Programas 1 ao 20 Cap 12 Atualizado 8 - Ipaam

Programas 1 ao 20 Cap 12 Atualizado 8 - Ipaam

Programas 1 ao 20 Cap 12 Atualizado 8 - Ipaam

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Actes du Colloque PEGI/INSU/CNRS, 22-24/11/1993. Paris, France: ORSTOM, IRDEditions.MOLINIER, M., GUYOT, J.L., OLIVEIRA, E., GUIMARAES, V., 1996, “Les régimeshydrologique de l'Amazone et des ses affluents”. In: CHEVALLIER, P. e POUYAUD,B. (eds.), L’hydrologie tropical: géoscience et outil pour le développement, pp.<strong>20</strong>9-222. Actes de la conférence de Paris, 2-4/05/1995. IAHS Publication n. 238.Oxfordshire,UK: International Association of HydrologicaI Sciences.MOLINIER, M., GUYOT, J.L., CALLÈDE DE, J., GUIMARÃES, V., OLIVEIRA E,FILIZOLA, N., 1997, “Hydrologie du bassin amazonien”, In: THÉRY, H. (ed.),Environnement et développement en Amazonie brésilienne, pp. 24-41. Paris, FR:Editions Belin.MOLINIER, M., GUYOT, J.L., COCHONNEAU, G., GUIMARAES, V., DE OLIVEIRA, E.,1999, “La variabilité hydrologique du bassin amazonien et la circulationatmosphérique océanique”. In: International Symposium on hydrological andgeochemical processes in large scale river basins, Manaus, AM: Brazil.MOLINIER, M., RONCHAIL, J., GUYOT, J.L., COCHONNEAU, G., GUIMARAES, V., DEOLIVEIRA, E., <strong>20</strong>09, “Hydrological variability in the Amazon drainage basin andAfrican tropical basins”, Hydrological Processes, v. 23, n. 22, pp. 3245-3252. doi:10.1002/hyp.7400NOVO, E. M. L. M., 1998, Sensoriamento Remoto – Princípios e Aplicações, 2ª ed.,São Paulo: Editora Edgard Blücher Ltda.OLTMAN, R. E., 1968, Reconnaissance investigations of the discharge and waterquality of the Amazon. U.S. Geological Survey Circular, n. 552, 16p.OLTMAN, R. E., STERNBERG, H. O. R., DAVIS, L. C., 1964, Amazon Riverinvestigations reconnaissance measurements of july 1963. U.S. Geological SurveyCircular, n. 486, 15p.PARDÉ, M., 1936, “Les variations saisonnières de l’Amazone”, Annales deGéographie, t. 45, n. 257, pp. 502-511.PARDÉ, M., 1954, “Sur le régime et Spécialement sur les vadations saisonnières descours d’eau brésiliens”, La Houille Blanche, n. 6, pp. 823-846.PEREIRA, L.S., CORDERY, I., IACOVIDES, I., <strong>20</strong>02. Coping with Water Scarcity.UNESCO IHP VI, Technical Documents in Hydrology No. 58, UNESCO, Paris, 267 p.Disponível em: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/00<strong>12</strong>/00<strong>12</strong>78/<strong>12</strong>7846e.pdf.(Acesso em 25/06/<strong>20</strong><strong>12</strong>).PEREIRA, L.S., <strong>20</strong>03. Performance issues and challenges for improving water use andproductivity (Keynote). In: T. Hata and A. H Abdelhadi (Eds.) ParticipatoryUniversidade do Estado do AmazonasAv.: Djalma Batista, 3578 - FloresManaus - AM - CEP 69.050-010www.uea.edu.br664

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