Caracterização de Petróleo por Espectroscopia no Infravermelho ...

Caracterização de Petróleo por Espectroscopia no Infravermelho ...

Caracterização de Petróleo por Espectroscopia no Infravermelho ...


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45. DENCHFIELD, T. Rapid calculator solutions: ASTM/TBP other probability plotproblems. Oil & Gas Journal, Tulsa, v.79, p. 179-184, Apr. 198146. AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING MATERIALS. ASTM E 177 Rev. A:Standard practice for use of the terms precision and bias in ASTM test methods.West Conshohoken, PA, 1990. (Reapproved 2002)47. AIRS QA AND AIRS professional user´s gui<strong>de</strong>. Quebec: ABB Bomem, 2001. 299 p.(rev. 2.1).48. TORMOD, N.; ISAKSSON, T.; FEARN, T. et al. A user-friendly gui<strong>de</strong> tomultivariate calibration and classification. Chichester: NIR Publications, 2002.344 p.49. MILLER, J.; MILLER, J. Statistics for analytical chemistry. Chichester: EllisHorwood, 1993. 233 p.50. MEIER, P.; ZÜND, R. Statistical Methods in Analytical Chemistry. New York:Wiley-Interscience, 2000. 424 p.97

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