Materiais moleculares funcionais contendo n-heterociclos - capes

Materiais moleculares funcionais contendo n-heterociclos - capes Materiais moleculares funcionais contendo n-heterociclos - capes
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XVIRESUMOA síntese e caracterização de novos materiais funcionais baseados em moléculas orgânicascom elevada conjugação π e contendo N-heterociclos são descritas. Tais moléculas foramprojetadas de maneira a exibir propriedades luminescentes e semicondutoras, bem como faseslíquido-cristalinas e/ou comportamento de gerar filmes finos estáveis. Suas propriedadestérmicas, avaliadas por DSC, TGA e por MOLP, e suas propriedades ópticas, investigadasatravés de seus espectros de absorção e emissão, são descritas. A presente tese apresenta 4séries de compostos: 1) cristais líquidos (CLs) contendo heterociclo 1,3,4-oxadiazol comarquitetura molecular similar a bastão de hockey. O centro contendo o heterociclo é ligado àdiferentes unidades aromáticas através de ligação tripla carbono-carbono, usando a reação deacoplamento de Sonogashira. Esses compostos exibiram fases líquido-cristalinas nemática eesméticas, típicas de CLs calamíticos, e forte fluorescência azul; 2) CLs consistindo de centrocurvado 1,4-disubstituído-[1,2,3]-triazois através de reação click, cicloadição 1,3-dipolar deuma azida aromática à diferentes aril-acetilenos terminais. Eles mostraram preferencialmentefase SmC em uma larga faixa de temperatura e fraca fluorescência em solução; 3) materiaissoft moleculares em forma de V contendo a unidade central 2,3-dicianopirazina. Oscompostos finais foram obtido através da reação de esterificação entre o difenol, contendo oheterociclo, e diferentes ácidos carboxílicos aromáticos. Esses compostos não foram cristaislíquidos e, a não-planaridade, também confirmada pela estrutura cristalina obtida pordifratometria de raios-X, levou à propriedade intrínseca de formarem filmes transparentesestáveis após fundirem. Devido ao diferente empacotamento em fase sólida tais compostosexibiram fluorescência em uma vasta faixa do espectro (do azul ao verde); 4) materiais softmoleculares discóticos baseados no heterociclo tris-[1,2,4]-triazolo-[1,3,5]-triazinas (TTT),proposto como novo centro para cristais líquidos discóticos. Após fusão, tais compostos nãocristalizam permanecendo em um estado super-resfriado. Consequentemente, filmes estáveissão possíveis de se obter. Todos exibiram forte fluorescência azul. A estrutura desseheterociclo foi totalmente caracterizada, incluindo RMN de 15 N, cálculos teóricos edifratometria de raios-X, comprovando definitivamente a forma isomérica do anel triazol.Um cristal líquido discótico contendo esse centro e exibindo fase hexagonal colunar foisintetizado e caracterizado. Estudo de transporte de carga na fase hexagonal colunar dessecomposto é também descrito.

XVIIABSTRACTThe synthesis and characterization of new functional materials based on highly π-conjugatedmolecules containing N-hetorocycles are described. Such molecules have been designed inorder to exhibit semiconducting and luminescent properties, as well as liquid crystallinephases and/or stable thin film forming behaviour. The thermal properties were evaluated byDSC, TGA and polarizing optical microscopy. The optical properties were investigated bytheir absorption and emission spectra. This thesis presents 4 series of compounds: 1) liquidcrystals containing the heterocycle 1,3,4-oxadiazole with a similar hockey stick molecularshape. The core containing the heterocycle is linked to different aromatic moieties by acarbon-carbon triple bond using Sonogashira’s coupling reaction. These compounds exhibitednematic and smectic LC phases, typical of calamitic compounds, and also strong bluefluorescence; 2) liquid crystals based on the bent core of 1,4-disubstituted-[1,2,3]-triazoleprepared through click-reaction, 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of an aromatic azide to differentterminal arylacetylenes. They showed preferentially SmC phase in a wide range oftemperature and weak fluorescence in solution; 3) V-shaped molecular soft materialscontaining the central core 2,3-dicyanopyrazine. The final compounds were obtained byestherification reaction between the diphenol, containing the heterocycle, and differentaromatic carboxylic acids. These compounds were not liquid crystals and, the non-planarity,also confirmed by the X-ray crystalline structure, led to a intrinsic transparent film formingproperty. Due to different molecular packing in solid phase such compounds exhibitedfluorescence in a wide range of the spectrum (from blue to green); 4) Discotic molecular softmaterials based on the heterocycle tris-[1,2,4]-triazolo-[1,3,5]-triazines (TTT) is proposed as anew core for discotic LCs, and was synthesized by the reaction between aryltetrazoles andcyanuric chloride. After melting, such compounds do not crystallize remaining in a supercooledstate. Consequently stable films are achievable. All these final compounds exhibitedstrong blue fluorescence. The chemical structure of the heterocycle TTT was totallycharacterized, including 15 N NMR, theoretical calculations and X-ray difractometry analysis,which confirmed definitely the isomeric form of the triazole ring. A discotic LC containingthe core TTT and showing a columnar hexagonal phase was synthesized and characterized. Astudy of charge transporting in the hexagonal columnar phase of this compound is alsodescribed.

XVIIABSTRACTThe synthesis and characterization of new functional materials based on highly π-conjugatedmolecules containing N-hetorocycles are described. Such molecules have been designed inorder to exhibit semiconducting and luminescent properties, as well as liquid crystallinephases and/or stable thin film forming behaviour. The thermal properties were evaluated byDSC, TGA and polarizing optical microscopy. The optical properties were investigated bytheir absorption and emission spectra. This thesis presents 4 series of compounds: 1) liquidcrystals containing the heterocycle 1,3,4-oxadiazole with a similar hockey stick molecularshape. The core containing the heterocycle is linked to different aromatic moieties by acarbon-carbon triple bond using Sonogashira’s coupling reaction. These compounds exhibitednematic and smectic LC phases, typical of calamitic compounds, and also strong bluefluorescence; 2) liquid crystals based on the bent core of 1,4-disubstituted-[1,2,3]-triazoleprepared through click-reaction, 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of an aromatic azide to differentterminal arylacetylenes. They showed preferentially SmC phase in a wide range oftemperature and weak fluorescence in solution; 3) V-shaped molecular soft materialscontaining the central core 2,3-dicyanopyrazine. The final compounds were obtained byestherification reaction between the diphenol, containing the heterocycle, and differentaromatic carboxylic acids. These compounds were not liquid crystals and, the non-planarity,also confirmed by the X-ray crystalline structure, led to a intrinsic transparent film formingproperty. Due to different molecular packing in solid phase such compounds exhibitedfluorescence in a wide range of the spectrum (from blue to green); 4) Discotic molecular softmaterials based on the heterocycle tris-[1,2,4]-triazolo-[1,3,5]-triazines (TTT) is proposed as anew core for discotic LCs, and was synthesized by the reaction between aryltetrazoles andcyanuric chloride. After melting, such compounds do not crystallize remaining in a supercooledstate. Consequently stable films are achievable. All these final compounds exhibitedstrong blue fluorescence. The chemical structure of the heterocycle TTT was totallycharacterized, including 15 N NMR, theoretical calculations and X-ray difractometry analysis,which confirmed definitely the isomeric form of the triazole ring. A discotic LC containingthe core TTT and showing a columnar hexagonal phase was synthesized and characterized. Astudy of charge transporting in the hexagonal columnar phase of this compound is alsodescribed.

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