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during short term and long termocean going voyages. Internat. Rev.Hydrobiol., v. 85, p. 597-608, 2000.Acesso em: 09 de outubro de 2008.GÓMEZ, O.; MARTÍNEZ-IGLESIAS, J.C.Reciente hallazgo de la especieindopacífica Charybdis helleri (A.Milne Edwards, 1867) (Crustacea:Decapoda: Portunidae) en aguascubanas. Caribbean Journal ofScience, v. 26, n. 1/2, p. 70-72,1990.GRANT, W.S.; SCHNEIDER, A.C.; LESLIE,P.W.; CHERRY, M.I. Populationsgenetics of the brown mussel Pernaperna in southern Africa. Journalof Experimental Marine BiologyEcology, v. 165, p. 45-58, 1992.GREY, D.L.; DALL, W.; BAKER, A. A guideto the Australian penaeid prawns,Darwin, Australia. Darwin: NorthernDepartment of Primary Production.1983.GUINOT, D. Constitution de quelques groupesnaturels chez les crustacés décapodesbrachyoures. I. La superfamille desBellioidea et trois sous-famillesde Xanthidae (Polydectinae Dana,Trichiinae de Haan, Actaeinae Alcock).Mémoires du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, v. 97, p. 1-308,1976.HADDAD, M; AZZATI, R.C.; GARCÍA-CARRASCOSA, A.M. Branchiommaluctuosum (Polychaeta: Sabellidae):a non-indigenous species at ValenciaPort (western Mediterranean Sea,Spain). JMBA2 - BiodiversityRecords, 2007. Disponível em:HALIM, Y. On the potential migration ofIndo-Pacific plankton through theSuez Canal. Bulletin de l’Institutocéanographique, v. 7, n. 11-27,1990.HALL, S.J.; BASFORD, D.J.; ROBERTSON,M.R.; RAFFAELLI, D G.; TUCK, I.Patterns of recolonozation and theimportance of pit-digging by crabCancer pagurus in a subtidal sandhabitat. Marine Ecology ProgresSeries, v. 72, p. 93-102, 1991.Hannerz, L. Larval development of thepolychaete families Spionidae Sars,Disomidae Mesnil, and Poecilochaetidaen. fam. in the Gullmar Fjord (Sweden).Zoologiska Bidrag från Uppsala, v.31, p. 1-204, 1956.HANSON, J.A.; GOODWIN, H.L. Diseasesof Penaeid shrimp. In: Shrimp andprawn farming in the WesternHemishere: state-of-the-artreviews and status assessments.Pennsylvania : Dowden, Hutchinson &Ross, Inc. 1977, 439 p.HARANT, H. La faune ascidiologique deBanyuls et de Cette: essai de révisiondês ascidies de la Méditerranéeoccidentale. Annales de L’InstitutOceanographique de Mônaco, v. 4,p. 209-251, 1927.HARANT, H; VERNIÈRES, P. Faune de France- Tuniciers - Fasc. 1: Ascidies v. 27, p.1-101, 1933.348Informe sobre as Espécies Exóticas Invasoras Marinhas no Brasil

during short term and long termocean going voyages. Internat. Rev.Hydrobiol., v. 85, p. 597-608, 2000.Acesso em: 09 de outubro de 2008.GÓMEZ, O.; MARTÍNEZ-IGLESIAS, J.C.Reciente hallazgo de la especiein<strong>do</strong>pacífica Charybdis helleri (A.Milne Edwards, 1867) (Crustacea:Decapoda: Portunidae) en aguascubanas. Caribbean Journal ofScience, v. 26, n. 1/2, p. 70-72,1990.GRANT, W.S.; SCHNEIDER, A.C.; LESLIE,P.W.; CHERRY, M.I. Populationsgenetics of the brown mussel Pernaperna in southern Africa. Journalof Experimental Marine BiologyEcology, v. 165, p. 45-58, 1992.GREY, D.L.; DALL, W.; BAKER, A. A guideto the Australian penaeid prawns,Darwin, Australia. Darwin: NorthernDepartment of Primary Production.1983.GUINOT, D. Constitution de quelques groupesnaturels chez les crustacés décapodesbrachyoures. I. La superfamille desBellioidea et trois sous-famillesde Xanthidae (Polydectinae Dana,Trichiinae de Haan, Actaeinae Alcock).Mémoires du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, v. 97, p. 1-308,1976.HADDAD, M; AZZATI, R.C.; GARCÍA-CARRASCOSA, A.M. Branchiommaluctuosum (Polychaeta: Sabellidae):a non-indigenous species at ValenciaPort (western Mediterranean Sea,Spain). JMBA2 - BiodiversityRecords, 2007. Disponível em:HALIM, Y. On the potential migration ofIn<strong>do</strong>-Pacific plankton through theSuez Canal. Bulletin de l’Institutocéanographique, v. 7, n. 11-27,1990.HALL, S.J.; BASFORD, D.J.; ROBERTSON,M.R.; RAFFAELLI, D G.; TUCK, I.Patterns of recolonozation and theimportance of pit-digging by crabCancer pagurus in a subtidal sandhabitat. Marine Ecology ProgresSeries, v. 72, p. 93-102, 1991.Hannerz, L. Larval development of thepolychaete families Spionidae Sars,Disomidae Mesnil, and Poecilochaetidaen. fam. in the Gullmar Fjord (Sweden).Zoologiska Bidrag från Uppsala, v.31, p. 1-204, 1956.HANSON, J.A.; GOODWIN, H.L. Diseasesof Penaeid shrimp. In: Shrimp andprawn farming in the WesternHemishere: state-of-the-artreviews and status assessments.Pennsylvania : Dowden, Hutchinson &Ross, Inc. 1977, 439 p.HARANT, H. La faune ascidiologique deBanyuls et de Cette: essai de révisiondês ascidies de la Méditerranéeoccidentale. Annales de L’InstitutOceanographique de Mônaco, v. 4,p. 209-251, 1927.HARANT, H; VERNIÈRES, P. Faune de France- Tuniciers - Fasc. 1: Ascidies v. 27, p.1-101, 1933.348Informe sobre as Espécies Exóticas Invasoras Marinhas no Brasil

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