2002 - Instituto de Química - USP

2002 - Instituto de Química - USP

2002 - Instituto de Química - USP


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Jorge Cesar MasiniQUÍMICA ANALÍTICA AMBIENTALDuas linhas <strong>de</strong> pesquisa são estudadas1- Desenvolvimento <strong>de</strong> metodologias <strong>de</strong> análisepor injeção seqüencial para monitoramento emtempo real <strong>de</strong> indicadores <strong>de</strong> poluição em ambientesaquáticos.2- Interações da matéria orgânica <strong>de</strong> ocorrêncianatural em solos, águas e sedimentos com cátionsmetálicos, herbicidas e superfícies minerais.SummaryTwo main research areas are being studied in ourlaboratory:1- Development of analytical methodologies automatedby sequential injection analysis for real timemonitoring of pollution indicators in aquatic environments.2- Interactions of natural organic matter occurringin waters, soils and sediments with heavy metalcations, herbici<strong>de</strong>s and mineral surfaces.Publicações:M. Rigobello-Masini, J.C. Masini, Application of modified Gran functionsand <strong>de</strong>rivative methods on data of potentiometric acid titration tostudy the distribution of inorganic carbon species in cultivation mediumof marine microalgae, Analytica Chimica Acta 448 (2001) 239-250.M.S.P. Silva, I.S. da Silva, G. Abate, J.C. Masini, Spectrophotometric <strong>de</strong>terminationof acid volatile sulfi<strong>de</strong> in river sediments by sequential injectionanalysis exploiting the methylene blue reaction, Talanta 53 (2001)843-850.G. Abate, J.C. Masini, Acid Base and complexation properties of a sedimentaryhumic acid. A study on the Barra Bonita reservoir of Tietê river,São Paulo state, Brazil, Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society 12 (2001)109-116.C.X. Galhardo, J.C. Masini, Sequential Injection analysis as a tool for insitu monitoring Fe(II), Fe(III), NO 3- and NO 2- in natural and waste waters,Analytica Chimica Acta 438 (2001) 39-48.I.S. da Silva, G. Abate, J. Lichtig, J.C. Masini, Heavy metal distribution inrecent sediments of the Tietê –Pinheiros river system in São Paulo state,Brazil, Applied Geochemistry 17 (<strong>2002</strong>) 105-116.M.S.P. SIlva, J.C. Masini, Exploiting monosegemented flow analysis toperform in-line standard additions using a single stock standard solutionin spectrophotometric sequential injection procedures, Analytica ChimicaActa 466 (<strong>2002</strong>) 345-352.G. Abate, J. Lichtig, J.C. Masini, Construction and evaluation of a flowthroughcell adapted to a commercial static mercury electro<strong>de</strong> (SMDE) tostudy the adsorption of Cd(II) and Pb(II) on vermiculite, Talanta 58 (<strong>2002</strong>)433-443.G. Abate, J.C. Masini, Complexation of Cd(II) and Pb(II) with humic acidsstudied by anodic stripping voltammetry using differential equilibriumfunctions and discrete site mo<strong>de</strong>ls, Organic Geochemistry 33 (<strong>2002</strong>) 1171-1182.Departamento <strong>de</strong> Química Fundamental51<strong>Instituto</strong> <strong>de</strong> Química - Pesquisa 2001 - <strong>2002</strong>

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