Nervo Trigêmeo - ICB - UFMG

Nervo Trigêmeo - ICB - UFMG Nervo Trigêmeo - ICB - UFMG

NERVO TRIGÊMEOAnatomia Aplicada à OdontologiaProf. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

NERVO TRIGÊMEODr. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, PhDPhDEspecialista e Mestre em CTBMF - UFPel-RSDoutor (PhD) em CTBMF - University of LondonProfessor Adjunto da <strong>UFMG</strong>Prof. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

Generalidades <strong>Nervo</strong>s Cranianos I à XII <strong>Nervo</strong>s Espinhais C1 à C8 T1 à T12 L1 à L5 S1 à S5Prof. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

<strong>Nervo</strong>s Cranianos I - Olfatório II - Óptico III – Oculomotor IV – Troclear V – Trigêmeo VI - Abducente

<strong>Nervo</strong>sCranianos VII - Facial VIII – Vestíbulococlear IX - Glossofaríngeo X – Vago XI – Acessório XII - Hipoglosso

<strong>Nervo</strong> Trigêmeo (V)Prof. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

Área de Inervação do Trigêmeo (V) Raiz sensitiva Fibras extereoceptivas:Face, cavidades nasal ebucal, seios da face, globoocular, meninges Fibras proprioceptivas:ATM, dentes, periodonto,palato duro, músculos mdamastigaçãoProf. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

Área de Inervação do Trigêmeo (V) Raiz motora Músculos da mastigação(masséter, , temporal epterigóideos ideos medial e lateral) VA do digástrico, milo-hióideo,ideo,tensor do tímpano, ttensor dovéu u palatinoProf. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

Parte Intracraniana do <strong>Nervo</strong> Trigêmeo Origem no SNC Na ponte, entre estae o pedúnculocerebelar médio Raiz sensitiva Tronco do trigêmeo Raiz motoraProf. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

Parte Intracraniana do <strong>Nervo</strong> Trigêmeo Raiz Sensitiva Gânglio Trigeminal <strong>Nervo</strong> OftálmicoFissura orbital superior <strong>Nervo</strong> MaxilarForame redondo <strong>Nervo</strong> MandibularForame oval Raiz Motora <strong>Nervo</strong> MandibularForame ovalProf. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

<strong>Nervo</strong> Oftálmico (V/1) RamosMeníngeongeo <strong>Nervo</strong> Lacrimal(lateral) <strong>Nervo</strong> Frontal(intermédio) <strong>Nervo</strong> Nasociliar(medial)Prof. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

<strong>Nervo</strong> Lacrimal Ramos Ramocomunicantecom o nervozigomático InervaçãoProf. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

<strong>Nervo</strong> LacrimalProf. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

<strong>Nervo</strong> Frontal Ramos <strong>Nervo</strong>supraorbital <strong>Nervo</strong>supratroclear InervaçãoProf. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

<strong>Nervo</strong> FrontalProf. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

<strong>Nervo</strong> NasociliarProf. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

<strong>Nervo</strong> etmoidal anteriorProf. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

<strong>Nervo</strong> Maxilar (V/2) RamosMeníngeongeo <strong>Nervo</strong> Zigomático(lateral) <strong>Nervo</strong> Infraorbital eRamos AlveolaresSuperiores (intermédio) <strong>Nervo</strong> Pterigopalatino(medial)Prof. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

<strong>Nervo</strong> Zigomático Ramos N. zigomático-facial N. zigomático-temporal InervaçãoProf. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

<strong>Nervo</strong> ZigomáticoProf. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

Ramos Alveolares SuperioresPosterioresProf. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

<strong>Nervo</strong> Infraorbital Ramos Alveolar sup.Médio Alveolar sup.Anterior TerminaisLabial superiorNasal lateralPalpebral inferiorProf. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

<strong>Nervo</strong> InfraorbitalProf. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

<strong>Nervo</strong> InfraorbitalProf. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

<strong>Nervo</strong> InfraorbitalProf. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

<strong>Nervo</strong> Pterigopalatino Ramos R. Faríngeo R. Orbital N. PalatinoN. Palatino maiorN. Palatino menor N. EsfenopalatinoRr. Nasaisposteriores N. NasopalatinoProf. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

<strong>Nervo</strong> Palatino Ramos N. Palatinomaior N. PalatinomenorProf. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

<strong>Nervo</strong>s PalatinosProf. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

<strong>Nervo</strong> Esfenopalatino Ramos Ramos nasaisposterioresSuperioresMédiosInferiores N. NasopalatinoProf. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

<strong>Nervo</strong> NasopalatinoProf. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

Divisão Anterior<strong>Nervo</strong> Mandibular (V/3) Ramos musculares,nervo bucal Divisão Posterior <strong>Nervo</strong>Auriculotemporal <strong>Nervo</strong> AlveolarInferior <strong>Nervo</strong> LingualProf. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

Divisão Anterior (V/3) Ramos Massetérico Temporal profundoposterior Temporal profundoanterior Pterigóideosideos BucalProf. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

<strong>Nervo</strong>s MassetéricoeTemporais ProfundosProf. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

<strong>Nervo</strong> BucalProf. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

<strong>Nervo</strong> BucalProf. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

Prof. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

Divisão Posterior (V/3) RamosMeníngeongeo <strong>Nervo</strong>Auriculotemporal(lateral) <strong>Nervo</strong> AlveolarInferior (intermédio) <strong>Nervo</strong> Lingual(medial)Prof. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

<strong>Nervo</strong> AuriculotemporalProf. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

<strong>Nervo</strong> Alveolar Inferior Ramos <strong>Nervo</strong> milohióideoideo Ramos dentais Ramos ósseos <strong>Nervo</strong> mentual Ramo incisivoProf. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

<strong>Nervo</strong> MilohióideoideoProf. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

<strong>Nervo</strong> Alveolar InferiorProf. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

<strong>Nervo</strong> MentualProf. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

Ramos IncisivosProf. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

<strong>Nervo</strong> LingualProf. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

<strong>Nervo</strong> LingualProf. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

Prof. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

Prof. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

Prof. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

Prof. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

<strong>Nervo</strong>s Espinhais Plexo Cervical (C1(a C5) <strong>Nervo</strong> occipital menor <strong>Nervo</strong> auricular magno <strong>Nervo</strong> transverso dopescoço <strong>Nervo</strong>s supraclaviculares Plexo Braquial (C5(a T1)Prof. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

Plexo CervicalProf. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

Ramos Cutâneos do Plexo CervicalProf. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

<strong>Nervo</strong> Auricular MagnoProf. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

Plexos Braquial e CervicalProf. Peter Reher, CD, CD, MSc, MSc, PhDPhD

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