2002 - Instituto de Química - USP

2002 - Instituto de Química - USP

2002 - Instituto de Química - USP


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Susana Ines Córdoba <strong>de</strong> TorresiLABORATÓRIO DE MATERIASELETROATIVOSIntrinsically conducting polymers (ICPs) have beenthe subject of study of many research groups all overthe world due to its scientific importance consi<strong>de</strong>ringboth, chemical processes involved and potentialtechnological applications. These new materials offerthe possibility of combining the intrinsic propertiesof plastics with the electric, magnetic and opticalbehavior of metals and semiconductors. Manyproblems have to be overcome focusing the wi<strong>de</strong>industrial application of these materials, which requirestailoring different materials with specific orparticular properties <strong>de</strong>pending on the applicationrequisites. My research interests in these kinds ofmaterials are focused in applications as chemical sensorsand biosensors, corrosion protection and electrochemicalcontrolled drug <strong>de</strong>livery systems.Publicações:F. Huguenin, R.M. Torresi, D. A Buttry, J. E. Pereira da Silva, S. I. Córdoba<strong>de</strong> Torresi. Electrochimica Acta 46, 3555-3562 (2001).K.. Provazi, M. Malta, R. M. Torresi, S. I. Córdoba <strong>de</strong> Torresi. Journal ofthe Electrochemical Society 148, A1179-A1184 (2001).K.Provazi, M. J. Giz, L. H. Dall’Antonia, S. I. Córdoba <strong>de</strong> Torresi. Journalof Power Sources 102, 224-232 (2001)I.V. Aoki, M.C. Bernard, S.I. Cordoba <strong>de</strong> Torresi, C. Deslouis, H.G. <strong>de</strong>Melo, S. Joiret, B. Tribollet. Electrochimica Acta 46, 1871-1878 (2001).J. E. Pereira da Silva, S. I. Córdoba <strong>de</strong> Torresi, M.L.A . Temperini. SyntheticMetals 119, 331-332 (2001).S. <strong>de</strong> Souza, J.E. Pereira da Silva, S. I. Córdoba <strong>de</strong> Torresi, M. L. A .Temperini, R. M. Torresi. Electrochemical and Solid State Letters 4, B27-B30 (2001).P. A . Fiorito, S. I. Córdoba <strong>de</strong> Torresi. Journal of the Brazilian ChemicalSociety 12, 729-733 (2001).S. Neves , C. Polo Fonseca , R. A. Zoppi , S. I. Cordoba <strong>de</strong> Torresi. Journalof Solid State Electrochemistry 5, 412-418 (2001).E. P. Cintra, S. I. Córdoba <strong>de</strong> Torresi. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry518, 33-40 (<strong>2002</strong>).G. M. do Nascimento, J. E. Pereira da Silva, S. I. Córdoba <strong>de</strong> Torresi,M.L.A. Temeperini. Macromolecules 35, 121-125 (<strong>2002</strong>).G. M. do Nascimento, J.E. Pereira da Silva, S.I. Córdoba <strong>de</strong> Torresi, P.S.Santos, M.L. A. Temperini. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 374,53-58 (<strong>2002</strong>).A. L. Schemid, L. M. Faria, S. I. Córdoba <strong>de</strong> Torresi. Electrochimica Acta47, 2005-2011 (<strong>2002</strong>)D. A. Buttry, S. I. Córdoba <strong>de</strong> Torresi, R. M. Torresi. Journal of the BrazilianChemical Society 13, 449-455 (<strong>2002</strong>).J. A. Cal<strong>de</strong>rón, O. R. Mattos, O. E. Barcia, S.I. Córdoba <strong>de</strong> Torresi, J. E.Pereira da Silva. Electrochim. Acta 47, 4531-4541 (<strong>2002</strong>).<strong>Instituto</strong> <strong>de</strong> Química - Pesquisa 2001 - <strong>2002</strong> 100 Departamento <strong>de</strong> Química Fundamental

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