Sergio Amadeu da Silveira - Cidadania e Redes Digitais

Sergio Amadeu da Silveira - Cidadania e Redes Digitais

Sergio Amadeu da Silveira - Cidadania e Redes Digitais


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eng<br />

c i t i z e n s h i p a n d d i g i t a l n e t w o r k s<br />

ics. The separation is only possible in the forms of a tax-evasion strategy and an<br />

illegitimate fiction. This occurs because the sovereign mechanism implies that the<br />

fictitious, immortal body of the company as a thing (in quantum rex) is separated<br />

from the natural, mortal body of the worker as a man (in quantum homo).<br />

The legal entity — the company, the State — on the one hand is opposed to the<br />

individual (the worker, the subject, the citizen) and, on the other hand, affirms the<br />

perennial of the public matters (res publica: the Treasury). The public matter which<br />

coincides with the immortal figure of sovereignty is precisely the public fund (the<br />

Treasury) and, in turn, the people it governs: the people and the Treasury never die!<br />

The status of the legal entity (a thing) is directly linked to the Treasury (the<br />

State’s patrimony), and that is something that does not belong to anybody (res nullius).<br />

We have here the two elements of the informality situation shammed by forged<br />

invoices or by the precarious status of the self-employed workers: firstly, the living<br />

work does not allow any partition on its vital praxis — which is affective, linguistic,<br />

and communicational —, with respect to the instrumental action that is objectified<br />

in the image of manual labor subordinated to the system of machines; secondly, the<br />

ownership of the resources mobilized and produced by this work does not fit the<br />

“public vs. private” traditional divide.<br />

As the movement for copyleft and free software indicates, the scope of action<br />

for contemporary work, as well as for cultural production, is not anymore defined<br />

as res nullius, but as something that belongs to all: commons! The horizon of Human<br />

Rights is precisely that of the construction of the right to something that belongs to<br />

everyone because it belongs to everyone: the rights of the commons.<br />

Bibliographic references<br />

DELEUZE, Gilles. GUATTARI, Felix. Qu’est-ce que la Philosphie?. Paris: Les<br />

Éditions de Minuit, 1991.<br />

KANTOROWICZ, E. The Sovereignty of the Artist. A Note on Legal Maxims<br />

and Renaissance Theoris of Art (1961). tradução francesa, in KANTORO-<br />

WICZ, Ernst . Mourir pconfecomour la patrie et autres textes, 2004, Fayard,<br />

Paris, p.51.<br />

LEVI, Primo. É Isto um Homem?. Rio de Janeiro: Rocco, 1988.<br />


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