Manual de Apoio 2010

Manual de Apoio 2010

Manual de Apoio 2010


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Activar as Luzesgl. glEnable ( GL2 . GL_LIGHTING );// Configurar e Activar a luzgl. glLightMo<strong>de</strong>lfv ( GL2 . GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT , whiteLight , 0);gl. glLightfv ( GL2 . GL_LIGHT0 , GL2 . GL_AMBIENT , sourceLight , 0);gl. glLightfv ( GL2 . GL_LIGHT0 , GL2 . GL_DIFFUSE , sourceLight , 0);gl. glLightfv ( GL2 . GL_LIGHT0 , GL2 . GL_POSITION , lightPos . toArray () , 0);gl. glEnable ( GL2 . GL_LIGHT0 );// Activar o Color Trackinggl. glEnable ( GL2 . GL_COLOR_MATERIAL );// Proprieda<strong>de</strong>s dos materiais obe<strong>de</strong>cem ’a luzgl. glColorMaterial ( GL2 . GL_FRONT , GL2 . GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE );// Carregar e Ler a imagem para a nossa texturatry {InputStream stream = Pyramid . class . getResourceAsStream (" stone . tga ");img = TGAImage . read ( stream );bb = img . getData ();stream . close ();} catch ( IOException e) {e. printStackTrace ();}gl. glTexImage2D ( GL2 . GL_TEXTURE_2D , 0, GL2 . GL_RGBA ,img . getWidth () , img . getHeight () ,0, img . getGLFormat () , GL2 . GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE , bb );// Parametros da textura ( ignorar para ja)gl. glTexParameteri ( GL2 . GL_TEXTURE_2D ,GL2 . GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER , GL2 . GL_LINEAR );gl. glTexParameteri ( GL2 . GL_TEXTURE_2D ,GL2 . GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER , GL2 . GL_LINEAR );gl. glTexParameteri ( GL2 . GL_TEXTURE_2D ,GL2 . GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S , GL2 . GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE );gl. glTexParameteri ( GL2 . GL_TEXTURE_2D ,GL2 . GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T , GL2 . GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE );// Configuracao do Texture Environmentgl. glTexEnvi ( GL2 . GL_TEXTURE_ENV ,GL2 . GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE , GL2 . GL_MODULATE );// Activar as texturasgl. glEnable ( GL2 . GL_TEXTURE_2D );// Cantos da Pirami<strong>de</strong>cTop = new GLVector (0.0f, .80f, 0.0 f);cBackLeft = new GLVector ( -0.5f, 0.0f, -.50f);cBackRight = new GLVector (0.5f, 0.0f, -0.50 f);cFrontRight = new GLVector (0.5f, 0.0f, 0.5 f);cFrontLeft = new GLVector ( -0.5f, 0.0f, 0.5 f);}private float yRot = 0f;@Overri<strong>de</strong>public void display ( GLAutoDrawable drawable ) {GL2 gl = drawable . getGL (). getGL2 ();yRot += .1f;if( yRot >= GlTools . GL_PI * 2f)yRot = 0;124

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