2002 - Instituto de Química - USP

2002 - Instituto de Química - USP

2002 - Instituto de Química - USP


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Massuo Jorge KatoResumo da linha <strong>de</strong> pesquisaO estudo <strong>de</strong> produtos naturais <strong>de</strong> origem vegetaltem sido feito objetivando a <strong>de</strong>scoberta <strong>de</strong>substâncias com ativida<strong>de</strong> biológica (antifúngicos,moluscicidas, inseticidas, antichagásicos eantioxidantes), a compreensão <strong>de</strong> seu papel namediação das relações <strong>de</strong> especificida<strong>de</strong> com espécies<strong>de</strong> insetos predadores e visando <strong>de</strong>svendar suaorigem biossintética. É através <strong>de</strong>ste estudo integradoe interdisciplinar que se espera contribuir para oaproveitamento sustentável biodiversida<strong>de</strong>.SummaryMajor interest in natural product chemistry arerelated to the search for bioactive compounds(insecti<strong>de</strong>s, antifungal, antichagasic and antioxidant)to un<strong>de</strong>rstand their ecological role and to the investigationof biosynthetic origin of phenylpropanoid inplants.PublicaçõesKato, M.J. (2001) Global phytochemistry – the Brazilian approach. Phytochemistry57, 621-623.Nihei. K., Kato, M. J., Yamane, T., Palma, M. S & Konno, K. (2001) 2-nitro- and 2,4-dinitrobenzenesulfonami<strong>de</strong>s as protecting groups for primaryamines. SYNLETT (7) 1167-1169.Sartorelli, P., Benevi<strong>de</strong>s, P. J. C., Ellensohn, R. E., Rocha, M. V. A., F. Moreno,P. R. H. and Kato, M. J. (2001) Enantioselective conversion of p-hydroxypropenylbenzene to (+)-conocarpan in Piper regnellii. Plant Science161 (6), 1083-1088.Silva, R. V., Navickiene, H.M. D., Kato, M. J., Bolzani,V. S., Meda, C.I.,Young, M. C. & Furlan, M. (2001) Antifungal ami<strong>de</strong>s from Piper arboreumand Piper tuberculatum. Phytochemistry 521-527.Ferreira, M. J. P., Constantin, M. B., Sartorelli, P., Rodrigues, V., Limberger,R., Henriques, A. T., Kato, M .J. & Emerenciano, V. P. (2001) Computerai<strong>de</strong>dmethod for i<strong>de</strong>ntification of components in essencial oils by 13 CNMR spectroscopy. Analytica Chimica Acta 47, 125-134.Fonseca, F. N., Kato, M. J., Oliveira Jr., L., Pinto Neto, N., Tavares, M. F. M.(2001) Critical assessment of electrolyte systems for the capillary electrophoresisanalysis of phenolic compounds in herbal extracts. The Journalof Microcolumn Separations 13(6), 227-235.Costantin, M. B., Sartorelli, P., Limberger, R., Henriques, A. T., Steppe,M., Ferreira, M. J. P., Ohara, M. T., Emerenciano, V. P. & Kato, M. J.(2001) Essential oils from Piper cernuum and Piper regnellii - Antimicrobialactivities and analysis by GC/MS and 13 C NMR. Planta Medica 67,771-773.Nihei. K., Kato, M. J., Yamane, T., Palma, M. S & Konno, K. (<strong>2002</strong>) Anefficient and versatile synthetis of acylpolyamine spi<strong>de</strong>r toxins. Bioorganic& Medicinal Chemistry Letters (12) 299-302.Rezen<strong>de</strong>, K. R. and Kato, M. J. (<strong>2002</strong>) Diarylbutane and aryltetralonelignans from Virola sebifera. Phytochemistry 61, 427-432.Departamento <strong>de</strong> Química Fundamental71<strong>Instituto</strong> <strong>de</strong> Química - Pesquisa 2001 - <strong>2002</strong>

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