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Astrocaryum murumuru Mart. Muru-Muru FTFEuterpe oleracea Mart. Açai FTFMaximiliana maripa (Corr. Serr.) DC. Inajá FTF, COenucarpus distichus Mart. Abacabeira FTFProteaceae Roupala sp Louro faia FTFQuiinaceae Lacunaria jenmanii (Oliv.) Ducke Papo de mutum FTFRhizophoraceae Cassipourea peruviana Alston FTF, CRubiaceae Coussarea paniculata (Valh.) Standley FTFKotchubaea cf. neblinensis Steyerm. FTFPosoqueria sp CStachyarrhena spicata Hook. f. FTFFerdinandusa chlorantha (Well.) Standley FTFRutaceae Zanthoxylum sp FTFSapindaceae Cupania cf. diphylla Vahl CCupania cf. scrobiculata Radlk. CMatayba cf. spruceana (Benth.) Ducke FTFPorocystis tuolicioides Radlk. FTFTalisia mollis Cambs. CToulicia sp. FTFSapotaceae Franchetella anibifolia (AC.SW.) Aubl. Abiu casca podre FTFFranchetella cf. jariensis Pires Abiu FTFFranchetella sp Abiurana vermelha FTFFranchetella sp (1) FTFFranchetella sp (2) Abiu seco FTFFranchetella sp (3) FTFManilkara amazonica (Huber) Standley Maparajuba (folha verde) FTFManilkara huberi (Ducke) Standley Maçaranduba FTFMicropholis guianensis Pierre FTFMicropholis sp FTFMicropholis venulosa (Mart. & Eich.) Pierre FTFPouteria anomala (Pires) Penn. Abiu rosadinho FTF

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