Rafael Ferreira Rodrigues Ambiente Declarativo para Sistemas que ...

Rafael Ferreira Rodrigues Ambiente Declarativo para Sistemas que ... Rafael Ferreira Rodrigues Ambiente Declarativo para Sistemas que ...

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7Referências BibliográficasARIB. ARIB STD-B24, Version 3.2, Volume 3: Data Coding and TransmissionSpecification for Digital Broadcasting, ARIB Standard, 2002.ARIB. ARIB STD-B23, Application Execution Engine Platform for DigitalBroadcasting. ARIB Standard, 2004.ATSC. DTV Application Software Environment Level 1 (DASE-1) PART 1:Introduction, Architecture, and Common Facilities. ATSC Standard. Marçode 2003.ATSC. DTV Application Software Environment Level 1 (DASE-1) PART 2:Declarative Applications and Environment. ATSC Standard, Março de 2003.ATSC. Advanced Common Application Platform (ACAP), A/101. Agosto de2005.BDA, Blue-Ray Disc Format – 2.B Audio Visual Application FormatSpecifications for BD-ROM. White paper. Março de 2005.BERNERS-LEE, T. J. The World-Wide Web. Communications of the ACM, v.37, n. 8, Agosto de 1994, p. 76-82.BULTEMAN, D.; RUTLEDGE, L. SMIL 2.0: Interactive Multimedia for Weband Mobile Devices, Springer, 2004.BROWN, A. W.; WALLNAU, C. K. International Workshop on Component-Based Software Engineering. International Conference on SoftwareEngineering ’99 – Los Angeles. 1999.ECMA Standardizing Information and Communication Systems. ECMAScriptLanguage Specification, Standard ECMA 262, 3rd Edition, 1999.ETSI. Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB), Globally Executable MHP (GEM),ETSI TS 102 819 v 1.2.1, Maio de 2004.ETSI. Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB), Multimedia Home Platform (MHP)

Referências Bibliográficas 87Specification 1.1.1, ETSI TS 102 812, Maio de 2005. Disponível em:. Acesso em 12/03/2007.FERRETTI, S.; ROCCETTI, M.; ANDRICH, J. Living the TV Revolution:Unite MHP to the Web or Face IDTV Irrelevance! 15th InternationalConference on World Wide Web, p.899-900, 2006.FUHRHOP, C.; HU, J.; GAFSOU, O. Prototype of Applications, User Interfacesand End User Tools, IST-2000-28298: ICE-CREAM. Abril de 2003.GAMMA, E.; HELM, R.; JOHNSON, R.; VLISSIDES, J., Padrões de Projeto,Editora Bookman, Porto Alegre, 2002.GEARY, D. M., MCCLELLAN, A. L. Graphic Java: mastering the AWT.SunSoft, Prentice Hall, 1997.GOSLING, J.; MCGILTON H. The Java Language Environment. Maio de1996. Disponível em: . Acesso em15/01/2007.FILHO, G. L. S. F.;LEITE, L. E. C.; BATISTA, C. E. C. F. Ginga-J: TheProcedural Middleware for the Brazilian Digital TV System. Journal of TheBraziian Computer Society, Março de 2007, p. 47-56.HAVi Organization, HAVi-Home Audio/Video Interoperability. 1999,Disponível em: . Acesso em 20/10/2005.IERUSALIMSCHY et al. Lua 5.0 Reference Manual. Technical Report MCC -14/03, PUC-Rio, 2003.ISO/IEC 11172-1. Information technology - Coding of moving pictures andassociated audio for digital storage media at up to about 1,5 Mbit/s –Part 1: Systems. ISO Standard, 1993.ISO/IEC 13522-5. Information technology - Coding of multimedia andhypermedia information -- Part 5: Support for base-level interactiveapplications. ISO Standard, 1997.ISO/IEC 13818-6. Information technology - Generic coding of movingpictures and associated audio information - Part 6: Extensions for DSM-CC. ISO Standard, 1998.

7Referências BibliográficasARIB. ARIB STD-B24, Version 3.2, Volume 3: Data Coding and TransmissionSpecification for Digital Broadcasting, ARIB Standard, 2002.ARIB. ARIB STD-B23, Application Execution Engine Platform for DigitalBroadcasting. ARIB Standard, 2004.ATSC. DTV Application Software Environment Level 1 (DASE-1) PART 1:Introduction, Architecture, and Common Facilities. ATSC Standard. Marçode 2003.ATSC. DTV Application Software Environment Level 1 (DASE-1) PART 2:Declarative Applications and Environment. ATSC Standard, Março de 2003.ATSC. Advanced Common Application Platform (ACAP), A/101. Agosto de2005.BDA, Blue-Ray Disc Format – 2.B Audio Visual Application FormatSpecifications for BD-ROM. White paper. Março de 2005.BERNERS-LEE, T. J. The World-Wide Web. Communications of the ACM, v.37, n. 8, Agosto de 1994, p. 76-82.BULTEMAN, D.; RUTLEDGE, L. SMIL 2.0: Interactive Multimedia for Weband Mobile Devices, Springer, 2004.BROWN, A. W.; WALLNAU, C. K. International Workshop on Component-Based Software Engineering. International Conference on SoftwareEngineering ’99 – Los Angeles. 1999.ECMA Standardizing Information and Communication Systems. ECMAScriptLanguage Specification, Standard ECMA 262, 3rd Edition, 1999.ETSI. Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB), Globally Executable MHP (GEM),ETSI TS 102 819 v 1.2.1, Maio de 2004.ETSI. Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB), Multimedia Home Platform (MHP)

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