Manual de Apoio 2010

Manual de Apoio 2010

Manual de Apoio 2010


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Desenhar um Torus Ver<strong>de</strong>gl. glColor4f (0 , 1f, 0, .5f);drawWorld (gl );// Desenhar um Torus Vermelho com Blendinggl. glPushMatrix ();gl. glTranslatef (.1f, 0, .3f);gl. glEnable ( GL2 . GL_BLEND );gl. glBlendFunc ( GL2 . GL_SRC_ALPHA , GL2 . GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA );gl. glColor4f (1f, 0, 0,drawWorld (gl );.5f);gl. glDisable ( GL2 . GL_BLEND );gl. glPopMatrix ();gl. glColor4f (0.60f, .40f, .10f, .5f);GlUtil . drawGround ( FloorSize , 1f);gl. glPopMatrix ();O resultado do código em cima será o da Figura 6.2.Figura 6.2: Exemplo <strong>de</strong> BlendingModificando ligeiramente o código anterior, po<strong>de</strong>mos obter a sensação <strong>de</strong> reflexão:gl. glPushMatrix ();// Desenhar a luz Invertida ( mirror Y)gl. glLightfv ( GL2 . GL_LIGHT0 , GL2 . GL_POSITION , fLightPos . mirrorY (). toArray () , 0);// Desenhar a reflexao do Torusgl. glPushMatrix ();// Ao utiliza y=-1 estamos a inverter a imagemgl. glScalef (1f, -1f, 1f);gl. glFrontFace ( GL2 . GL_CW ); // Estamos InvertidosdrawWorld (gl );gl. glFrontFace ( GL2 . GL_CCW ); // Reporgl. glPopMatrix ();// Desenhar o Nosso chao , mas agora transparentegl. glDisable ( GL2 . GL_LIGHTING );gl. glEnable ( GL2 . GL_BLEND );gl. glBlendFunc ( GL2 . GL_SRC_ALPHA , GL2 . GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA );gl. glColor4f (.5f, .5f, .5f, .5f);GlUtil . drawGround ( FloorSize , 1f);60

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