2002 - Instituto de Química - USP

2002 - Instituto de Química - USP

2002 - Instituto de Química - USP


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se esten<strong>de</strong>m <strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong> a Química Teórica até a BiologiaCelular. O volume <strong>de</strong>stas publicações vemaumentando regularmente nos últimos cinco anos,mas, a característica mais notável <strong>de</strong>sta produção éseu impacto, a crescente interdisciplinarida<strong>de</strong> e acolaboração interna e externa. O surgimento <strong>de</strong> novaslinhas <strong>de</strong> pesquisa que acompanham a fronteira,por exemplo em nanotecnologia e genômica,<strong>de</strong>monstram a capacida<strong>de</strong> do IQ<strong>USP</strong> para se renovarmantendo a sua tradição <strong>de</strong> excelência. Apesar dissocontinuamos a aprimorar a qualida<strong>de</strong> dos programas, dos docentes, dos funcionários não docentes e dosestudantes.O mais recente Programa do IQ<strong>USP</strong> é a criação <strong>de</strong>um Curso Noturno <strong>de</strong> Química com ênfaseAmbiental. O fortalecimento das áreas <strong>de</strong> pesquisaem ambiente e ensino da Química representam umnovo <strong>de</strong>safio para o IQ<strong>USP</strong> e mostra, mais uma vez,o compromisso <strong>de</strong>sta unida<strong>de</strong> com políticas públicascentradas no conhecimento, na formação <strong>de</strong> recursoshumanos qualificados e no <strong>de</strong>senvolvimentosustentável. Nos próximos quatro anos o quadrodocente do IQ<strong>USP</strong> passará dos atuais 105 professorespara 117. Esta mudança <strong>de</strong>ve fortalecer a capacida<strong>de</strong>inovadora da instituição tanto na pesquisa quantono ensino.Esperamos que o leitor julgue o proveito <strong>de</strong>stasinformações e nos faça chegar sugestões paraaprimorar este trabalho coletivo <strong>de</strong> divulgação dapesquisa no IQ<strong>USP</strong>.Hernan Chaimovich,Diretorindicators show that IQ<strong>USP</strong> is one of the largest andmost advanced center for teaching and research inchemistry, biochemistry and molecular biology in Brazil.The number of our publications, ranging fromtheoretical chemistry to cell biology, has steadily increased.The most remarkable feature of our scientificoutput is its impact, the growing interdisciplinarynature of our work and the increasing collaborationwithin the Institute as well as with other colleagueshere in Brazil and abroad. New researchprojects in, for example, nanomaterials and genomicsaccompany global scientific ten<strong>de</strong>ncies and <strong>de</strong>monstratethat scientific evolution at the Institute maintainsthe tradition of excellence. The quality of thePrograms and the training of both aca<strong>de</strong>mic and nonteachingstaff continue to be improved.The most recent Program of the IQ<strong>USP</strong> is anun<strong>de</strong>rgraduate professional evening course in chemistrywith emphasis in the environment. Strengtheningresearch in environmental chemistry and biochemistry,as well as research in chemistry teachingrepresent a new challenge for the IQ<strong>USP</strong>. At the sametime this initiative shows the commitment of our institutionwith knowledge based public policies in capacitybuilding and sustainable <strong>de</strong>velopment. In thenext four years our total number of aca<strong>de</strong>mic staffwill grow from the present 105 to 117. This changewill strengthen our innovative capacity in research,teaching and services.We sincerely hope that the rea<strong>de</strong>r profits fromthe information contained in this book and will behappy to hear from you suggestions that help toimprove this collective effort to make public the researchat the IQ<strong>USP</strong>Novembro <strong>2002</strong>Hernan ChaimovichDirectorNovember <strong>2002</strong>.<strong>Instituto</strong> <strong>de</strong> Química - Pesquisa 2001 - <strong>2002</strong> 6 Departamento <strong>de</strong> Química Fundamental

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