2002 - Instituto de Química - USP

2002 - Instituto de Química - USP

2002 - Instituto de Química - USP


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Lúcio AngnesGRUPO DE PESQUISA EM QUÍMICAANALÍTICA INSTRUMENTALO grupo <strong>de</strong> pesquisas li<strong>de</strong>rado pelo professor LúcioAngnes tem dado ênfase ao <strong>de</strong>senvolvimento <strong>de</strong>sensores químicos e <strong>de</strong> métodos eletroanalíticos.Dentre as principais linhas <strong>de</strong> atuação, <strong>de</strong>stacam-se:a) Análises <strong>de</strong> traços e ultra-traços <strong>de</strong> metaispesados em combustíveis e em águas naturais.b) Desenvolvimento <strong>de</strong> metodologias rápidas paraanálise <strong>de</strong> fármacos.c) Construção e avaliação <strong>de</strong> sensores modificadospor filmes <strong>de</strong> porfirinas e por eletro<strong>de</strong>posição <strong>de</strong>metais nobres.d) Utilização <strong>de</strong> métodos <strong>de</strong> análise em fluxo e <strong>de</strong>“batch injection analysis” para elaborar metodologiasanálises rápidas <strong>de</strong> amostras reais.e) Construção e avaliação <strong>de</strong> arranjos <strong>de</strong>microeletrodos modificados visando multiespeciação.f) Construção e avaliação <strong>de</strong> biossensoresassociados a métodos <strong>de</strong> análise em fluxo.Artigos publicados (2001-<strong>2002</strong>):1 – Quintino MSM, Araki, K, Toma, HE, Angnes L – Batch injectionanalysis utilizing modified electro<strong>de</strong>s with tetraruthenated porphyrinfilms for acetaminophen quantification. ELECTROANALYSIS,<strong>2002</strong>, 14, 1236.2 – Quintino MSM, Corbo, D, Bertotti, M, Angnes L – Amperometric<strong>de</strong>termination of acetylsalicylic acid in drugs by batch injectionanalysis at a copper electro<strong>de</strong> in alkaline solutions. TALANTA, <strong>2002</strong>,58, 943.3 – Rocha JRC, Angnes L, Bertotti M, Amperometric <strong>de</strong>tection of nitriteand nitrate at tetraruthenated porphyrin-modified electro<strong>de</strong>s in acontinuous-flow assembly - ANAL CHIM ACTA <strong>2002</strong>, 452, 23.4 – Munoz RAA, Matos RC, Angnes L Gold electro<strong>de</strong>s from compactdiscs modified with platinum for amperometric <strong>de</strong>termination of ascorbicacid in pharmaceutical formulations TALANTA 55 2001, 55, 855.5 – Munoz RAA, Matos RC, Angnes L Amperometric <strong>de</strong>termination ofdipyrone in pharmaceutical formulations with a flow cell containing gol<strong>de</strong>lectro<strong>de</strong>s from recordable compact discs - J PHARM SCI 2001, 90,1972.6 – Matos RC, Gutz IGR, Angnes L. A versatile and pulsation free pneumaticimpeller for flow analysis systems - QUIM NOVA 2001, 24, 795.7 – Matos RC, Pedrotti JJ, Angnes L et al - Flow-injection system withenzyme reactor for differential amperometric <strong>de</strong>termination ofhydrogen peroxi<strong>de</strong> in rainwater - ANAL CHIM ACTA 2001, 441 73.8 – Richter EM, Augelli MA, Angnes L, Magarotto S. - Compactdisks, a new source for gold electro<strong>de</strong>s. Application to the quantificationof copper by PSA - ELECTROANALYSIS, 2001, 13, 760.9 – Brett CMA, Angnes L, Liess HD Carbon film resistors as electro<strong>de</strong>s:Voltammetric properties and application in electroanalysis – ELEC-TROANALYSIS, 2001, 13, 765.Departamento <strong>de</strong> Química Fundamental57<strong>Instituto</strong> <strong>de</strong> Química - Pesquisa 2001 - <strong>2002</strong>

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