armando mateus pomini - Biblioteca do Instituto de Química - Unicamp

armando mateus pomini - Biblioteca do Instituto de Química - Unicamp

armando mateus pomini - Biblioteca do Instituto de Química - Unicamp


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REFERÊNCIAS BIBLIOGRÁFICASLAMBAIS, M. R., GOLDMAN, M. H. S., CAMARGO, L. E. A.,GOLDMAN, G. H. A genomic approach to the un<strong>de</strong>rstanding of Xylellafastidiosa pathogenicity. Curr. Op. Microbiol., 3, 459-462, 2000.LARANJEIRA, F. F., BERGAMIN FILHO, A., AMORIM, L., LOPES, J. R.S. Comportamento sazonal da clorose variegada <strong>do</strong>s citros em trêsregiões <strong>do</strong> esta<strong>do</strong> <strong>de</strong> São Paulo. Fitopatol. Bras., 28, 633-641, 2003.LEE, R. F., BERETTA, M. J. G., HARTUNG, J H., HOOKER, M. E.,DERRICK, K. S. Citrus variegated chlorosis: confirmation of Xylellafastidiosa as the causal agent. Summa Phytopathol., 19, 123-125,1993.LEE, D. K., CHOI, B. S. Effect of hydrochloric acid concentrations of thehydri<strong>de</strong> generation efficiencies in ICP-AES. Bull. Korean Chem. Soc.,17, 964-966, 1996.LEHNINGER, A. L., NELSON, D. L., COX, M. M. Princípios <strong>de</strong>bioquímica. 2 a edição. Sarvier: São Paulo, 1995.LITHGOW, J. K., WILKINSON, A., HARDMAN, A., RODELAS, B.,WISNIEWSKI-DYÉ, F., WILLIAMS, P., DOWNIE, J. A. Theregulatory locus cinRI in Rhizobium leguminosarum controls a networkof quorum-sensing loci. Mol. Microbiol., 37, 81-97, 2000.LLAMAS, I., QUESADA, E., MARTINEZ-CANOVAS, M. J.,GRONQUIST, M., EBERHARD, A., GONZALEZ, J. E. Quorumsensing in halophilic bacteria: <strong>de</strong>tection of N-acyl-homoserine lactonesin the exopolysacchari<strong>de</strong>-producing species of Halomonas.Extremophiles, 9, 333-341, 2005.LOPES, J. R. S. Estu<strong>do</strong>s com vetores <strong>de</strong> Xylella fastidiosa e implicações nomanejo da clorose variegada <strong>do</strong>s citros. Laranja, 20, 329-344, 1999.MACHADO, G., BONATO, V., OLIVEIRA, P. S. Alarm communication: anew function for the scent-gland secretion in harvestmen (Arachnida:Opiliones). Naturwissenschaften, 89, 357-360, 2002.MACHADO, G., CARRERA, PATRICIA C., POMINI, A. M.,MARSAIOLI, A. J. Chemical <strong>de</strong>fense in harvestmen (Arachnida:Opiliones): <strong>do</strong> benzoquinone secretions <strong>de</strong>ter invertebrate andvertebrate predators? J. Chem. Ecol., 31, 2519-253, 2005.MACHADO, G., POMINI, A. M. Chemical and behavioral <strong>de</strong>fenses of theneotropical harvestman Camarana flavipalpi (Arachnida: Opiliones).Biochem. System. Ecol., no prelo, 2008.MANEFIELD, M., WELCH, M., GIVSKOV, M., SALMOND, G. P. C.,KJELLEBERG, S. Halogenated furanones from the red alga, Deliseapulchra, inhibit carbapenem antibiotic synthesis and exoenzyme186

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