., Conditioned Reflexes, New York, Osford Univ. Press, 1934.<br />

PAVLOV, I. P., The Identity of inhibition with Sleep and Hypnosis, Scientific Monthly, 17,<br />

603-608, 1923.<br />

POWERS, M., Self-Hypnosis, Thorsons Publishers Limited, London, 1956.<br />

RUSSELL, B., Power, a New Social Analysis, George Allan and Unwin, London, 1952.<br />

SARBIN, T. R., Contribuition to Roll-Taking Theory in Hypnotic Behavour, Psychol. Rev. 57<br />

— 255, 1950.<br />

S-EYER, N., The Psychoanalytical Factor in Hypnosis. Brit. J. Med. Psychol. 17: 217 —

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