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Documento completo - OBT - Inpe


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Couratari sp Tauari FTFEschweilera coriacea (A. P. DC.) Mart. ex Berg. Matá-Matá preto FTF, CEschweilera grandiflora (Aubl.) Sandw. Matá-Matá giboia FTF, CEschweilera idatimon Aubl. Jatereu FTFEschweilera sp Matá Matá FTFEschweilera sp Matá Matá (2) CEschweilera sp Matá-matá (casca fina) FTFEschweilera sp Matá-Matá (casca vermelha) FTFLecythis chartacea Berg. Matá-Matá (casca grossa) FTFLecythis confertiflora (A.C. Smith) Mori FTFLecythis idatimon Aubl. Jatereu FTF, CLecythis pisonis Cambess. Sapucaia CLeguminosae Chamaecrista adiantifolia (Benth.) I&B FILeguminosae-Caesalpinoidea Cassia spruceana Benth. FTFCopaifera duckei Dwyer Copaiba FTFCrudia sp FTFDialium guianensis (Aubl.) Sandw. Jutai pororoca FTFPeltogyne cf. paniculata Benth. CSwartzia brachyrrhachys Harms FTFSwartzia obscura Huber FTFSwartzia polyphylla A.DC. Pitaicá FTFSwartzia racemosa Benth. Pacapeuá (1) FTF, FISwartzia racemosa Benth. (Var. racemosa) Pacapeuá (2) FTFTachigalia alba Ducke Tachi branco FTFTachigalia mirmecophylla Ducke FTFVouacapoua americana Aubl. Acapu FTFLeguminosae-Mimosoidea Dinizia excelsa Ducke Angelim vermelho FTFEnterolobium sp Orelha de macaco FTFInga alba (Sw.) Willd. Inga pereba FTFInga capitata Desv. FTFInga cf. longipes Benth. FTF

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