Modulação Vetorial Aplicada ao Retificador Trifásico PWM - Ivo Barbi

Modulação Vetorial Aplicada ao Retificador Trifásico PWM - Ivo Barbi Modulação Vetorial Aplicada ao Retificador Trifásico PWM - Ivo Barbi


279[32] KOCZARA, W.; BIALOSKORKI, P.; Unity Power Factor Three Phase Rectifiers.24th Annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC '93). Record. 20-24 June 1993. p. 669-674.[33] YIMIN J.; HENGCHUM, M.; LEE. F. C.; Simple High Performance Three-PhaseBoost Rectifiers. Record of the 25 th IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference20-25, June 1994, p. 1158-1163, vol. 2.[34] WERNERKINCK E.; KAWAMURA, A.; HOFT. R.; A High Frequency AC/DCConverter with Unity Power Factor and Minimum Harmonic Distortion. Record of theIEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 1987, p. 264-270.[35] ERICKSON, R. W.; Fundamentals of Power Electronics. New York: Chapman &Hall. 1997.[36] VAN DER BROECK, H. W.; SKUDELNY, H.; STANKE, G. V.; Analysis andRealization of a Pulsewidth Modulator Based on Voltage Space Vectors. IEEE Trans.On Industry Applications. vol. 24. 1988. p. 142-150.[37] HOLMES, D. G.; LIPO, T. A.; Pulse Width Modulation for Power Converters:Principles and Pratice. 1. ed. Reading: John Wiley & Sons, 2002.[38] BARBI, Ivo; Teoria Fundamental do Motor de Indução. Florianópolis: Editora daUFSC-Eletrobrás, 1985.[39] Clarke and Park Transform on the TMS320C2xx, Application ReportBPRA048.Texas Instruments. Houston, 1997.[40] Space-Vector PWM With TMS320C24x/F24x Using Hardware and SoftwareDetermined Switching Patterns, Application Report SPRA524.Texas Instruments.Houston, 1999.[41] BOTTERÓN, F.; PINHEIRO, H.; et al; Fully Digital Voltage and Current Controllerfor Three Phase Voltage Source PWM Inverters. 6o. Congresso Brasileiro deEletrônica de Potência (COBEP’2001). Anais. 11-14 Novembro 2001. Florianopolis.p. 208-214.[42] DOVAL-GANDOY, J.; IGLESIAS, A.; et al; Three Alternatives for ImplementingSpace Vector Modulation with the DSP TMS320F240. 25th Annual Conference of theIEEE (IECON '99). Proceedings. Vol. 1. 29 Nov.- 3 Dec.1999. p. 336-341.[43] MOHAN, N.; UNDELAND, T. M. and ROBBINS, W. P.; Power Electronics:Converters, Applications and Design, 2 nd . Ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 1995.

280[44] BOTTERÓN, F.; Análise, Projeto e Implementação de um Inversor PWM Trifásicopara UPS de Média Potência, 2001. Dissertação de Mestrado em Engenharia Elétrica,Universidade Federal de Santa Maria.[45] SIMONETII, Domingos; Contribuição ao estudo do Acionamento de um Motor deIndução com Comando Vetorial, 1987. Dissertação de Mestrado em EngenhariaElétrica –UFES.[46] KRAUSE, P. C.; WASYNCZUK, O.; SUDHOFF, S. D.; Analysis of ElectricMachinery and Drive Systems, John Wiley & Sons, 2002.[47] MALINOWSKI, M.; KAZMIERKOWSKI, M. P.; et al.; Virtual-Flux-Based DirectPower Control of Three-Phase PWM Rectifiers. IEEE Transactions on IndustryApplications. Volume: 37, Issue: 4, July-Aug. 2001. p. 1019-1027.[48] BATISTA, F.; ILLA FONT, C. H.; et al.; Comparison of Control Techniques Appliedto Bidirectional Boost-Type PWM Rectifier. VI Conferência Internacional deAplicações Industriais – INDUSCON. Joinville, Outubro 2004.[49] ILLA FONT, C. H.; NASCIMENTO, C. B.; PEREIRA, E. I. et al.; RetificadorTrifásico PWM com Elevado Fator de Potência utilizando Transformação de Park:Abordagem por Variáveis de Fase. Relatório Interno da Disciplina T. A. emEletrônica de Potência: Retificadores Trifásicos PWM com Elevado Fator de Potência– 2o Trimestre de 2003. INEP/UFSC.[50] CICHOWLAS, M.; KAMIERKOWSKI, A. P.; Comparison of Current ControlTechniques for PWM Rectifiers. IEEE International Symposium on IndustrialElectronics (ISIE-2002). Proceedings. vol.4. 8-11 July 2002. p. 1259-1263.[51] OGATA, K.; Engenharia de Controle Moderno, 2 a . Ed. Rio de Janeiro: Prentice-Halldo Brasil. 1993.[52] BATISTA, F.; BARBI, I.; Modulação Vetorial Para Retificador TrifásicoUnidirecional. XV Congresso Brasileiro de Automática – (CBA-2004). Gramado,Setembro 2004.[53] BATISTA, F.; BARBI, I.; Space Vector Modulation Applied to Three-Phase Three-Switch Two-Level Unidirectional PWM Rectifier. 21 st Applied Power ElectronicsConference and Exposition”, Dallas, Texas, March 19_23, 2006, p. 944 - 950.[54] CHUNG, D.; SUL, S.; Minimum-Loss Strategy for Three-Phase PWM Rectifier. IEEETransactions on Industrial Electronics, Volume: 46, p. 517 – 526, June 1999.

279[32] KOCZARA, W.; BIALOSKORKI, P.; Unity Power Factor Three Phase Rectifiers.24th Annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC '93). Record. 20-24 June 1993. p. 669-674.[33] YIMIN J.; HENGCHUM, M.; LEE. F. C.; Simple High Performance Three-PhaseBoost Rectifiers. Record of the 25 th IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference20-25, June 1994, p. 1158-1163, vol. 2.[34] WERNERKINCK E.; KAWAMURA, A.; HOFT. R.; A High Frequency AC/DCConverter with Unity Power Factor and Minimum Harmonic Distortion. Record of theIEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 1987, p. 264-270.[35] ERICKSON, R. W.; Fundamentals of Power Electronics. New York: Chapman &Hall. 1997.[36] VAN DER BROECK, H. W.; SKUDELNY, H.; STANKE, G. V.; Analysis andRealization of a Pulsewidth Modulator Based on Voltage Space Vectors. IEEE Trans.On Industry Applications. vol. 24. 1988. p. 142-150.[37] HOLMES, D. G.; LIPO, T. A.; Pulse Width Modulation for Power Converters:Principles and Pratice. 1. ed. Reading: John Wiley & Sons, 2002.[38] BARBI, <strong>Ivo</strong>; Teoria Fundamental do Motor de Indução. Florianópolis: Editora daUFSC-Eletrobrás, 1985.[39] Clarke and Park Transform on the TMS320C2xx, Application ReportBPRA048.Texas Instruments. Houston, 1997.[40] Space-Vector <strong>PWM</strong> With TMS320C24x/F24x Using Hardware and SoftwareDetermined Switching Patterns, Application Report SPRA524.Texas Instruments.Houston, 1999.[41] BOTTERÓN, F.; PINHEIRO, H.; et al; Fully Digital Voltage and Current Controllerfor Three Phase Voltage Source <strong>PWM</strong> Inverters. 6o. Congresso Brasileiro deEletrônica de Potência (COBEP’2001). Anais. 11-14 Novembro 2001. Florianopolis.p. 208-214.[42] DOVAL-GANDOY, J.; IGLESIAS, A.; et al; Three Alternatives for ImplementingSpace Vector Modulation with the DSP TMS320F240. 25th Annual Conference of theIEEE (IECON '99). Proceedings. Vol. 1. 29 Nov.- 3 Dec.1999. p. 336-341.[43] MOHAN, N.; UNDELAND, T. M. and ROBBINS, W. P.; Power Electronics:Converters, Applications and Design, 2 nd . Ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 1995.

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