Manual de Apoio 2010

Manual de Apoio 2010

Manual de Apoio 2010


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float xoff = 0f;// Desenhar os objectos 10x movendo -os progressivamente para a esquerdafor ( int pass = 0; pass < 10; pass ++) {}xoff += .05 f;gl. glPushMatrix ();gl. glTranslatef (xoff , 0, 0);gl. glColor3f (0 , 1f, 0);drawWorld (gl );gl. glPopMatrix ();// Desenhar o chaogl. glColor4f (0.60f, .40f, .10f, .5f);GlUtil . drawGround ( FloorSize , 1f);if( pass == 0)gl. glAccum ( GL2 . GL_LOAD , 0.5 f); // Copiar buffer <strong>de</strong> corelse// Acumular o buffer <strong>de</strong> cor actual com o accum buffergl. glAccum ( GL2 . GL_ACCUM , 0.5 f * (.5 f / pass ));// Despejar o buffer <strong>de</strong> acumulacao no buffer <strong>de</strong> corgl. glAccum ( GL2 . GL_RETURN , 1.0 f);67

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