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Refractive results of cataract surgery using optical biometry and Haigis formula in eyes with refractive keratotomy107REFERENCES1. Caballero JC, Centurion V. O essencial em biometria: uma respostaapropriada para cada caso. Rio de Janeiro: Cultura Médica; 2012. p.65-9.2. Koppen C, Gobin L, Tassignon MJ. Intacs to stabilize diurnal variationin refraction after radial keratotomy. J Cataract Refract Surg.2007;33(12):2138-41.3. Zacharias W. As formulas biométricas. In: Centurion V. Excelência embiometria. Rio de Janeiro: Cultura Médica; 2006. p.95-102.4. Stakheev AA. Intraocular lens calculation for cataract after previousradial keratotomy. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2002;22(4):289-95.5. Muraine M, Siahmed K, RetoutA, Brasseur G. [Phacoemulsificationfollowing radial keratotomy. Topographic and refractive analysis concerningan 18-month period (apropos of a case)]. J FrOphtalmol.2000;23(3):265-9. French.6. Holladay JT, Hill WE, Steinmueller A. Corneal power measurementsusing scheimpflug imaging in eyes with prior corneal refractive surgery.J Refract Surg. 2009;25(10):862-8. Erratum in J Refract Surg.2010;26(6):387. Comment in J Refract Surg. 2010;26(6):388-9; authorreply 389-91.7. Bardocci A, Lofoco G. Corneal topography and postoperative refractionafter cataract phacoemulsification following radial keratotomy.Ophthalmic Surg Lasers. 1999;30(2):155-9.8. Kim SW, Kim EK, Cho BJ, Kim SW, Song KY, Kim T. Use of the pentacamtrue net corneal power for intraocular lens calculation in eyes afterrefractive corneal surgery. J Refract Surg. 2009;25(3):285-9.9. Aramberri J. Special circumstances: double-K method. In: Hoffer KJ.IOL power. Thorofare: Slack; 2011. p.199-206.10. Haigis W. Cornealpowerafterrefractivesurgery for myopia:contactlensmethod. J CataractRefract Surg. 2003;29(7):1397-411.ErratuminJ Cataract Refract Surg. 2003;29(10):1854.11. Haigis W. The Haigis formula. In: Shammas HJ. Intraocular lens powercalculations. Thorofare: Slack; 2004. p.41-57.12. Han ES, Lee JH. Intraocular lens power calculation in high myopiceyes with previous radial keratotomy. J Refract Surg. 2006;22(7):713-6.13. Centurion V, Caballero JCS. Hyperopic shift after phacoemulsificationin eyes with previous radial keratotomy [video]. World OphthalmologyCongress; 2006 fev. 19-24, São Paulo, Brasil. (First Prize CataractCategory).14. Centurion V, Caballero JC. Hyperopic shift after phacoemulsificationin eyes with previous radial keratotomy [Video]. J CataractRefractSurg. 2005;21(3).15. Awwad ST, Dwarakanathan S, Bowman RW, Cavanagh HD, VeritySM, Mootha VV,et al. Intraocular lens power calculation after radialkeratotomy: estimating the refractive corneal power. J Cataract RefractSurg. 2007;33(6):1045-50.16. Lyle WA, Jin GJ. Intraocular lens power prediction in patients whoundergo cataract surgery following previous radial keratotomy.ArchOphthalmol. 1997;115(4):457-61.Comment in Arch Ophthalmol.1997;115(4):542-3.Autor correspondente:Juan Carlos Sánchez CaballeroAv. Ibirapuera, nº 624 - IbirapueraCEP 04028-000 – São Paulo (SP), BrasilE-mail: Bras Oftalmol. 2013; 72 (2): 103-7

ARTIGO ORIGINALEfeitos de algumas drogas sobre a proliferaçãode fibroblastos de pterígio primário in vitroEffects of some drugs in the fibroblastic proliferationin primary pterygium in vitroJuliana Almodin¹, Flavia Almodin 2 , Edna Almodin 3 , Vânia Cibele Minguetti-Câmara 4 , João Paulo Neves 5 , Ana KarinaTeixeira Bezzon 6 ,Carla Emília Diniz Maciel Safar 7 , Helaine Belato Bertanha Amadeu 8RESUMOObjetivo: Este estudo tem por objetivo observar a inibição da proliferação celular in vitro em pterígios primários utilizandomitomicina C, ciclofosfamida e metotrexato. Métodos: Os pterígios foram retirados de 7 pacientes com idade entre 30 e 60 anos eforam submetidos à cultura de suas células epiteliais. Foi então verificado o efeito de drogas sobre as células: ciclofosfamida,metotrexato e mitomicina. As células foram observadas por 5 dias ao microscópio para avaliar a proliferação celular e os experimentosforam repetidos 5 vezes. Resultados: Quando a mitomicina foi utilizada observou-se importante inibição da proliferação celular.Quando a ciclofosfamida foi utilizada houve também inibição do crescimento, 50% após 24 horas de cultura após a exposição dadroga aumentando nos dias subsequentes. Nenhum efeito foi observado quando o metotrexato foi utilizado. Conclusão: Os efeitosde inibição da proliferação celular pela mitomicina C já eram esperados, porém a ciclofosfamida também apresentou-se bastanteeficaz. A ação inibitória da ciclofosfamida sobre a proliferação fibroblástica in vitro nos leva a acreditar que ela possa ser usada paraprevenir a recorrência do pterígio depois da excisão. Entretanto, testes em animais e posteriormente em humanos se fazemnecessários para se chegar a essa conclusão.Descritores: Proliferação celular/efeito de drogas; Mitomicina/uso terapêutico; Ciclofosfamida; Pterígio/quimioterapia;Metotrexato/uso terapêutico; Recidiva/prevenção & controleABSTRACTObjective: This study aims at observing the inhibition of cell proliferation in primary pterygium by the use in vitro of mitomicyn C,cyclophosphamide, methotrexate. Methods: Pterigyum was removed from seven pacients between 30 and 60 years and were submittedto culture of epithelial cells. Later the effect of drugs was tested on the cells: cyclophsphamide, methotrexate, mitomicyn. The cells wereobserved for five days under the microscope to assess cellular proliferation, and the experiments were repeated five times. Results:When mitomicyn was used, a marked inhibition of cellular proliferation was observed. When cyclophosphamide was used there alsowas inhibition of cellular proliferation, 50% within 24 hs of the culture exposition to the drug increasing in the following days. Conclusion:The inhibition effects in the cellular proliferation by the use of mitomicyn C was already expected, but the use of cyclophosphamide wasalso very effective. The cyclophsphamide inhibitory action on fibroblastic proliferation in vitro lead us to believe that it may be used toprevent pterygium recurrence after incision. However, tests in animals and later in humans are necessary.Keywords: Cell proliferation/drug effects; Mitomycin/therapeutic use; Cyclophosphamide/; Pterygium/drug therapy; Methotrexate/therapeutic use; Recurrence/prevention & control¹ Departamento de Glaucoma da Pró Visão Hospital de Olhos de Maringá – Maringá (PR), Brasil;2Centro de Oftalmologia Tadeu Cvintal – São Paulo (SP), Brasil;3Pró Visão Hospital de Olhos de Maringá – Maringá (PR), Brasil;4Departamento de Bioquímica do Hospital Universitário de Maringá – Maringá (PR), Brasil;5Departamento de Retina e Vítreo do Hospital de Base de São José do Rio Preto – São José do Rio Preto (SP), Brasil;6Clínica Visclin Oftalmologia - São Paulo (SP), Brasil;7Oncoclínica – Maringá (PR), Brasil;8Programa de Pós-graduação (Mestrando) da Universidade Estadual de Maringá – UEM – Maringá (PR), Brasil.Hospital de Olhos Redentora – São José do Rio Preto (SP), BrasilO autor declara não haver conflitos de interesseRecebido para publicação em: 20/10/2011 - Aceito para publicação em: 14/10/2012Rev Bras Oftalmol. 2013; 72 (2): 108-11

Refractive results of cataract surgery using optical biometry and Haigis formula in eyes with refractive keratotomy107REFERENCES1. Caballero JC, Centurion V. O essencial <strong>em</strong> biometria: uma respostaapropria<strong>da</strong> para ca<strong>da</strong> caso. Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro: Cultura Médica; 2012. p.65-9.2. Koppen C, Gobin L, Tassignon MJ. Intacs to stabilize diurnal variationin refraction after radial keratotomy. J Cataract Refract Surg.2007;33(12):2138-41.3. Zacharias W. As formulas biométricas. In: Centurion V. Excelência <strong>em</strong>biometria. Rio <strong>de</strong> Janeiro: Cultura Médica; 2006. p.95-102.4. Stakheev AA. Intraocular lens calculation for cataract after previousradial keratotomy. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2002;22(4):289-95.5. Muraine M, Siahmed K, RetoutA, Brasseur G. [Phaco<strong>em</strong>ulsificationfollowing radial keratotomy. Topographic and refractive analysis concerningan 18-month period (apropos of a case)]. J FrOphtalmol.2000;23(3):265-9. French.6. Holla<strong>da</strong>y JT, Hill WE, Steinmueller A. Corneal power measur<strong>em</strong>entsusing scheimpflug imaging in eyes with prior corneal refractive surgery.J Refract Surg. 2009;25(10):862-8. Erratum in J Refract Surg.2010;26(6):387. Comment in J Refract Surg. 2010;26(6):388-9; authorreply 389-91.7. Bardocci A, Lofoco G. Corneal topography and postoperative refractionafter cataract phaco<strong>em</strong>ulsification following radial keratotomy.Ophthalmic Surg Lasers. 1999;30(2):155-9.8. Kim SW, Kim EK, Cho BJ, Kim SW, Song KY, Kim T. Use of the pentacamtrue net corneal power for intraocular lens calculation in eyes afterrefractive corneal surgery. J Refract Surg. 2009;25(3):285-9.9. Aramberri J. Special circumstances: double-K method. In: Hoffer KJ.IOL power. Thorofare: Slack; 2011. p.199-206.10. Haigis W. Cornealpowerafterrefractivesurgery for myopia:contactlensmethod. J CataractRefract Surg. 2003;29(7):1397-411.ErratuminJ Cataract Refract Surg. 2003;29(10):1854.11. Haigis W. The Haigis formula. In: Shammas HJ. Intraocular lens powercalculations. Thorofare: Slack; 2004. p.41-57.12. Han ES, Lee JH. Intraocular lens power calculation in high myopiceyes with previous radial keratotomy. J Refract Surg. 2006;22(7):713-6.13. Centurion V, Caballero JCS. Hyperopic shift after phaco<strong>em</strong>ulsificationin eyes with previous radial keratotomy [vi<strong>de</strong>o]. World OphthalmologyCongress; 2006 fev. 19-24, São Paulo, Brasil. (First Prize CataractCategory).14. Centurion V, Caballero JC. Hyperopic shift after phaco<strong>em</strong>ulsificationin eyes with previous radial keratotomy [Vi<strong>de</strong>o]. J CataractRefractSurg. 2005;21(3).15. Awwad ST, Dwarakanathan S, Bowman RW, Cavanagh HD, VeritySM, Mootha VV,et al. Intraocular lens power calculation after radialkeratotomy: estimating the refractive corneal power. J Cataract RefractSurg. 2007;33(6):1045-50.16. Lyle WA, Jin GJ. Intraocular lens power prediction in patients whoun<strong>de</strong>rgo cataract surgery following previous radial keratotomy.ArchOphthalmol. 1997;115(4):457-61.Comment in Arch Ophthalmol.1997;115(4):542-3.Autor correspon<strong>de</strong>nte:Juan Carlos Sánchez CaballeroAv. Ibirapuera, nº 624 - IbirapueraCEP 04028-000 – São Paulo (SP), BrasilE-mail: Bras Oftalmol. 2013; 72 (2): 103-7

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