Acordo de Associação entre a Comunidade Europeia e os seus ...

Acordo de Associação entre a Comunidade Europeia e os seus ...

Acordo de Associação entre a Comunidade Europeia e os seus ...


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National Institute for Psycho-Social Factors and Health - Institut för psyk<strong>os</strong>ocialmiljömedicin, statensNational Institute for Regional Studies - Institut för regionalforskning, statensSwedish Institute of Space Physics - Institutet för rymdfysikSwedish Immigration Board - Invandrarverk, statensSwedish Board of Agriculture - Jordbruksverk, statensOffice of the Chancellor of Justice - JustitiekanslernOffice of the Equal Opportunities Ombudsman - JämställdhetsombudsmannenNational Judicial Board of Public Lands and Funds - KammarkollegietAdministrative Courts of Appeal (4) - Kammarrätterna (4)National Chemicals Inspectorate - KemikalieinspektionenNational Board of Tra<strong>de</strong> - KommerskollegiumSwedish Transport and Communications Research Board -KommunikationsforskningsberedningenNational Franchise Board for Environment Protection - Koncessionsnämn<strong>de</strong>n för miljöskyddNational Institute of Economic Research - KonjunkturinstitutetSwedish Competition Authority - KonkurrensverketCollege of Arts, Crafts and Design - KonstfackCollege of Fine Arts - KonsthögskolanNational Art Museums - Konstmuseer, statensArts Grants Committee - Konstnärsnämn<strong>de</strong>nNational Art Council - Konstrad, statensNational Board for Consumer Policies - KonsumentverketArmed Forces Archives - KrigsarkivetNational Laboratory of Forensic Science - Kriminaltekniska laboratorium, statensCorrectional Regional Offices (6) - Kriminalvar<strong>de</strong>ns regionkanslier (6)National/Local Institutions (68) - Kriminalvardsanstalterna (68)National Paroles Board - Kriminalvardsnämn<strong>de</strong>nNational Prison and Probation Administration - KriminalvardsstyrelsenEnforcement Services (24) - Kronofog<strong>de</strong>myndigheterna (24)National Council for Cultural Affairs - Kulturrad, statensSwedish Coast Guard - KustbevakningenNuclear-Power Inspectorate - Kärnkraftsinspektion, statensNational Land Survey - LantmäteriverketRoyal Armoury - Livrustkammaren/Skokl<strong>os</strong>ters slott/Hallwylska museetNational Food Administration - Livsme<strong>de</strong>lsverk, statensThe National Gaming Board - LotteriinspektionenMedical Products Agency - Läkeme<strong>de</strong>lsverketCounty Labour Boards (24) - Länsarbetsnämn<strong>de</strong>rna (24)County Administrative Courts (24) - Länsrätterna (24)County Administrative Boards (24) - Länsstyrelserna (24)National Government Employee Salaries and Pensions Board - Löne- och pensionsverk,statensMarket Court - MarknadsdomstolenMedical Research Council - Medicinska forskningsra<strong>de</strong>tSwedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute - Meteorologiska och hydrologiska institut,SverigesArmed Forces Staff and War College - MilitärhögskolanSwedish National Collections of Music - Musiksamlingar, statensMuseum of Natural History - Naturhistoriska riksmuseetNatural Science Research Council - Naturvetenskapliga forskningsra<strong>de</strong>tNational Environmental Protection Agency - NaturvardsverketScandinavian Institute of African Studies - Nordiska AfrikainstitutetNordic School of Public Health - Nordiska hälsovardshögskolanNordic Institute for Studies in Urban and Regional Planning - Nordiska institutet församhällsplaneringNordic Museum - Nordiska museet, stiftelsenSwedish Delegation of the Nordic Council - Nordiska ra<strong>de</strong>ts svenska <strong>de</strong>legationRecor<strong>de</strong>rs Committee - Notarienämn<strong>de</strong>nNational Board for Intra Country Adoptions - Nämn<strong>de</strong>n för internationella adoptionsfragor

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