Métodos Projetivos e Avaliação Psicológica - BVS Psicologia ...

Métodos Projetivos e Avaliação Psicológica - BVS Psicologia ...

Métodos Projetivos e Avaliação Psicológica - BVS Psicologia ...

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114A key component of the R‐PAS solution for examiner variability is R‐OptimizedAdministration, as discussed in the previous section: The restriction of the range of R reducesthe examiner impact on the protocol. The R‐PAS manual (Meyer et al., 2011) also providesextensive guidance for administration and coding. For administration in includes more guidancefor establishing rapport, managing the pace and flow of the administration, and documentingthe record. There is considerably more procedural information for the Inquiry, referred to asthe Clarification Phase in R‐PAS, with the first ever comprehensive chapter on clarification. Forcoding, there are many examples and descriptions of “thresholds” for example, specification ofthe point where a “not Morbid” scores becomes “Morbid.” Also, much of what was found in theRorschach Coding Solutions (Viglione, 2002, 2010) is refined and included in Manual. Beforebeing adopted, the specifics from this CS book were carefully reviewed and revised by theauthors. Since examiner influence is largely in the form of increasing complexity of the record,R‐PAS lists “Complexity Adjusted” standard scores on the R‐PAS Summary Scores and Profilepages. This applies to complex or simple records, where statistical adjustments remove theeffect of complexity.Coding UnreliabilityAs documented in the preceding section, (a) research reveals scoring unreliability forcertain variables and (b) R‐PAS contains considerable guidance for coding to minimize suchinconsistency among examiners. The most common coding inconsistencies reported in theresearch literature involve form dominance vs. color or shading dominance, shading subtypes,Developmental Quality, Form Quality, some contents, and cognitive special scores (Viglione &Meyer, 2008). As an example of enhanced coding guidelines from the R‐PAS Manual thedescription of Art content is presented below. Art is one of the contents which has been codedunreliably in some research reports.Art is coded for several types of images and expressions, including objects of art, such aspaintings, sculptures, lithographs, or drawings. Art is also coded for artistic, decorative,or ornamental objects such as a badge, crest, jewelry, or feathers worn ceremonially, orfor similar descriptions applied to objects such as “a pretty and highly stylized chest of

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