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Re f e r ê n c i a sCARLTON, J.T. Patterns, Mocesses, andprediction in marine invasion ecology.Conservation Biology, n. 78, p. 97-106, 1996.WORLD BANK. 2008. World developmentindicators. Development Data Group,The World Bank, Washington, 418 pp.Disponível em: Acesso em: 04dezembro 2008.Elliott, M. Biological pollutants andbiological pollution - an increasingcause for concern. Marine PollutionBulletin, n. 46, p. 275–280, 2003.HILLIARD, R.W., HUTCHINGS P.A.,RAAYMAKERS, S. Ballast waterrisk assessment for twelveQueensland ports. Stage 4: Reviewof candidate risk biota. EcoPortsMonograph Series, 13 (1997) a.Brisbane, Australia: Ports Corporationof Queensland. 60. +2 Appendices.PIMENTEL, D. Biological invasions:economic and environmentalcosts of alien plant, animal, andmicrobe species. New York: CornellUniversity, 2002, 384 p.SILVA, J.V.S.; FERNANDES, F.C.; LARSEN,K.T.S.; SOUZA, R.C.C.L. Água delastro: ameaça aos ecossistemas.Ciência Hoje, v. 32, n. 188, p. 38-43, 2002.UNEP/CBD. 2004. Indicators for assessingprogress towards the 2010 target:numbers and cost of alien invasions.Note by the Executive Secretary.Subsidiary body on scientific, technicaland technological advice. Agenda forthe tenth meeting, Bangkok, 7-11February 2005, 7 pp. Disponível em: Acessoem: 04 dezembro 2008.Ambiente Marinho 15

Re f e r ê n c i a sCARLTON, J.T. Patterns, Mocesses, andprediction in marine invasion ecology.Conservation Biology, n. 78, p. 97-106, 1996.WORLD BANK. 2008. World developmentindicators. Development Data Group,The World Bank, Washington, 418 pp.Disponível em: Acesso em: 04dezembro 2008.Elliott, M. Biological pollutants andbiological pollution - an increasingcause for concern. Marine PollutionBulletin, n. 46, p. 275–280, 2003.HILLIARD, R.W., HUTCHINGS P.A.,RAAYMAKERS, S. Ballast waterrisk assessment for twelveQueensland ports. Stage 4: Reviewof candidate risk biota. EcoPortsMonograph Series, 13 (1997) a.Brisbane, Australia: Ports Corporationof Queensland. 60. +2 Appendices.PIMENTEL, D. Biological invasions:economic and environmentalcosts of alien plant, animal, andmicrobe species. New York: CornellUniversity, 2002, 384 p.SILVA, J.V.S.; FERNANDES, F.C.; LARSEN,K.T.S.; SOUZA, R.C.C.L. Água delastro: ameaça aos ecossistemas.Ciência Hoje, v. 32, n. 188, p. 38-43, 2002.UNEP/CBD. 2004. Indicators for assessingprogress towards the 2010 target:numbers and cost of alien invasions.Note by the Executive Secretary.Subsidiary body on scientific, technicaland technological advice. Agenda forthe tenth meeting, Bangkok, 7-11February 2005, 7 pp. Disponível em: Acessoem: 04 dezembro 2008.<strong>Ambiente</strong> Marinho 15

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