Geologia de Alberta e sul das Montanhas Rochosas - IGEO- Unicamp

Geologia de Alberta e sul das Montanhas Rochosas - IGEO- Unicamp

Geologia de Alberta e sul das Montanhas Rochosas - IGEO- Unicamp

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<strong>Geologia</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Alberta</strong> e <strong>sul</strong><strong>das</strong> <strong>Montanhas</strong> <strong>Rochosas</strong>DESENVOLVENDO O CICLODAS ROCHASPedro Wagner GonçalvesInstituto <strong>de</strong> Geociências – UNICAMPCx. P. 6152 Barão Geraldo 13083-970 Campinas-SPe.Mail: pedrog@ige.unicamp.brCreate PDF with PDF4U. If you wish to remove this line, please click here to purchase the full version

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eleira <strong>de</strong> Athabasca, Parque Nacional <strong>de</strong> JaspeAltitu<strong>de</strong>: 2700mÁrea: 6 km 2Espessuramédia: 300 mVelocida<strong>de</strong>:125 m/ano(cabeceira), 25na baseNo verãocerca <strong>de</strong>10.000 turistaspasseiam nageleira por diaCreate PDF with PDF4U. If you wish to remove this line, please click here to purchase the full version

Geleira <strong>de</strong> AthabascaNotar: recuoda geleiraLocal <strong>de</strong>visitaçãocoberto em1980Create PDF with PDF4U. If you wish to remove this line, please click here to purchase the full version

leira <strong>de</strong> Athabasca, vales suspensoCorrenteCreate PDF with PDF4U. If you wish to remove this line, please click here to purchase the full version

ocha moutonée e <strong>de</strong>pósitos <strong>de</strong> morena lateral,Geleira <strong>de</strong> AthabascaMorenalateralEstriasCreate PDF with PDF4U. If you wish to remove this line, please click here to purchase the full version

OkotokisCreate PDF with PDF4U. If you wish to remove this line, please click here to purchase the full version

xo <strong>de</strong> geleira da Cordilheira e Norte-AmericanCreate PDF with PDF4U. If you wish to remove this line, please click here to purchase the full version

Franksli<strong>de</strong>, escorregamentoCreate PDF with PDF4U. If you wish to remove this line, please click here to purchase the full version

Lake MoraineCreate PDF with PDF4U. If you wish to remove this line, please click here to purchase the full version

Lago PeytoCreate PDF with PDF4U. If you wish to remove this line, please click here to purchase the full version

Lago Peyto: foz <strong>de</strong> material <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>geloCreate PDF with PDF4U. If you wish to remove this line, please click here to purchase the full version

Franksli<strong>de</strong>Como seformou estevale?E o materialem primeiroplano?Create PDF with PDF4U. If you wish to remove this line, please click here to purchase the full version

Calgary, down town (Rio Bow)Create PDF with PDF4U. If you wish to remove this line, please click here to purchase the full version

TilCreate PDF with PDF4U. If you wish to remove this line, please click here to purchase the full version

TilCreate PDF with PDF4U. If you wish to remove this line, please click here to purchase the full version

Canmore TilCreate PDF with PDF4U. If you wish to remove this line, please click here to purchase the full version

Lago PeytoCreate PDF with PDF4U. If you wish to remove this line, please click here to purchase the full version

Head Smashed, <strong>sul</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Alberta</strong> (pradarias)Create PDF with PDF4U. If you wish to remove this line, please click here to purchase the full version

<strong>Montanhas</strong> <strong>Rochosas</strong>Create PDF with PDF4U. If you wish to remove this line, please click here to purchase the full version

<strong>Montanhas</strong> <strong>Rochosas</strong>Create PDF with PDF4U. If you wish to remove this line, please click here to purchase the full version

CanmoreCreate PDF with PDF4U. If you wish to remove this line, please click here to purchase the full version

Mo<strong>de</strong>lagens...Create PDF with PDF4U. If you wish to remove this line, please click here to purchase the full version

Mapa geológico: <strong>Rochosas</strong> às pradariasCreate PDF with PDF4U. If you wish to remove this line, please click here to purchase the full version

Monte Cathedral, calcáriosEscorregamentosCreate PDF with PDF4U. If you wish to remove this line, please click here to purchase the full version

nanaskis, cama<strong>das</strong> <strong>de</strong> arenito e carvãCreate PDF with PDF4U. If you wish to remove this line, please click here to purchase the full version

Kananaskis, siltito finoCreate PDF with PDF4U. If you wish to remove this line, please click here to purchase the full version

Relação entre grãos e matrizchas Clásticass visíveis anuGrãos maiores visíveis aolho nu ou com lupa 10X(parte fina)PartículaMatrizCimentoCreate PDF with PDF4U. If you wish to remove this line, please click here to purchase the full version

ssificação <strong>de</strong> rochas sedimentares clásticxosm,esmCascalhoG r o s saF i n aG r o s saAreiaF i n aSilteArgila60 mmM ádia2062 mm0.6M édia0.20.06 mm0.002 mmãos visíveis ao nuaentos angulosos)lomeradoentos arredondados)Grãos maiores visíveis aolho nu ou com lupa 10X(parte fina)ArenitoGrãos não visíveiscom lupa 10XLamitosSiltitoArgilitoFolhelhCreate PDF with PDF4U. If you wish to remove this line, please click here to purchase the full version

Rochas Sedimentares Clásticasificação <strong>de</strong> arenitos pelo conteúdo mineral/litológicoenito Quartzoso Arcósio Arenito Lítico GrauvacaCreate PDF with PDF4U. If you wish to remove this line, please click here to purchase the full version

Rochas Sedimentares Químicashas Químicasento Rocha Composição Mineraisrito Evaporito Cloreto <strong>de</strong> Sódio HalitaSulfato <strong>de</strong> Cálcio AnidritaGipsitaento Formação Óxido <strong>de</strong> Ferro Hematitaro Ferrífera LimonitaCarbonato <strong>de</strong> Ferro Si<strong>de</strong>ritado Dolomito Carbonato <strong>de</strong> DolomitaagêneseCálcio-magnésioFosforito Fosfato <strong>de</strong> Cálcio ApatitaCreate PDF with PDF4U. If you wish to remove this line, please click here to purchase the full version

EvaporitosCreate PDF with PDF4U. If you wish to remove this line, please click here to purchase the full version

ochas Sedimentares Bioquímicaschas Bioquímicasimento Rocha Composição Mineraisia e lama Calcário, CaCO 3 Calcitaimento Chert SiO 2 Opala,osoCalcedônia,Quartzofa, matéria Linhito, Compostos (Carvão)ânica Carvão <strong>de</strong> Carbono (Óleo)(Gás)Create PDF with PDF4U. If you wish to remove this line, please click here to purchase the full version

ue idéias centrais po<strong>de</strong>m ser explora<strong>das</strong>a partir da interpretação <strong>das</strong> rochas?Habilida<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> pensar hipoteticamente e construir enarrar a história do que po<strong>de</strong> ter ocorrido com aamostra ou com o local visitadoCapacida<strong>de</strong> para investigar um certo fenômeno apartir <strong>de</strong> vestígios do que ocorreu e alcançarconclusões com base em pequeno número <strong>de</strong>dados (aos mol<strong>de</strong>s do conto policial)Habilida<strong>de</strong> para resolver problemas <strong>de</strong>safiadores ecompreen<strong>de</strong>r processos ocorridos no passado(eventos históricos)Create PDF with PDF4U. If you wish to remove this line, please click here to purchase the full version

O que as geociências informam sobre aTerra?Uma idéia central fornecida pelas geociências é a noção <strong>de</strong>tempo geológico: uma escala <strong>de</strong> tempo que combinaeventos <strong>de</strong> diferentes duraçãoA idéia <strong>de</strong> tempo geológico é central para compreen<strong>de</strong>rque o ambiente terrestre mudou e continua mudando aolongo <strong>das</strong> erasO ambiente atual é, portanto, somente um <strong>de</strong> um estado <strong>de</strong>uma série <strong>de</strong> estados que dominaram a TerraSabemos que o ambiente muda ao longo do tempo porqueparte <strong>de</strong>ssas transformações são registra<strong>das</strong> nascaracterísticas <strong>das</strong> rochasCreate PDF with PDF4U. If you wish to remove this line, please click here to purchase the full version

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