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Re f e r ê n c i a sAsk, E.I, BATISBAGA, J.A.; ZERTUCHE-GONZÁLEZ, J.A.; DE SAN, M. Threedecades of Kappaphycus alvarezii(Rhodophyta) introductionto non-endemic locations.In: INTERNATIONAL SEAWEEDSYMPOSIUM, 17., 2001, Cape Town.Proceedings. p.49-57.BAGLA, P. Seaweed invader elicits angst inIndia. Science, v. 320, p. 1271, 2008.Baldock, R.N. The Griffithsieae group ofthe Ceramiaceae (Rhodophyta) and itssouthern Australian representatives.Australian Journal of Botany, v. 24,p. 509-93, 1976.Broom, J.E.; Nelson, W.A.; Yarish, C.;Jones, W.A., Aguilar Rosas, R.;Aguilar Rosas, L.E.A reassessmentof the taxonomic status of Porphyrasuborbiculata, Porphyra carolinensisand Porphyra lilliputiana (Bangiales,Rhodophyta) based on molecularand morphological data. EuropeanJournal of Phycology, v. 37, p. 227-235, 2002.CASSANO, V., M.T.M. SZÉCHY, M.T. FUJII,M.T. Laurencia caduciramulosa(Ceramiales, Rhopophyta) from IlhaGrande Bay, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: arecent introduction into the AtlanticOcean?. Cryptogamie. Algologie, v.27, n. 3, p. 265-277, 2006.CASSANO, V. Taxonomia e filogenia docomplexo Laurencia (Ceramiales,Rhodophyta), com ênfase noEstado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.São Paulo, 2009. Tese (Doutoradoem Biodiversidade Vegetal e MeioAmbiente, área de Taxonomia deCriptógamas). Instituto de Botânica,Secretaria do Meio Ambiente.CHANDRASEKARAN, S.; NAGENDRAN, N.A.;PANDIARAJA, D.; KRISHNANKUTTY,N.; KAMALAKANNAN, B. Bioinvasionof Kappaphycus alvarezii in the Gulf ofMannan, India. Current Science, v.94, p. 1167-1172, 2008.Davis, A.R.; Roberts, D.E.; Cummins, S.P.Rapid invasion of a sponge-dominateddeep-reef by Caulerpa scalpelliformis(Chlorophyta) in Botany Bay, NewSouth Wales. Australian Journal ofEcology, v. 22, p. 146-150, 1997.Ertan, Ö.O.; Turna, I.I.; Cormaci, M. Anew record for the marine algal flora ofTurkey: Caulerpa scalpelliformis (Brownex Tuener) C. Agardh (Caulerpaceae,Chlorophyceae). Turkish Journal ofBotany, v. 22, p. 285-287, 1998.Falcão, C.; Széchy, M.T.M. Changes inshallow phytobentic assemblagesin southeastern Brazil, followingthe replacement of Sargassumvulgare (Phaeophyta) by Caulerpascalpelliformis (Chlorophyta). BotanicaMarina, v. 48, p. 208-217, 2005.GESTINARI, L.M.S. Taxonomia edistribuição do gênero CladophoraKutzing(Cladophorales,Chlorophyta) no litoral brasileiro.Recife, 2004. 110 f. Tese (Doutoradoem Botânica). Departamento deBiologia, Centro de Ciências Biológicas,Universidade Rural de Pernambuco.HOEK, C.V.D. A taxonomy revision of theAmerican species of Cladophora(Chlorophyceae) in the NorthAtlantic Ocean and their geographicdistribution. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company, 1982.236 f.Ambiente Marinho 139

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Re f e r ê n c i a sAsk, E.I, BATISBAGA, J.A.; ZERTUCHE-GONZÁLEZ, J.A.; DE SAN, M. Threedecades of Kappaphycus alvarezii(Rho<strong>do</strong>phyta) introductionto non-endemic locations.In: INTERNATIONAL SEAWEEDSYMPOSIUM, 17., 2001, Cape Town.Proceedings. p.49-57.BAGLA, P. Seaweed invader elicits angst inIndia. Science, v. 320, p. 1271, 2008.Bal<strong>do</strong>ck, R.N. The Griffithsieae group ofthe Ceramiaceae (Rho<strong>do</strong>phyta) and itssouthern Australian representatives.Australian Journal of Botany, v. 24,p. 509-93, 1976.Broom, J.E.; Nelson, W.A.; Yarish, C.;Jones, W.A., Aguilar Rosas, R.;Aguilar Rosas, L.E.A reassessmentof the taxonomic status of Porphyrasuborbiculata, Porphyra carolinensisand Porphyra lilliputiana (Bangiales,Rho<strong>do</strong>phyta) based on molecularand morphological data. EuropeanJournal of Phycology, v. 37, p. 227-235, 2002.CASSANO, V., M.T.M. SZÉCHY, M.T. FUJII,M.T. Laurencia caduciramulosa(Ceramiales, Rhopophyta) from IlhaGrande Bay, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: arecent introduction into the AtlanticOcean?. Cryptogamie. Algologie, v.27, n. 3, p. 265-277, 2006.CASSANO, V. Taxonomia e filogenia <strong>do</strong>complexo Laurencia (Ceramiales,Rho<strong>do</strong>phyta), com ênfase noEsta<strong>do</strong> <strong>do</strong> Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.São Paulo, 2009. Tese (Doutora<strong>do</strong>em Biodiversidade Vegetal e <strong>Meio</strong><strong>Ambiente</strong>, área de Taxonomia deCriptógamas). Instituto de Botânica,Secretaria <strong>do</strong> <strong>Meio</strong> <strong>Ambiente</strong>.CHANDRASEKARAN, S.; NAGENDRAN, N.A.;PANDIARAJA, D.; KRISHNANKUTTY,N.; KAMALAKANNAN, B. Bioinvasionof Kappaphycus alvarezii in the Gulf ofMannan, India. Current Science, v.94, p. 1167-1172, 2008.Davis, A.R.; Roberts, D.E.; Cummins, S.P.Rapid invasion of a sponge-<strong>do</strong>minateddeep-reef by Caulerpa scalpelliformis(Chlorophyta) in Botany Bay, NewSouth Wales. Australian Journal ofEcology, v. 22, p. 146-150, 1997.Ertan, Ö.O.; Turna, I.I.; Cormaci, M. Anew record for the marine algal flora ofTurkey: Caulerpa scalpelliformis (Brownex Tuener) C. Agardh (Caulerpaceae,Chlorophyceae). Turkish Journal ofBotany, v. 22, p. 285-287, 1998.Falcão, C.; Széchy, M.T.M. Changes inshallow phytobentic assemblagesin southeastern Brazil, followingthe replacement of Sargassumvulgare (Phaeophyta) by Caulerpascalpelliformis (Chlorophyta). BotanicaMarina, v. 48, p. 208-217, 2005.GESTINARI, L.M.S. Taxonomia edistribuição <strong>do</strong> gênero Cla<strong>do</strong>phoraKutzing(Cla<strong>do</strong>phorales,Chlorophyta) no litoral brasileiro.Recife, 2004. 110 f. Tese (Doutora<strong>do</strong>em Botânica). Departamento deBiologia, Centro de Ciências Biológicas,Universidade Rural de Pernambuco.HOEK, C.V.D. A taxonomy revision of theAmerican species of Cla<strong>do</strong>phora(Chlorophyceae) in the NorthAtlantic Ocean and their geographicdistribution. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company, 1982.236 f.<strong>Ambiente</strong> Marinho 139

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