2002 - Instituto de Química - USP

2002 - Instituto de Química - USP

2002 - Instituto de Química - USP


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Paulo Roberto Hrihorowitsch MorenoBIOSSÍNTESE E BIOTECNOLOGIAVEGETALO principal interesse <strong>de</strong> nossa pesquisa é o estudodas rotas biossintéticas envolvidas na formação <strong>de</strong>metabólitos secundários. Estes estudos auxiliam nai<strong>de</strong>alização <strong>de</strong> rotas para o <strong>de</strong>senvolvimento dasíntese química em laboratório. Nesse sentido,estudamos a biossíntese e a produção in vitro <strong>de</strong>alcalói<strong>de</strong>s. Um outro gran<strong>de</strong> interesse <strong>de</strong> nossapesquisa é a busca <strong>de</strong> substâncias naturais queapresentem um emprego potencial na terapêutica.SummaryThe unravelling of the pathways involved in thebiosynthesis of secondary metabolites in higher plantsis the main subject of our research. Another researchinterest is the bioprospection of natural products forantimicrobial and antitumoral activities.Publicações:Santos AP; Cornélio ML; Limberger RP; Appel MA; Henriques A T; MorenoPRH (<strong>2002</strong>) Analysis of the essential oil from Pilocarpus pennatifoliusleaves. Flavour Fragr.J., submetido.Cornélio ML; Lago JHG; Limberger RP; Henriques AT; Moreno PRH. (<strong>2002</strong>)Essential oil from Aspidosperma polyneuron leaves. J. Essent. Oil Res., inpress.Fischer DCH.; Limberger RP; Henriques AT;. Moreno PRH (<strong>2002</strong>) Essentialoils from fruits and leaves of Siparuna guianensis from southeasternBrazil. J. Essent. Oil Res., in pressCornélio ML; Lago JHG; Appel MA, Henriques AT; Moreno PRH (<strong>2002</strong>)Volatile oil composition of Aspidosperma cylindrocarpon leaves. J. Essent.Oil Res., submetidoHoopen HJG ten; Vinke JL; Moreno PRH; Verpoorte R.; Heijnen JJ (<strong>2002</strong>)Influence of temperature on growth and ajmalicine production byC. roseus suspension cultures. Enzyme Microb. Technol. 30:56-65.Vestrialvarenga SA; Gastmans JP; Rodrigues GV; Moreno PRH;Emerenciano VP (2001) A computer-assisted apporach for chemotaxonomicstudies-Diterpenes in Lamiaceae. Phytochemistry 56:583-595.Limberger RP; Appel MA; Sobral MEG; Moreno PRH; Henriques AT; MenutC (2001) Aromatic plants from Brazil- chemical composition of essentialoils from some Campomanesia species (Myrtaceae). J. Essent. Oil Res.13:113-115.Limberger RP; Sobral MEG; Zuanazzi JAS; Moreno PRH; Schapoval EES;Henriques AT (2001) Biological activities and essential oil composition ofleaves of Blepharocalyx salicifolius. Pharmaceutical Biol. 39:308-311.Fig.1 - Culturas in vitro <strong>de</strong> Catharanthus Roseus empregados no estudoda biossíntese <strong>de</strong> alcolói<strong>de</strong>s.Sartorelli P; Benevi<strong>de</strong>s PJC; Ellensohn RM; Rocha MVAF; Moreno PRH;Kato MJ (2001) Enantioselective conversion of p-hydroxypropenylbenzeneto (+)-conocarpan in Piper regnelii. Plant Sci., 161:1083-1088.Limberger RP; Moreno PRH; Farias FM; Sobral MEG; Henriques AT (2001)Essential oil of Myrrhinium atropurpureum (Myrtaceae) leaves. J. Essent.Oil Res.ch, 13:47-48.Limberger RP; Aboy AL; Bassani VL; Moreno PRH; Ritter MR; HenriquesAT (2001) Essential oils from four Mikania species (Asteraceae). J. Essent.Oil Res.13:225-228.Departamento <strong>de</strong> Química Fundamental81<strong>Instituto</strong> <strong>de</strong> Química - Pesquisa 2001 - <strong>2002</strong>

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