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Documento completo - OBT - Inpe

Documento completo - OBT - Inpe


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REMOTE SENSING AND GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM TOSTUDY PHYSIOGNOMIC AND STRUCTURAL FEATURES IN TROPICALRAINFOREST - CASE STUDY AT ESTAÇÃO CIENTÍFICAFERREIRA PENNA (PARÁ STATE, BRAZIL)ABSTRACTRecently a scientific station, Ferreira Penna, was set in the Caxiuanã NationalForest (Pará State) giving to the Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi the opportunityto start several scientific projects on techniques for forest management andbiodiversity preservation. The present study was designed to contribute to abetter definition of representative sampling sites for studyng the vegetationphysiognomy and structure in the Scientific Station. For that, analogic anddigital TM/Landsat images and recent aerial photographs at the 1:20.000 scalewere used. Additionally ground data such as floristic composition, dosselstructure and environmental features were collected and organized as tables,biomass estimations based on allometric equations and vegetation profiles. TManalogic image was used to characterize the main geomorphologic units. Theintegration of the images data, aerial photographs and ground data, usingGeografic Information System techniques, helped to characterize the vegetationcover. The following digital processing techniques were used on the SPRINGsoftware package: enhancement, segmentation and digital classifications. Theresults indicate that the linear contrast stretch and the principal componenttransformation are important tools for the discrimination of the followingvegetation cover types: “Terra Firme” forest (3 sub-types), permanently floodedforest “Igapó”, “Várzea” forest (2 sub-types) and secondary vegetation (2 subtypes).On the other hand, the integration of different data using GeographicInformation Systems has allowed the creation of a database from the ScientificStation, that will be a contribution for the management plan of this area.

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