Fixa o valor da tabela de preços do Hotel Rota do Sol ... - SINDAFEP

Fixa o valor da tabela de preços do Hotel Rota do Sol ... - SINDAFEP

Fixa o valor da tabela de preços do Hotel Rota do Sol ... - SINDAFEP


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ATO No O5t2009A Diretoria Executiva Estadual <strong>do</strong> <strong>SINDAFEP</strong> - Sindicato <strong>do</strong>s Auditores Fiscais <strong>da</strong> Receita <strong>do</strong> Esta<strong>do</strong><strong>do</strong> Paraná, no uso <strong>da</strong>s atribuições que thes são conferi<strong>da</strong>s peto artigo 36, parágrafo 2o, <strong>do</strong>Estatuto Sociat,RESOLVE1. <strong>Fixa</strong>r o vator <strong>da</strong> tabeta <strong>de</strong> preços <strong>do</strong> HOTEL ROTA DO SOL em Guaratuba para atempora<strong>da</strong> 2009 /2010:1.1 . ALTA TEMPORADA (22/ 12/2009 A 21 /02/20101ACOMODAçÃOVALOR DA DIÁRI AVULSAApto Luxo Duplo com café <strong>da</strong> manhã 260,00Pessoadicional no apartamento com café 85, <strong>de</strong>termina<strong>do</strong> Çu€, durante a alta tempora<strong>da</strong>, 24 apartamentos ficarãodisponíveis para reseryas para fitia<strong>do</strong>s, por perío<strong>do</strong>, conforme Anexo l.Os <strong>de</strong>mais apartamentos ficarão disponíveis para reseryas por terceiros, porperío<strong>do</strong>, conforme Anexo l.Os apartamentos disponibitiza<strong>do</strong>s conforme o item 1.1.1, somente serão loca<strong>do</strong>spara terceiros, nos perío<strong>do</strong>s constantes <strong>do</strong> Anexo l, se não estiverem reserva<strong>do</strong>spara fitia<strong>do</strong>s até quinze dias antes <strong>do</strong> perío<strong>do</strong> <strong>de</strong> utitização.Os apartamentos disponibitiza<strong>do</strong>s conforme o item 1.1.1 e 1.1.3, somente serãotoca<strong>do</strong>s para perío<strong>do</strong>s diversos <strong>do</strong>s constantes <strong>do</strong> anexo l, tanto para fitia<strong>do</strong>squanto para terceiros, se não estiverem reserva<strong>do</strong>s ate quinze dias antes <strong>do</strong>perío<strong>do</strong> <strong>de</strong> utitização.Os preços <strong>de</strong> diárias para os pacotes obe<strong>de</strong>cerão ao estabeteci<strong>do</strong> no anexo l.Para o perío<strong>do</strong> <strong>de</strong> Ano Novo e Carnavat, somente serão loca<strong>do</strong>s apartamentos porperío<strong>do</strong>s, conforme anexo l.1.2.BAIXA TEMPORADA (22/02/2010 A 19 / 12/20101ACOMODAçÃOVALOR DO PACOTEApto Luxo Dupto com café <strong>da</strong> manhã 145,00Pessoadicional no apartamento com café 50,00DESCONTOSUSUARIOPERCENTUAL DE DESCONTOFisca[ Fitia<strong>do</strong> 50%Para Grupos - Baixa Tempora<strong>da</strong>15% + acomo<strong>da</strong>ção <strong>da</strong> triputação (ou)Mínimo 10 apartamentos15% + 10% <strong>de</strong> comissão para a empresa.Para Terceiros15% acima <strong>de</strong> 5 diárias e para uma pessoa noapartamento.Os <strong>de</strong>scontos não são cumulativos2. o adicional será cobra<strong>do</strong> para crianças com i<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> acima <strong>de</strong> 6 anos.r3. A entra<strong>da</strong> <strong>da</strong>r-se-á após as 14:00h <strong>do</strong> dia <strong>de</strong> início <strong>do</strong> perío<strong>do</strong> e a saí<strong>da</strong> ate as 12:00h <strong>do</strong>  ïdia <strong>de</strong> termino <strong>da</strong> estadia.i I\l. j I<strong>SINDAFEP</strong> - Sindicato <strong>do</strong>s Auditores Fiscais <strong>da</strong> Receita <strong>do</strong> Esta<strong>do</strong> <strong>do</strong> PáranáRua Alferes Angelo Sampaio. 1793 - Batel - Curitiba - Paranâ - CEP 80420-160Fone: (41) 3221-5300 - Fax: (41) 3222-240113221-5340 - www.sin<strong>da</strong>fep.com.br - sin<strong>da</strong>fep@sin<strong>da</strong>fep.com.br

3.1. O usuário po<strong>de</strong>rá extrapolar o horário <strong>de</strong> saí<strong>da</strong> <strong>de</strong>termina<strong>do</strong>, até no máximo às 18horas <strong>do</strong> dia <strong>da</strong> saí<strong>da</strong>, <strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong> que comunique a gerência, com antecedência mínima <strong>de</strong>24 horas e mediante o pagamento <strong>do</strong> <strong>valor</strong> equivalente a uma diária cheia.4. Este Ato entra em vigor nesta <strong>da</strong>ta, fican<strong>do</strong> revoga<strong>da</strong>s as disposições em contrário.Curitiba/PR,ïl\"'n''\'\ i,,PSAesi<strong>de</strong>embro <strong>de</strong> 2009.<strong>SINDAFEP</strong> - Sindicato <strong>do</strong>s Auditores Fiscais <strong>da</strong> Receita <strong>do</strong> Esta<strong>do</strong> <strong>do</strong> ParanáRua Alferes Ângelo Sampaio, 1193 - Batel - Curitiba - Parana - CEP 80420-160Fone: (41) 3221-5300 - Fax: (41) 3222-240113221-5340 - www.sin<strong>da</strong>fep.com.br - sin<strong>da</strong>fep@sin<strong>da</strong>fep.com.br

Grants to Grant Wishes (Continued)By A<strong>da</strong>il TreharnThe triple A’s rallied, each <strong>de</strong>veloped a plan We’ll implement programs the best way we can. More rapid than eagles, care management came, Listing each service and calling by name! Now bathing and dressing and respite care too, There’s transport and hair care and lawn care to <strong>do</strong>. From the smallest request to the greatest of needs, We’re trying, still trying to <strong>do</strong> those good <strong>de</strong>eds. If a client’s at risk and feels so alone Or takes a bad spill or breaks a hipbone, She may just need something to help her get by We’re here to meet needs and not to ask why. And those diapers so nee<strong>de</strong>d and hard to obtain, And Glucerna or Ensure to help with weight gain, Could all be provi<strong>de</strong>d with grant money now? Three cheers for the State. Cliff take a bow! Making the visit is the best part of all. Each client’s so thankful whenever we call. Oh, some try your patience and always complain And some make us crazy and drive us insane. But most are so grateful and so very sweet, They are happy to see us and smile when we meet. And some are so special and teach us so much, Like faith and compassion and patience and such. Yes, some steal our hearts and refuse to let go ‘Till they fill them with memories that we cherish so. There are so very many that I hold quite <strong>de</strong>ar But one, I recall with a picture so clear. As I sat there besi<strong>de</strong> her with the care plan in hand, She told me her family helped settle this land. Her people were farmers and worked all the time. And folks then were kin<strong>de</strong>r and towns free of crime. Self-Directed Care Gui<strong>de</strong>bookGeorgia Division of Aging Services3

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