Q uímica - CNSG

Q uímica - CNSG

Q uímica - CNSG

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Simulado/2009 <strong>CNSG</strong> 3º Ano – Ensino Médio46. (Ufpr) Public schools in the United States helpedimmigrants in different ways. First, the schools gavechildren a free education. This meant that manyyoung people became better educated than theirparents and had more chances for better jobs. Inaddition, many schools had evening classes foradults. Na frase, "...young people became bettereducated...", YOUNG é um adjetivo. O substantivocorrespondente, é YOUTH. Qual dos pares abaixoestão associados apropriadamente?A) weak -- weaknessB) happy -- happidomC) difficult -- difficultnessD) dark -- darkdomE) strong -- strongth(Cesgranrio) The mannerless youth of the '60s and '70shave unfortunately passed their poor behavior to theirchildren. Young people today think that "Thank you","You're welcome" and "Excuse me" are servilities thatmust be avoided. This same syndrome is reflected in themodels who are shown in current advertising. The sweetand-lovelylook is out: the aggressive punk pose withuntidy hair and sloppy clothes is in.(adapted from TIME MAGAZINE, August 9,1989.)47. The prefix UN- na palavra derivada, UNTIDY significa"not", "the opposite of"(o oposto). Marque o item quetambém contém uma palavra com esse mesmoprefixo.A) unified. D) undergraduate.B) uninvited. E) understandable.C) universal.(Ita) "There are 16,000 registered home-built planes flyingin this country, more than double the number 10 years ago.Several factors brought this state of affairs about. In thepast decade, several huge adverse product liabilityjudgments and some ill-advised marketing decisions vastlyinflated the price of mass-produced light planes - which isto say, Cessnas, Pipers and Beechcraft. Right now, thecheapest single-engine Beechcraft sells for $256,000; amuch snazzier kit plane can be had - albeit disassembled -for about $30,000. The $700,00 BD-10 is the priciest,highest-performance expression of 'this trend'."(extracted from "Build Them, Fly Them" by A. Meisler - TheNew York Times Magazine May 22,1994)48. A expressão "this trend", refere-se a:A) kit plane.B) BD-10 plane.C) the single engine Beechcraft.D) Cessnas.E) Piper.(Ita) "Often an experiment goes wrong because theeffect being measured is caused by something other thanthat assumed. For example, the reading on a balancedepends not only on the weights in the pan, but also onwhether there is enough draught in the room. Themeasurement of the length of an object depends not onlyon estimating which mark on the steel ruler is theappropriate one, but also on whether the temperature atthe time of making the reading was the same as that whenthe ruler was inscribed-if not, the overall length of theruler has changed. A chemist investigating the propertiesof a substance may find his conclusions completelyinvalidated by the presence of a tiny trace of impurity inthe sample 'under test'.(...)(extracted from The Handling of Experimental Data, preparedby Science Foundation Course Team - The Open University Press, 1970)49. As expressões "goes wrong", "under test", poderiamser traduzidas respectivamente por:A) é mal sucedida - em testeB) é mal sucedida - que será testadaC) é mal conduzida - que foi testadaD) é mal conduzida - em testeE) é mal conduzida - que será testada(Ita) "'Manic, crazy and angry', murmurs StoneGossard, running his hands through his closely croppedhair. He's talking about early Pearl Jam gigs, and how theyfirst tour felt. We're sitting in the back of the band's tourbus on a cool desert night in Phoenix, where the band hasjust finished another musically and emotionallycompelling show. 'It's "weird he muses, 'we're gettingmore comfortable playing live, and we're playing moreconsistently every night. '"Yet" sometimes it's moredifficult to get in that state of mind where you can justlose yourself to the music.50. O significado da palavra "weird", no texto é:A) estranho D) desesperadorB) assustador E) gratificanteC) emocionante51. (Ita) A descrição do experimento a seguir refere-se aque tipo de medida?"If the thickness of a sheet of paper is measured witha micrometer screw-gauge, the pressure exerted bythe jaws of the gauge squashes the paper and soreduces its thickness."A) comprimento.B) largura.C) espessura.D) densidade.E) peso.52. (Unesp) Escolha a alternativa que melhor interagecom a oração dada.Would you like a cigarette?A) No, I don't have a cigarette.B) Yes, l'd love one!C) Thank you, I don't.D) No, I wouldn't like nothing, now.E) Yes, I like very much.“Educar e Vencer” Pág. 10/10 Data: 19/06/2009

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