2002 - Instituto de Química - USP

2002 - Instituto de Química - USP

2002 - Instituto de Química - USP


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Ana Maria da Costa FerreiraLABORATÓRIO DE BIOINORGÂNICAE CATÁLISEEstamos particularmente interessados emdiferentes aspectos da reativida<strong>de</strong> apresentada pormetais <strong>de</strong> transição essenciais, inseridos emdiferentes ambientes químicos, formando compostoscapazes <strong>de</strong> atuar como mo<strong>de</strong>los estruturais efuncionais <strong>de</strong> metaloproteínas. Nossas pesquisas maisrecentes focalizam miméticos <strong>de</strong> metaloenzimas<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ntes <strong>de</strong> cobre, envolvidas no metabolismodo oxigênio e seus <strong>de</strong>rivados reativos. Compostosdiimínicos <strong>de</strong> cobre, com diferentes estados <strong>de</strong>oxidação acessíveis e características estruturais,eletroquímicas, magnéticas e espectrais bastanteespecíficas, têm sido preparados e sua ativida<strong>de</strong>catalítica frente a agentes oxidantes, normalmenteencontrados em organismos vivos, como oxigênio,peróxido <strong>de</strong> hidrogênio e peroxinitrito, está sendoinvestigada. Características estruturais dos centrosmetálicos, e <strong>de</strong> intermediários reativos, são<strong>de</strong>terminadas principalmente através <strong>de</strong> técnicasespectroscópicas (UV/Vis, EPR, IR, CD, etc.) ecorrelacionadas com a reativida<strong>de</strong> apresentada naoxidação <strong>de</strong> biomoléculas ou <strong>de</strong> substratos <strong>de</strong> interessecatalítico ou farmacológico.SummaryStudies are carried out on the reactivity of metaltransition ions, inserted in different coordinating environments,as structural and functional mo<strong>de</strong>ls ofmetalloenzymes, <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt of copper, iron, or otheressential metal. We are particularly interested onthose proteins involved in the metabolism of oxygenand its reactive <strong>de</strong>rivatives. Different types of ligands,especially diimines, are used to modulate the metalion properties, as mimics of active sites in biologicalsystems. Metal complexes showing different oxidationstates and specific structural properties are prepared,and its fundamental role in oxidative processes,in the presence of oxidants usually found in livingorganisms (molecular oxygen, hydrogen peroxi<strong>de</strong>,peroxynitrite), is investigated. Our studies are basedon the <strong>de</strong>termination of thermodynamic and kineticparameters, magnetic and spectroscopic properties,<strong>de</strong>tection of reactive intermediates, and i<strong>de</strong>ntificationof oxidized products, by different techniques (UV/Vis, EPR, IR, CD), at the aim of verifying the predominantfactors of the metal ion reactivity.Publicações:M.L.P. Santos, I.A. Bagatin, E.M. Pereira & A.M.D.C. FERREIRA (2001) J.Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 838-844.W.A. Alves, I.A. Bagatin & A.M.D.C. FERREIRA (2001) Inorg. Chim. Acta,321, 11-21.C.A.S. Barbosa, A.M.D.C. FERREIRA, V.R.L. Constantino & A.C.V. Coelho(<strong>2002</strong>) J. Inclusion Phenom. Macroc. Chem., 42, 15-23.H.E. Toma, A.M.D.C. FERREIRA & O.A. SERRA (<strong>2002</strong>) Desenvolvimentoda Química Inorgânica no Brasil, Química Nova, 25 (Supl.) 67-74.W.A. Alves, S.A. Almeida-Filho, R.H. Santos & A.M.D.C. FERREIRA (<strong>2002</strong>)Inorg. Chem. Comm., no prelo.W.A. Alves, S.A. <strong>de</strong> Almeida-Filho, M.V. <strong>de</strong> Almeida, A. Paduan-Filho.C.C. Becerra & A.M.D.C. Ferreira (<strong>2002</strong>) Comparative kinetic studieson tyrosinase-like catalytic activity of dinuclear imidazole-containingcopper(II) complexes. J. Mol. Catal. A:Chem., submetido.M.A.A. Azzellini, I.A. Bagatin & A.M.D.C. Ferreira (<strong>2002</strong>) Oxidative damageto 2-<strong>de</strong>oxy-D-ribose induced by different di-imine copper(II) complexes,J. Inorg. Biochem., submetido..Departamento <strong>de</strong> Química Fundamental13<strong>Instituto</strong> <strong>de</strong> Química - Pesquisa 2001 - <strong>2002</strong>

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