Sergio Amadeu da Silveira - Cidadania e Redes Digitais

Sergio Amadeu da Silveira - Cidadania e Redes Digitais

Sergio Amadeu da Silveira - Cidadania e Redes Digitais


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eng<br />

c i t i z e n s h i p a n d d i g i t a l n e t w o r k s<br />

perpetuity of information.<br />

The information is perennial, but the media is not. In its life cycle, information<br />

will be transported from one format to another (and from one media to another)<br />

and we cannot accept any loss of <strong>da</strong>ta on these processes.<br />

For editable electronic documents (texts, spreadsheets and presentations) we<br />

have the ODF stan<strong>da</strong>rd, which is developed by an international board (OASIS) 9 and<br />

has been approved as an international stan<strong>da</strong>rd in 2006 (ISO/IEC 26.300) 10 . It was<br />

also adopted as a Brazilian stan<strong>da</strong>rd in 2008, as NBR ISO/IEC 26.300 11 .<br />

ODF documents (.odt files for text, .odt for spreadsheets, and .odp for presentations)<br />

can be manipulated by a wide range of applications from office suites<br />

(as OpenOffice.org) to web portals that provide document viewing and edition, as<br />

Google Docs 12 . The user is totally free to choose.<br />

These documents saved in open stan<strong>da</strong>rd formats will still be accessible, in theory,<br />

within 50 or 100 years, since all information on how <strong>da</strong>ta is stored is available<br />

on Internet and can be used by anyone, with no license required.<br />

Those who control an stan<strong>da</strong>rd for information storage and exchange, can actually<br />

control communication itself, determining when, how and by whom each piece<br />

of information is going to be accessed, shared and manipulated. The only way of<br />

assuring that communication will be truly open is by using open stan<strong>da</strong>rds: using<br />

technology as an ally, and not a trap, for information communication and storage.<br />

For further information about the ODF stan<strong>da</strong>rd, visit: www.odfalliance.org.<br />

9. Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Stan<strong>da</strong>rds Consortium: http://www.<br />

oasis-open.org.<br />

10. “ISO/IEC 26.300:2006: Information technology — Open Document Format for Office Applications<br />

(OpenDocument) v1.0”: http://www.iso.org/iso/catalogue_detail.htm?csnumber=43485.<br />

11. “ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 26300:2008”: http://www.abntcatalogo.com.br/norma.aspx?ID=1549.<br />

12. “Application support for the OpenDocument format”: http://opendocumentfellowship.com/<br />

applications.<br />


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