13. interpretação radiográfica de lesões nos maxilares por alunos ...

13. interpretação radiográfica de lesões nos maxilares por alunos ...

13. interpretação radiográfica de lesões nos maxilares por alunos ...


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P á g i n a | 9ABSTRACTThe aim of this study was to evaluate the interpretation of jaws lesions in thepanoramic radiographs, by graduation stu<strong>de</strong>nts of Dentistry, after the DentalRadiology course at UFPB. 32 stu<strong>de</strong>nts were part of the sample that was divi<strong>de</strong>d intotwo groups. Group I consisted of 8 stu<strong>de</strong>nts in the sixth and 8 stu<strong>de</strong>nts of the seventhperiods and group II, formed by 8 stu<strong>de</strong>nts of the ninth and 8 stu<strong>de</strong>nts in the tenthperiods. Each stu<strong>de</strong>nt evaluated 23 scanned images of panoramic radiographs,using LCD monitor, 17 , of which only 6 did not show any lesion, and the other 17presenting cases of radicular cyst, <strong>de</strong>ntigerous cyst, Stafne cyst, periapical cymentaldysplasia, cystic ameloblastoma and odontogenic keratocystic tumour. Evaluatorsrespon<strong>de</strong>d to a questionnaire addressing the presence, location and diag<strong>nos</strong>is oflesions studied. Groups I and II presented rates of correct answers regarding thepresence or absence of lesion, sensitivity and specificity of 88.9%, 94% and 83%,and 91.6%, 91% e 81% respectively. For the location of the true-positiveassessments, group II (81.5%) had a higher percentage of correct answers that thegroup I (79.3%). There was lower rate of correct true-positive lesions in the anteriormaxilla. For the diag<strong>nos</strong>is of false-positive evaluations, the anterior mandible andradicular cysts were the most selected. Taking into account the percentage of correctdiag<strong>nos</strong>is as to the true-positive assessments correctly located, the rate of correctanswers was 51.1% in group I and 50.3% in group II. The periapical cementaldysplasia, the <strong>de</strong>ntigerous cyst and the Stafne cyst were the lesions that had higherpercentages of correct answers, while the cystic ameloblastoma had the lowest. Itwas conclu<strong>de</strong>d that the stu<strong>de</strong>nts groups have good rates and similar levels in theinterpretation of panoramic radiographs. The anterior and posterior region ofmandible, are the most susceptible to false-positive diag<strong>nos</strong>is. Familiarities with thepathologies of maxillary help in preparation of a presumptive diag<strong>nos</strong>is by means ofX-rays, but can also influence the false-positive diag<strong>nos</strong>is. Knowledge ofradiographic anatomy and pathology is im<strong>por</strong>tant for radiographic interpretation. Thepanoramic radiograph is an im<strong>por</strong>tant tool in the preparation of the presumptivediag<strong>nos</strong>is, but should be used carefully, to display shadows and distortions that canmimic bone lesions.Keywords: Panoramic Radiography; Diag<strong>nos</strong>tic Imaging; Radiographic ImageInterpretation Computer-Assisted; Digital Radiography.

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