Modulação Vetorial Aplicada ao Retificador Trifásico PWM - Ivo Barbi

Modulação Vetorial Aplicada ao Retificador Trifásico PWM - Ivo Barbi Modulação Vetorial Aplicada ao Retificador Trifásico PWM - Ivo Barbi


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278[21] AREDES, M.; Active Power Line Conditioners, Dr.-Ing. Thesis, TechnischeUniversität Berlin, Berlin, Germany, March 1996.[22] BARBI, I.; NOVAES, Y. R.; et al.; Retificadores PW Trifásicos Unidirecionais comAlto Fator de Potência. Eletrônica de Potência – Vol. 7, no. 1, Novembro de 2002.[23] SALMON, J. C.; Circuit topologies for PWM boost rectifiers operated from 1-phaseand 3-phase AC supplies and using either single or split DC rail voltage outputs. 10th.Annual Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC '95).Proceedings. 5-9 March 1995 . p. 473-479.[24] KOLAR J.; ERTL, H.; Status of the Techniques of Three-Phase Rectifier Systems withLow Effects on the Mains. 21st. Annual International Telecommunications EnergyConference (INTELEC 99). Proceedings. Copenhagen, Denmark, 6-9 June 1999.[25] OMEDI, T. J.; BARLIK, R.; Three-Phase AC-DC Unidirectional PWM Multiple-Switch Rectifier Topologies – Selected Proprieties and Critical Evaluation. IEEEInternational Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE '96). Proceedings. Vol. 2, 17-20 June 1996. p. 784 - 789.[26] SINGH, B.; et al.; A review of Three-Phase Improved Power Quality AC-DCConverters. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 51, no. 3, 2004. p. 641-660.[27] BORGONOVO, Deivis; Modelagem e Controle de Retificadores PWM TrifásicosEmpregando a Transformação de Park. Florianópolis, 2001. Dissertação de Mestradoem Engenharia Elétrica – INEP, UFSC.[28] BORGONOVO, Deivis; BARBI, I.; NOVAES, Y. R.. A Three-Phase Three-SwitchTwo-Level PWM Rectifier. Record of the 34th IEEE Power Electronics SpecialistsConference. Vol. 3, 15-19 June 2003. p. 1075-1079.[29] TU, Rong-Jie; CHEN, Chern-Lin.; A New Space-Vector-Modulated Control for aUnidirectional Three-Phase Switch-Mode Rectifier. IEEE Transactions on IndustrialElectronics, vol. 45, no. 2, 1998. p. 256-262,[30] TU, Rong-Jie; CHEN, Chern-Lin.; A New Three-Phase Space-Vector-ModulatedPower Factor Corrector. 9th. Annual Applied Power Electronics Conference andExposition (APEC '94). Proceedings. vol.2. Feb. 1994. p. 725-730.[31] KOCZARA, W.; BIALOSKORKI, P.; Controllability of the Simple Three PhaseRectifier Operating with Unity Power Factor. Fifth European Conference on PowerElectronics and Applications. vol.7. 13-16 Sep 1993. p. 183-187.

278[21] AREDES, M.; Active Power Line Conditioners, Dr.-Ing. Thesis, TechnischeUniversität Berlin, Berlin, Germany, March 1996.[22] BARBI, I.; NOVAES, Y. R.; et al.; <strong>Retificador</strong>es PW Trifásicos Unidirecionais comAlto Fator de Potência. Eletrônica de Potência – Vol. 7, no. 1, Novembro de 2002.[23] SALMON, J. C.; Circuit topologies for <strong>PWM</strong> boost rectifiers operated from 1-phaseand 3-phase AC supplies and using either single or split DC rail voltage outputs. 10th.Annual Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC '95).Proceedings. 5-9 March 1995 . p. 473-479.[24] KOLAR J.; ERTL, H.; Status of the Techniques of Three-Phase Rectifier Systems withLow Effects on the Mains. 21st. Annual International Telecommunications EnergyConference (INTELEC 99). Proceedings. Copenhagen, Denmark, 6-9 June 1999.[25] OMEDI, T. J.; BARLIK, R.; Three-Phase AC-DC Unidirectional <strong>PWM</strong> Multiple-Switch Rectifier Topologies – Selected Proprieties and Critical Evaluation. IEEEInternational Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE '96). Proceedings. Vol. 2, 17-20 June 1996. p. 784 - 789.[26] SINGH, B.; et al.; A review of Three-Phase Improved Power Quality AC-DCConverters. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 51, no. 3, 2004. p. 641-660.[27] BORGONOVO, Deivis; Modelagem e Controle de <strong>Retificador</strong>es <strong>PWM</strong> TrifásicosEmpregando a Transformação de Park. Florianópolis, 2001. Dissertação de Mestradoem Engenharia Elétrica – INEP, UFSC.[28] BORGONOVO, Deivis; BARBI, I.; NOVAES, Y. R.. A Three-Phase Three-SwitchTwo-Level <strong>PWM</strong> Rectifier. Record of the 34th IEEE Power Electronics SpecialistsConference. Vol. 3, 15-19 June 2003. p. 1075-1079.[29] TU, Rong-Jie; CHEN, Chern-Lin.; A New Space-Vector-Modulated Control for aUnidirectional Three-Phase Switch-Mode Rectifier. IEEE Transactions on IndustrialElectronics, vol. 45, no. 2, 1998. p. 256-262,[30] TU, Rong-Jie; CHEN, Chern-Lin.; A New Three-Phase Space-Vector-ModulatedPower Factor Corrector. 9th. Annual Applied Power Electronics Conference andExposition (APEC '94). Proceedings. vol.2. Feb. 1994. p. 725-730.[31] KOCZARA, W.; BIALOSKORKI, P.; Controllability of the Simple Three PhaseRectifier Operating with Unity Power Factor. Fifth European Conference on PowerElectronics and Applications. vol.7. 13-16 Sep 1993. p. 183-187.

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